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035074-2021 - Contract modification
Notice View
Name and addresses
Official name: NHS Shared Business Services and North Of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
Official name: NHS Shared Business Services and North Of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
National registration number: 05280446
Postal address: NHS SBS (Halyard Court, 31 Broadway, The Quays) NOE CPC (Don Valley House, Savile Street East, Sheffield, S4 7UQ)
Town: Salford and Sheffield
NUTS code: UK United Kingdom
Postal code: M50 2UW
Country: United Kingdom
Contact person: Sakir Mahmud and Alison Petrie
Telephone: +44 1612122420
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Link: 2 IT Hardware
Reference number: 2017/S 011-015912
Main CPV code
30200000 Computer equipment and supplies
30200000 Computer equipment and supplies
Type of contract
Link: 2 IT Hardware
Additional CPV code(s)
30210000 Data-processing machines (hardware), 30212000 Minicomputer hardware, 30213100 Portable computers, 30213200 Tablet computer, 30213300 Desktop computer, 30214000 Workstations, 30215000 Microcomputer hardware, 30215100 Central processing units for microcomputers, 30216100 Optical readers, 30231000 Computer screens and consoles, 30231300 Display screens, 30232000 Peripheral equipment, 30237000 Parts, accessories and supplies for computers, 30216110 Scanners for computer use, 30230000 Computer-related equipment, 30231320 Touch screen monitors, 30232100 Printers and plotters, 30232110 Laser printers, 30232130 Colour graphics printers, 30232150 Inkjet printers, 30236000 Miscellaneous computer equipment, 30237200 Computer accessories, 30237300 Computer supplies, 32323000 Video monitors, 32323100 Colour video monitors, 32351200 Screens, 33111200 X-ray workstations, 33197000 Medical computer equipment, 39134000 Computer furniture, 48624000 Personal computer (PC) operating system software package, 50300000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment, 50324000 Support services of personal computers, 51600000 Installation services of computers and office equipment, 51611000 Installation services of computers, 51611100 Hardware installation services, 51612000 Installation services of information-processing equipment, 72510000 Computer-related management services, 72610000 Computer support services, 72611000 Technical computer support services
30210000 Data-processing machines (hardware), 30212000 Minicomputer hardware, 30213100 Portable computers, 30213200 Tablet computer, 30213300 Desktop computer, 30214000 Workstations, 30215000 Microcomputer hardware, 30215100 Central processing units for microcomputers, 30216100 Optical readers, 30231000 Computer screens and consoles, 30231300 Display screens, 30232000 Peripheral equipment, 30237000 Parts, accessories and supplies for computers, 30216110 Scanners for computer use, 30230000 Computer-related equipment, 30231320 Touch screen monitors, 30232100 Printers and plotters, 30232110 Laser printers, 30232130 Colour graphics printers, 30232150 Inkjet printers, 30236000 Miscellaneous computer equipment, 30237200 Computer accessories, 30237300 Computer supplies, 32323000 Video monitors, 32323100 Colour video monitors, 32351200 Screens, 33111200 X-ray workstations, 33197000 Medical computer equipment, 39134000 Computer furniture, 48624000 Personal computer (PC) operating system software package, 50300000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment, 50324000 Support services of personal computers, 51600000 Installation services of computers and office equipment, 51611000 Installation services of computers, 51611100 Hardware installation services, 51612000 Installation services of information-processing equipment, 72510000 Computer-related management services, 72610000 Computer support services, 72611000 Technical computer support services
Place of performance
NUTS code: UK United Kingdom
Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession
Duration in months: 48
Duration in months: 48
Contract No: 12
Link: 2 IT Hardware
Main CPV code
30200000 Computer equipment and supplies
30200000 Computer equipment and supplies
Place of performance
NUTS code: UK United Kingdom
Description of the procurement
Procurement for the provision of IT hardware and services that fall within lots for desktops, laptops, tablets, healthcare IT, clinical monitors, green IT, printers/scanners, deployment services, third party warranty and One Stop Shop.
The framework will be for the benefit of all public sector bodies, including any statutory and other successor organisations to any of the foregoing and in addition any other commissioners (whether alone of jointly with any other organisation), providers and regulators of NHS funded (either in whole or in part) services including practice based commissioning consortia, general practice commissioning consortia, NHS England and all subnational offices including any body obtaining new membership to NHS Shared Business Services Ltd and/or NOE CPC. This list may be subject to change and can include other organisations that are NHS SBS and/or NOE CPC members.
Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession
Duration in months: 51
Duration in months: 51
Information on value of the contract/lot/concession
Total value of the contract/lot/concession: 42 000 000,00 GBP
Total value of the contract/lot/concession: 42 000 000,00 GBP
Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire
Official name: XMA Ltd
Official name: XMA Ltd
Town: Nottingham
NUTS code: UK United Kingdom
Country: United Kingdom
The contractor/concessionaire is an SME: no
Reasons for modification
Need for modification brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority/entity could not foresee (Art. 43(1)(c) of Directive 2014/23/EU, Art. 72(1)(c) of Directive 2014/24/EU, Art. 89(1)(c) of Directive 2014/25/EU)
Description of the circumstances which rendered the modification necessary and explanation of the unforeseen nature of these circumstances:
The justification for the extension is that the necessary NHS expertise is not currently available to support the tender evaluation as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, framework continuity is required during a period of high demand and priority to support the operational needs of the NHS in procuring these particular products and services at short notice. The Covid-19 pandemic meets the conditions outlined under 72(1) (c) of PCR 2015, and it is under those conditions that a modification to the duration of the framework is proposed to be made. In making such a modification it is understood that NHS SBS and NOE CPC would be required to send a notice to OJEU for publication outlined under 72(3) of PCR 2015.
Increase in price
Updated total contract value before the modifications (taking into account possible earlier contract modifications and price adaptions and, in the case of Directive 2014/23/EU, average inflation in the Member State concerned)
Value excluding VAT: 42 000 000,00 GBP
Total contract value after the modifications
Value excluding VAT: 42 000 000,00 GBP
Languages and formats
Official language
35074-2021 - Contract modificationSee the notice on TED website
35074-2021 - Contract modificationUnited Kingdom-Salford and Sheffield: Computer equipment and supplies
OJ S 15/2021 22/01/2021
Modification notice
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority/entity
Name and addresses
Official name: NHS Shared Business Services and North Of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
Official name: NHS Shared Business Services and North Of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
National registration number: 05280446
Postal address: NHS SBS (Halyard Court, 31 Broadway, The Quays) NOE CPC (Don Valley House, Savile Street East, Sheffield, S4 7UQ)
Town: Salford and Sheffield
NUTS code: UK United Kingdom
Postal code: M50 2UW
Country: United Kingdom
Contact person: Sakir Mahmud and Alison Petrie
Telephone: +44 1612122420
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
Scope of the procurement
Link: 2 IT Hardware
Reference number: 2017/S 011-015912
Main CPV code
30200000 Computer equipment and supplies
30200000 Computer equipment and supplies
Type of contract
Link: 2 IT Hardware
Additional CPV code(s)
30210000 Data-processing machines (hardware), 30212000 Minicomputer hardware, 30213100 Portable computers, 30213200 Tablet computer, 30213300 Desktop computer, 30214000 Workstations, 30215000 Microcomputer hardware, 30215100 Central processing units for microcomputers, 30216100 Optical readers, 30231000 Computer screens and consoles, 30231300 Display screens, 30232000 Peripheral equipment, 30237000 Parts, accessories and supplies for computers, 30216110 Scanners for computer use, 30230000 Computer-related equipment, 30231320 Touch screen monitors, 30232100 Printers and plotters, 30232110 Laser printers, 30232130 Colour graphics printers, 30232150 Inkjet printers, 30236000 Miscellaneous computer equipment, 30237200 Computer accessories, 30237300 Computer supplies, 32323000 Video monitors, 32323100 Colour video monitors, 32351200 Screens, 33111200 X-ray workstations, 33197000 Medical computer equipment, 39134000 Computer furniture, 48624000 Personal computer (PC) operating system software package, 50300000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment, 50324000 Support services of personal computers, 51600000 Installation services of computers and office equipment, 51611000 Installation services of computers, 51611100 Hardware installation services, 51612000 Installation services of information-processing equipment, 72510000 Computer-related management services, 72610000 Computer support services, 72611000 Technical computer support services
30210000 Data-processing machines (hardware), 30212000 Minicomputer hardware, 30213100 Portable computers, 30213200 Tablet computer, 30213300 Desktop computer, 30214000 Workstations, 30215000 Microcomputer hardware, 30215100 Central processing units for microcomputers, 30216100 Optical readers, 30231000 Computer screens and consoles, 30231300 Display screens, 30232000 Peripheral equipment, 30237000 Parts, accessories and supplies for computers, 30216110 Scanners for computer use, 30230000 Computer-related equipment, 30231320 Touch screen monitors, 30232100 Printers and plotters, 30232110 Laser printers, 30232130 Colour graphics printers, 30232150 Inkjet printers, 30236000 Miscellaneous computer equipment, 30237200 Computer accessories, 30237300 Computer supplies, 32323000 Video monitors, 32323100 Colour video monitors, 32351200 Screens, 33111200 X-ray workstations, 33197000 Medical computer equipment, 39134000 Computer furniture, 48624000 Personal computer (PC) operating system software package, 50300000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment, 50324000 Support services of personal computers, 51600000 Installation services of computers and office equipment, 51611000 Installation services of computers, 51611100 Hardware installation services, 51612000 Installation services of information-processing equipment, 72510000 Computer-related management services, 72610000 Computer support services, 72611000 Technical computer support services
Place of performance
NUTS code: UK United Kingdom
Description of the procurement at the time of conclusion of the contract
Procurement for the provision of IT hardware and services that fall within lots for desktops, laptops, tablets, healthcare IT, clinical monitors, green IT, printers/scanners, deployment services, third party warranty and One Stop Shop.
