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Registration: TED eSender Workshop on 28 March 2025
Registrations are now open for our TED eSender Workshop, which will take place online using Webex on Friday, 28 March 2025, from 10.00 to 16.00 CET.
Register by 12.00 CET on Thursday, 27 March. You will receive the connection details the day before the event. The agenda is available on the event website. As the session will be recorded, you are also invited to read our privacy statement.
If you have any questions, please contact
We look forward to seeing you there.
Have a look at the list of TED search fields
TED offers you free access to thousands of new notices every day. On TED Developer Docs, you can find the full list of search fields that are used on the TED website. We strongly encourage you to have a look at this table to combine the search fields most suitable for your query in the expert search, and to easily find the notices matching your needs.
Discover the TED 2025 event calendar
The Publications Office is pleased to announce its calendar of TED events, meetings and workshops for 2025. Most of the entries featured in the calendar will take place online and are recurrent gatherings that you may have already heard about as a member of the TED community.
Navigating eForms Change Management
For those of you in the TED community curious to know more about the principles, reasoning, and methods used to control the impact of changes with the eForms SDK, we are happy to announce we have just published a comprehensive post on our TED Developer Docs site. The article examines why changes occur, how they are propagated and controlled, and what safeguards are in place and thus hopefully demystifies the process, helping you explore the different options that are available to you for increasing your resilience to change and its impact.
Find out more about the fair usage policy on TED
In order to allow as many users as possible to profit from our services, we have put in place rules which define the fair usage policy we currently have on TED.
Registration: TED eSender Workshop on 26 September 2024
Registrations are now open for our TED eSender Workshop, which will take place online using Webex on Thursday 26 September 2024, 10.00-16.00 CEST.
Register by 12.00 CEST on Wednesday 25 September. You will receive the connection details the day before the event.
The agenda is available on the event website. As the session will be recorded, you are also invited to read our privacy statement.
If you have any questions, please contact
Register now for the TED-together event on 3-4 December 2024
As the manager of TED (Tenders Electronic Daily), the Publications Office of the European Union is pleased to announce its upcoming 'TED-together’ event, which will take place on 3-4 December 2024 in hybrid format in Luxembourg and online.
SAVE THE DATE! TED eSender workshops in 2024
The Publications Office is pleased to announce its annual calendar of TED eSender workshops in 2024.
Please save the dates in your calendar:
- 20 March (Q1)
- 20 June (Q2)
- 26 September (Q3)
- 3-4 December (Q4)
The workshops will cover business and technical issues that are relevant to eSenders, as the successor to previous eForms technical workshops and annual seminars.
As a reminder to eSenders, please make sure to update your profile in the TED Developer Portal in Production and Preview environments with any additional email addresses via which you would like to receive communications from the Publications Office, such as events announcements.
For SDK releases, you can use the "watch" repository feature of GitHub to receive notifications.
Workshop for reusers of TED data on 17 April 2024
The fifth online workshop for reusers of TED data is taking place on the 17th of April 2024.
The main purpose of this workshop is to address any questions reusers might have following the launch of the new TED portal.
If you are interested, please register for the workshop here.
Registration: TED event on 29-30 April 2024
We are thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the upcoming event, "Public Procurement Data Superpowers: Transparency in public procurement – Harnessing artificial intelligence".