An official website of the European Union

About search results

Results list

The Search results page displays the notices which correspond to your search criteria. The search criteria you have defined are visible at the top of the page. You have the option to disable the display of the search criteria in the results list at any time, through the ‘Preferences’ section of your account.

The number of the displayed results per page are based on your preferences. As a signed in user, you can change the number of items per search results page (10, 25, 50, 100) in the ‘Preferences’ section of your account at any time. You may navigate to a next/previous page using the ‘Page navigator’ or by typing a specific page number into the Page number input box.

Create search alert (signed in users only)

You can create a search alert, to be notified about new results matching your search. You can select one of the following frequencies for the alert:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Monthly

You can have up to 25 search alerts. After reaching the maximum number, you can only save an additional alert, if you overwrite an existing one. You can view and modify your search alerts at any time in the ‘My Dashboard’ section.

Create notice alert (signed in users only)

After selecting at least one notice from your search results list, you can select the option to Create a notice alert. In this case, every time a related notice is published you will receive an email notification. You can view and modify your notice alerts at any time in the ‘My Dashboard’ section.


You can download the entire search results list, or specific selected notices in:

  • PDF in the browsing language
  • PDF in the official language
    • For signed in users the limit is 15,000 notices
    • For guest users the limit is 3,000 notices
  • XML
    • For signed in users the limit is 45,000 notices
    • For guest users the limit is 9,000 notices

Export list

You can export additional metadata for the entire list, or for specific selected notices in:

  • Excel
    • For signed in users the limit is 150,000 notices
    • For guest users the limit is 30,000 notices
  • PDF
    • For signed in users the limit is 150,000 notices
    • For guest users the limit is 30,000 notices
  • CSV
    • For signed in users the limit is 450,000 notices
    • For guest users the limit is 90,000 notices

To export the list, you must select at least one metadata field. You can use the ‘Filter box’ to search for metadata.

Please note that it is possible that upon selection of certain metadata fields, an empty exported list is displayed for notices using the “TED Schema” format. This is because some metadata are not indexed for notices using the old format “TED schema”. However, in notices based on the eForms format, all the metadata are indexed.

Share/edit the URL

At any time, you can copy the URL and share it with another user. The recipient will be able to view the same results as you. As the search query parameters are part of the URL, you can directly edit the URL defining a new search query and retrieve the updated corresponding search results.

Example: Your URL is the following (after the ‘?’ you can find the parameters of the search query):

  • search/result?FT=paris&search-scope=ACTIVE

The above search query means:

  • Search scope is 'Active notices'
  • Checks notices which include the free text (FT) phrase 'paris'

By editing the URL you can instantly change the search scope, by replacing ‘ACTIVE’ with “ALL”:

  • search/result?FT=paris&search-scope=ALL
    • To search using ‘All’ notices scope
  • search/result?FT=paris&search-scope=LATEST
    • To search using the ‘Current OJ S issue' scope

Or change the free text (FT), by replacing the phrase ‘Paris’ with another phrase:

  • search/result?FT=luxembourg&search-scope=ACTIVE
  • search/result?FT=agriculture&search-scope=LATEST