390186-2024 - Licitación

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NoruegaServicios de gestión de energía
Procurement - Management and procurement of electricity.
NoruegaEn cualquier parte de un país dado
Valor estimado, IVA excluido960 000 000,00 NOK
Tipo de procedimientoNegociado con publicación previa de un anuncio de licitación / licitación con negociación

CompradorPolitiets fellestjenester
Correo electrónicolisbeth.austad@politiet.no

LOT-0000Procurement - Management and procurement of electricity.
Servicios de gestión de energía
NoruegaEn cualquier parte de un país dado
Duración3 Años
Valor estimado, IVA excluido960 000 000,00 NOK
Plazo de recepción de solicitudes de participación21/08/2024 - 10:00:00 (UTC)

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390186-2024 - Licitación
Noruega – Servicios de gestión de energía – Procurement - Management and procurement of electricity.
OJ S 126/2024 01/07/2024
Anuncio de contrato o de concesión. Régimen normal
1. Comprador
Denominación oficialPolitiets fellestjenester
Correo electrónicolisbeth.austad@politiet.no
Naturaleza jurídica del comprador: Autoridad estatal
Actividad del poder adjudicador: Orden público y seguridad
2. Procedimiento
TítuloProcurement - Management and procurement of electricity.
DescripciónPoliti- og lensmannsetaten (The Police) will procure a contract for management and purchase of electricity. The procurement is for the entire Police force, including police districts and special bodies.
Identificador del procedimientodbd14f00-1b42-4120-a795-a03d00addee4
Identificador interno24/109398
Tipo de procedimientoNegociado con publicación previa de un anuncio de licitación / licitación con negociación
El procedimiento está aceleradono
Naturaleza del contratoServicios
Clasificación principal (cpv): 71314200 Servicios de gestión de energía
Clasificación adicional (cpv): 09310000 Electricidad
Lugar de ejecución
En cualquier parte de un país dado
Información complementariaThe delivery of electricity shall be carried out to all locations listed in the tender documentation. The contracting authority ́s gender neutral preferred and the place of contract management are in Oslo.
Valor estimado, IVA excluido960 000 000,00 NOK
Información general
Base jurídica
Directiva 2014/24/UE
Motivos de exclusión
Situación análoga a la quiebra con arreglo al Derecho nacionalIs the supplier in a situation where he has been forced debt arrangement? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers made mandatory in accordance with the current national law without the possibility for exceptions.
QuiebraIs the tenderer in a bankruptcy situation? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers made mandatory in accordance with the current national law without the possibility for exceptions.
CorrupciónIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the enforceable verdict been convicted of corruption by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies?Corruption as defined in Article 3 of the convention on corruption, involving servicemen in the European Communities or in European Union member states (EUT C 195 of 25.6.1997, s. 1) and in Article 2, point 1, in the Council ́s framework decision 2003/568/RIA of 22 July 2003 on combating corruption in the private sector (EUT L 192 of 31.7.2003, p. 54). This rejection reason also includes corruption as defined in national law for the contracting authority or supplier.
Convenio con los acreedoresIs the supplier in a situation where he has been forced debt arrangement? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers made mandatory in accordance with the current national law without the possibility for exceptions.
Participación en una organización delictivaIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the legally enforceable verdict been convicted of participation in a criminal organisation by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies? Participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 in article 2 of The Council ́s framework decision 2008/841/RIA of 24 October 2008 on combating organised crime (EUT L 300 of 11.11.2008, p. 42)
Acuerdos con otros operadores económicos destinados a falsear la competenciaHas the tenderer entered into agreement(s) with other tenderers with the intention of turning the competition?
Incumplimiento de obligaciones en materia de Derecho medioambientalIs the tenderer aware of breaches of environmental provisions as stated in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Blanqueo de capitales o financiación del terrorismoIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event of a legal verdict been convicted of money laundering or financing terrorism by a judgement handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies?Wedding money or financing terrorismAs a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies?White money or financing terrorism. defined in Article 1 of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/60/EF of 26 October 2005 on preventive measures against the use of the financial system for money laundering and financing terrorism (EUT L 309 of 25.11.2005, p. 15).
FraudeIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the legally enforceable verdict been convicted of fraud by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies?Speed as discussed in Article 1 of the convention on protection of the European Communities' financial interests (EFT C 316 of 27.11.1995, p. 48).
Trabajo infantil y otras formas de trata de seres humanosIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body, or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at a legally enforceable verdict been convicted of child labour and other forms of human trafficking by a judgement handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies?Barnearbeid and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barneworks and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barneworks and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barnearbeid and other forms of human trafficking as defined as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barnearbeid and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barneworks and other forms of human trafficking as defined in the judgement that still applies?Barnearbeid as well as other forms of human trafficking as defined as defined in the judgement?<p article 2 of the European Parliament and the Council ́s directive 2011/36/EU of 5. April 2011 on the prevention and control of human trafficking and the protection of its victims and for compensation of the Council ́s framework decision 2002/629/RIA (EUT L 101 of 15.4.2011, p. 1).
