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258463-2015 - Planning
Notice View
Name and addresses
Official name: The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Postal address: Wilmslow Road
Town: Manchester
Postal code: M20 4BX
Country: United Kingdom
For the attention of: Vicki Stansfield
Telephone: +44 1619182094
Postal address: Wilmslow Road
Town: Manchester
Postal code: M20 4BX
Country: United Kingdom
For the attention of: Vicki Stansfield
Telephone: +44 1619182094
Additional information can be obtained from:
the abovementioned address
the abovementioned address
CPV code(s)
72212932 Entertainment software development services
Entertainment software development services .
Languages and formats
Official language
258463-2015 - PlanningSee the notice on TED website 
258463-2015 - PlanningUnited Kingdom-Manchester: Entertainment software development services
OJ S 140/2015 23/07/2015
Prior information notice
Directive 2004/18/EC
Section I: Contracting authority
Name and addresses
Official name: The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Postal address: Wilmslow Road
Town: Manchester
Postal code: M20 4BX
Country: United Kingdom
For the attention of: Vicki Stansfield
Telephone: +44 1619182094
Postal address: Wilmslow Road
Town: Manchester
Postal code: M20 4BX
Country: United Kingdom
For the attention of: Vicki Stansfield
Telephone: +44 1619182094
Additional information can be obtained from:
the abovementioned address
the abovementioned address
Type of the contracting authority
Body governed by public law
Main activity
Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no
Section II.B: Object of the contract - Supplies or services
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority
Type of contract and place of delivery or of performance
Service category No 7: Computer and related services
NUTS code UKD3 Greater Manchester
Information about framework agreement
Short description of nature and quantity or value of supplies or services
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust is calling for expressions of interest to this Prior Information Notice from suitably qualified vendors of consumer entertainment/information platforms to work in partnership with the Trust. Ambition is to produce a patient information/entertainment platform delivering patient tailored content over wireless infrastructure to mobile devices within the Trust.
The Trust has extensive experience developing electronic patient systems and integrating disparate systems. We wish to leverage this expertise to work with a partner in developing a tightly integrated solution connected to our patient record to improve patient experience.
The partner vendor is expected to bring several areas of expertise and resource to the contract:
— Proven experience delivering multi-media entertainment via mobile devices.
— Existing licensing arrangements for movies, television, radio, magazines ebooks, and audiobooks.
— Software development human resource to work alongside Trust staff developing the product.
— Expertise in system integration.
— Service innovation.
— Capital resources.
— Business development expertise.
The Trust intends to use the Innovation Partnership procedure for any subsequent procurement process and is wishing to enter a long-term partnership with an organisation to develop a new patient focused extensible information/entertainment platform.
Interested organisations are invited to express their interest in this potential opportunity by contacting the Chief Information Officer via email at: before midday on 3rd of August.
Individual informal discussions will be held with interested parties who express an interest during August 2015.
It should be noted that this engagement exercise in no way guarantees that a procurement exercise will be run at a later date. At this stage the purpose is to gather information and any organisations that participate do so at their own risk.
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust is calling for expressions of interest to this Prior Information Notice from suitably qualified vendors of consumer entertainment/information platforms to work in partnership with the Trust. Ambition is to produce a patient information/entertainment platform delivering patient tailored content over wireless infrastructure to mobile devices within the Trust.
The Trust has extensive experience developing electronic patient systems and integrating disparate systems. We wish to leverage this expertise to work with a partner in developing a tightly integrated solution connected to our patient record to improve patient experience.
The partner vendor is expected to bring several areas of expertise and resource to the contract:
— Proven experience delivering multi-media entertainment via mobile devices.
— Existing licensing arrangements for movies, television, radio, magazines ebooks, and audiobooks.
— Software development human resource to work alongside Trust staff developing the product.
— Expertise in system integration.
— Service innovation.
— Capital resources.
— Business development expertise.
The Trust intends to use the Innovation Partnership procedure for any subsequent procurement process and is wishing to enter a long-term partnership with an organisation to develop a new patient focused extensible information/entertainment platform.
Interested organisations are invited to express their interest in this potential opportunity by contacting the Chief Information Officer via email at: before midday on 3rd of August.
Individual informal discussions will be held with interested parties who express an interest during August 2015.
It should be noted that this engagement exercise in no way guarantees that a procurement exercise will be run at a later date. At this stage the purpose is to gather information and any organisations that participate do so at their own risk.
CPV code(s)
72212932 Entertainment software development services
Scheduled date for start of award procedures
Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no
Additional information
The Contracting Authority intends to use an eTendering system in this procurement exercise and reserves the right to use a reverse auction.
The Contracting Authority intends to use an eTendering system in this procurement exercise and reserves the right to use a reverse auction.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Conditions related to the contract
Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them
Conditions for participation
Information about reserved contracts
Section VI: Complementary information
Information about European Union funds
Additional information
The Contracting Authority intends to use an eTendering system in this procurement exercise and reserves the right to use a reverse auction.
The Contracting Authority intends to use an eTendering system in this procurement exercise and reserves the right to use a reverse auction.
Information on general regulatory framework
Date of dispatch of this notice

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