The framework will be for the benefit of all public sector bodies, including any statutory and other successor organisations to any of the foregoing and in addition any other commissioners (whether alone of jointly with any other organisation), providers and regulators of NHS funded (either in whole or in part) services including practice based commissioning consortia, general practice commissioning consortia, NHS England and all subnational offices including any body obtaining new membership to NHS Shared Business Services Ltd and/or NOE CPC. This list may be subject to change and can include other organisations that are NHS SBS and/or NOE CPC members.
Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession
Duration in months: 48
Duration in months: 48
Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
Section IV: Procedure
Administrative information
Section V: Award of contract/concession
Contract No: 12
Link: 2 IT Hardware
Award of contract/concession
Date of conclusion of the contract/concession award decision
Information about tenders
The contract/concession has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
The contract/concession has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire
Official name: XMA Ltd
Official name: XMA Ltd
Town: Nottingham
NUTS code: UK United Kingdom
Country: United Kingdom
The contractor/concessionaire is an SME: noV.2.4.
Information on value of the contract/lot/concession
Total value of the procurement: 42 000 000,00 GBP
Total value of the procurement: 42 000 000,00 GBP
Section VI: Complementary information
Additional information
Procedures for review
Review body
Official name: NHS Shared Business Services
Official name: NHS Shared Business Services
Town: Salford
Country: United Kingdom
Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
OJEU procedures include a minimum 10 calendar day standstill period at the point information on the award of the contract is communicated to bidders. This period allows unsuccessful bidders to seek further debriefing from the contracting authority before the contract is entered into. Such information should be requested from NHS SBS. If an appeal regarding the award of a contract has not been successfully resolved the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (SI 2006 No 5) provide for aggrieved parties who have been harmed or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England, Wales and Northern Ireland). Any such action must be brought promptly.
Date of dispatch of this notice
Section VII: Modifications to the contract/concession
Description of the procurement after the modifications
Main CPV code
30200000 Computer equipment and supplies
30200000 Computer equipment and supplies
Additional CPV code(s)
Place of performance
NUTS code: UK United Kingdom
Description of the procurement
Procurement for the provision of IT hardware and services that fall within lots for desktops, laptops, tablets, healthcare IT, clinical monitors, green IT, printers/scanners, deployment services, third party warranty and One Stop Shop.
The framework will be for the benefit of all public sector bodies, including any statutory and other successor organisations to any of the foregoing and in addition any other commissioners (whether alone of jointly with any other organisation), providers and regulators of NHS funded (either in whole or in part) services including practice based commissioning consortia, general practice commissioning consortia, NHS England and all subnational offices including any body obtaining new membership to NHS Shared Business Services Ltd and/or NOE CPC. This list may be subject to change and can include other organisations that are NHS SBS and/or NOE CPC members.
Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession
Duration in months: 51In the case of framework agreements, provide justification for any duration exceeding 4 years:
Duration in months: 51In the case of framework agreements, provide justification for any duration exceeding 4 years:
The Covid-19 pandemic meets the conditions outlined under 72(1) (c) of PCR 2015, and it is Under those conditions that a modification to the duration of the framework is proposed to be made. In making such a modification it is understood that NHS SBS and NOE CPC would be required to send a notice to OJEU for publication outlined under 72(3) of PCR 2015.
Information on value of the contract/lot/concession
Total value of the contract/lot/concession: 42 000 000,00 GBP
Total value of the contract/lot/concession: 42 000 000,00 GBP
Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire
Official name: XMA Ltd
Official name: XMA Ltd
Town: Nottingham
NUTS code: UK United Kingdom
Country: United Kingdom
The contractor/concessionaire is an SME: noVII.2.
Information about modifications
Description of the modifications
Nature and extent of the modifications (with indication of possible earlier changes to the contract):
Nature and extent of the modifications (with indication of possible earlier changes to the contract):
Decision taken to extend framework agreement by 3 months to 12 March 2021 given the high priority operational needs of NHS to procure these particular products and services at short notice during the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Reasons for modification
Need for modification brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority/entity could not foresee (Art. 43(1)(c) of Directive 2014/23/EU, Art. 72(1)(c) of Directive 2014/24/EU, Art. 89(1)(c) of Directive 2014/25/EU)
Description of the circumstances which rendered the modification necessary and explanation of the unforeseen nature of these circumstances:
The justification for the extension is that the necessary NHS expertise is not currently available to support the tender evaluation as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, framework continuity is required during a period of high demand and priority to support the operational needs of the NHS in procuring these particular products and services at short notice. The Covid-19 pandemic meets the conditions outlined under 72(1) (c) of PCR 2015, and it is under those conditions that a modification to the duration of the framework is proposed to be made. In making such a modification it is understood that NHS SBS and NOE CPC would be required to send a notice to OJEU for publication outlined under 72(3) of PCR 2015.
Increase in price
Updated total contract value before the modifications (taking into account possible earlier contract modifications and price adaptions and, in the case of Directive 2014/23/EU, average inflation in the Member State concerned)
Value excluding VAT: 42 000 000,00 GBP
Total contract value after the modifications
Value excluding VAT: 42 000 000,00 GBP
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