InsolvenciaIs the tenderer in an insolvency situation? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers made mandatory in accordance with the current national law without the possibility for exceptions.
Incumplimiento de obligaciones en materia de Derecho laboralIs the tenderer aware of breaches of provisions on working conditions as stated in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Activos que están siendo administrados por un liquidadorSpecify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers made mandatory in accordance with the current national law without the possibility for exceptions.
Que haya incurrido en falsas declaraciones, le haya ocultado información, no esté en condiciones de facilitar los documentos necesarios y haya obtenido información confidencial sobre este procedimientoIf the tenderer: a) has given grossly incorrect information when notifying the information required to check that there is no basis for rejection, or that the qualification requirements are fulfilled, b) failed to provide such information, c) subject to immediately submitting the supporting documents that the contracting authority requests. ord) improperly affected the contracting authority's decision making process in order to acquire confidential information that may give this an unlawful advantage in connection with the competition, or negligently has given misleading information that could have a significant influence on decisions on rejection, selection or award?
Conflicto de intereses debido a su participación en el procedimiento de contrataciónAre tenderers aware of a conflict of interest as stated in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents?
Participación, directa o indirecta, en la preparación del presente procedimiento de contrataciónHas the tenderer or an entity associated with the supplier advised the contracting authority or in another way been involved in the planning of the competition?
Ha cometido una falta profesional graveHas the tenderer committed serious errors in professional practice? If relevant, see the definitions in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents.
Rescisión anticipada, imposición de daños y perjuicios u otras sanciones comparablesHas the tenderer committed significant breaches of contract in connection with the fulfilment of a previous public contract, a previous contract with a public contracting authority or a previous concession contract, where the breach has led to the cancellation of the contract, compensation or other similar sanctions?
Incumplimiento de obligaciones en materia de Derecho socialIs the tenderer aware of breaches of provisions on social conditions as stated in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Pago de cotizaciones a la seguridad socialHave tenderers failed to fulfil all their social security obligations in the country where they are established and in their member state, if this is a different country than what he is established in?
Las actividades empresariales han sido suspendidasSpecify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers made mandatory in accordance with the current national law without the possibility for exceptions.
Pago de impuestosHas the tenderer not fulfilled his tax and duty obligations in the country in which he is established, and in the contracting authority's member state, if this is a different country than what he is established in?
Delitos de terrorismo o delitos ligados a las actividades terroristasIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body, or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event a legal verdict has been convicted of acts of terrorism or criminal acts connected to terrorist activity by a verdict handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies? Terrorist acts or punishable acts of terrorism. acts relating to terrorist activity as defined in Articles 1 and 3 of the Council ́s framework decision 2002/475/RIA of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism (EFT L 164, af 22.6.2002, p. 3). This rejection reason also includes incitement to, participation or attempts to commit such actions as included in Article 4 in the mentioned framework decision.
5. Lote
Título: Procurement - Management and procurement of electricity.
Descripción: Politi- og lensmannsetaten (The Police) will procure a contract for management and purchase of electricity. The procurement is for the entire Police force, including police districts and special bodies.
Identificador interno: 1
Naturaleza del contrato: Servicios
Clasificación principal (cpv): 71314200 Servicios de gestión de energía
Clasificación adicional (cpv): 09310000 Electricidad
Lugar de ejecución
País: Noruega
En cualquier parte de un país dado
Información complementaria: The delivery of electricity shall be carried out to all locations listed in the tender documentation. The contracting authority ́s gender neutral preferred and the place of contract management are in Oslo.
Duración estimada
Duración3 Años
Número máximo de renovaciones: 3
El comprador se reserva el derecho de realizar compras adicionales al contratista, tal como se describe aquí: The maximum contract lifetime is 6 years.
Valor estimado, IVA excluido960 000 000,00 NOK
Información general
Participación reservada: La participación no está reservada.
Proyecto de contratación pública no financiado con fondos de la UE
La contratación pública está cubierta por el Acuerdo sobre Contratación Pública (ACP)
Criterios de selección
TipoSolvencia económica y financiera
NombreRequirements of the tenderer's economic and financial capacity.
DescripciónQualification requirement: Tenderers must have sufficient economic and financial capacity to fulfil the contract. Economic and financial capacity shall be in relation to the object and scope of the contract. In the qualification assessment, the Contracting Authority will carry out an overall assessment as regards the last three years accounts. Documentation: The Contracting Authority uses D&B to assess the tenderer's economic and financial capacity. Tenderers must submit the auditor ́s report for the last three years.   Foreign tenderers: Shall submit the company ́s annual accounts or extracts thereof from the last three years, if the publication of the annual accounts is required in the country where the tenderer is established. The assessment will be based on a general assessment of the tenderer's finances as seen against the contract ́s extent.
Uso de este criterioUsado
Los criterios se utilizarán para seleccionar a los candidatos que serán invitados a la segunda fase del procedimiento
Ponderación (porcentaje, exacto)50

NombreQuality assurance system
DescripciónQualification requirement: Tenderers shall have a good and well-functioning quality management system for the services that shall be provided. Documentation requirement: Tenderers shall submit documentation of their quality management system. The following documentation will be accepted: Certificate for the company's quality management system issued by independent bodies which certify that the tenderer fulfils quality management standards in accordance with ISO 9001 or equivalent. or A description of the company's quality assurance system. The description must have a scope that enables the Contracting Authority to assess the system.
Uso de este criterioUsado

NombreEnvironmental management system
DescripciónQualification requirement: Tenderers shall have an environmental management system. Documentation requirement: Tenderers shall submit documentation of their environmental management system. The following documentation will be accepted: - Valid certificates/certificates issued by an independent body (eks. ISO 14001, EMAS, Miljøfyrtårn or equivalent), or - A description of the tenderer ́s own environmental management system. The description must have a scope that enables the Contracting Authority to assess the system.
Uso de este criterioUsado

TipoAptitud para ejercer la actividad profesional
DescripciónQualification requirement: Tenderers shall be registered in a company register, professional register or a commerce register in the country where the tenderer is established. Documentation requirement: - Norwegian companies: Company Registration Certificate. - Foreign companies: Verification that the tenderer is registered in a company register, professional register or a commerce register in the country where the tenderer is established.
Uso de este criterioUsado

TipoAptitud para ejercer la actividad profesional
NombreAuthorisations - Actor contract/membership
DescripciónQualification requirement: Tenderers shall have valid certification for the execution of the trade of electricity products on Nord Pool AS and Nasdaq OMX Commodities. Documentation requirement: An actor contract or other documentation that shows valid certification/membership for trade on Nord Pool AS and Nasdaq OMX Commodities.
Uso de este criterioUsado

TipoCapacidad técnica y profesional
NombreTechnical and professional qualifications
DescripciónQualification requirement: Tenderers shall have experience with deliveries to customers of an equivalent size and structure to the Norwegian Police. Documentation requirement: Description of up to five of the tenderer's most relevant/comparable contracts during the last three years. Minimum information on the following must be provided for each reference: -Principal -Contact - Scope and value of the delivery. - Date of the delivery. It is the tenderer ́s responsibility to document relevance through the description.
Uso de este criterioUsado
Los criterios se utilizarán para seleccionar a los candidatos que serán invitados a la segunda fase del procedimiento
Ponderación (porcentaje, exacto)50
Información sobre la segunda fase de un procedimiento de dos fases
Número mínimo de candidatos que serán invitados a la segunda fase del procedimiento3
Número máximo de candidatos que serán invitados a la segunda fase del procedimiento5
El procedimiento se desarrollará en fases sucesivas. En cada fase, pueden eliminarse algunos participantes
El comprador se reserva el derecho de adjudicar el contrato sobre la base de las ofertas iniciales sin necesidad de más negociaciones
Criterios de adjudicación
Tipo: Precio
Nombre: Price
Descripción: Weight: 30-40% Completed annex 5-a - price form. A scale from 0-10 will be used when the lowest price is evaluated for 10 points, according to the following points deduction model: The cheapest tender will get a maximum point score and the other tenders will get deductions of points according to how much they differ from this offer after a factor determined by the contracting authority. The factor is set at 0.1 cents per kWh on the offered mark-up. The model is expressed in the following formula: Points=maximum points - ((assessed price - lowest price) / factor) Points= 10 - (assessed price - lowest price) / 0.1)
Ponderación (puntos, exacto): 10

Tipo: Calidad
Nombre: Quality
Descripción: Weight: 60-70% Response to Annex 1-a - Requirement Table, including Annex 2 - the tenderer's solution description. Tenderers shall reply to and enclose the necessary documentation in accordance with the quality requirements stated in Annex 1-a - Requirement Table. Each requirement will be scored on a scale from 0-10 on the basis of the assessed fulfilment of the requirement. There will not be normalisation.
Ponderación (puntos, exacto): 10
Pliegos de contratación
Lenguas en las que los pliegos de contratación están disponibles oficialmentenoruego
Plazo para solicitar información complementaria14/08/2024 10:00:00 (UTC)
Dirección de los pliegos de contratación: https://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/rwlentrance_s.asp?PID=405497&B=
Condiciones de la contratación pública
Condiciones de presentación:
Presentación electrónica: Obligatoria
Lenguas en las que pueden presentarse las ofertas o solicitudes de participaciónnoruego
Catálogo electrónico: No autorizada
Plazo de recepción de solicitudes de participación: 21/08/2024 10:00:00 (UTC)
Condiciones del contrato:
La ejecución del contrato debe realizarse en el marco de programas de empleo protegidoNo
Es necesario un acuerdo de confidencialidad
Facturación electrónicaObligatoria
Se utilizarán pedidos electrónicos: no
Se utilizará el pago electrónico:
Acuerdo marco: Ningún acuerdo marco
Información sobre el sistema dinámico de adquisición: Ningún sistema dinámico de adquisición
Información adicional, mediación y recurso
Organización encargada de los procedimientos de recursoOslo tingrett
Organización que recibe solicitudes de participaciónPolitiets fellestjenester
Organización que tramita ofertasPolitiets fellestjenester
8. Organizaciones
Denominación oficial: Politiets fellestjenester
Número de registro: 974761157
Dirección postal: Fridtjof Nansens vei 14  
Localidad: OSLO
Código postal: 0369
País: Noruega
Punto de contacto: Lisbeth Austad
Correo electrónico: lisbeth.austad@politiet.no
Teléfono: +47 61318000
Dirección de internet: http://www.politiet.no
Funciones de esta organización
Organización que recibe solicitudes de participación
Organización que tramita ofertas
Denominación oficial: Oslo tingrett
Número de registro: 926 725 939
Dirección postal: Postboks 2106 Vika  
Localidad: OSLO
Código postal: 0125
País: Noruega
Correo electrónico: oslo.tingrett@domstol.no
Teléfono: +47 22035200
Funciones de esta organización
Organización encargada de los procedimientos de recurso
11. Información del anuncio
Información del anuncio
Identificador/versión del anuncio: 7444b6f2-8508-4685-a41c-5c2c677ff02d - 01
Tipo de formulario: Licitación
Tipo de anuncio: Anuncio de contrato o de concesión. Régimen normal
Subtipo de anuncio16
Fecha de envío del anuncio: 28/06/2024 07:47:10 (UTC)
Anuncio: fecha de envío (por parte del eSender): 28/06/2024 08:00:36 (UTC)
Lenguas en las que este anuncio está disponible oficialmente: inglés
Información de publicación
Número de publicación del anuncio: 390186-2024
Número de la edición del DO S: 126/2024
Fecha de publicación: 01/07/2024