Naturaleza del contrato: Suministros
Clasificación principal (cpv): 38000000 Equipo de laboratorio, óptico y de precisión (excepto gafas)
Clasificación adicional (cpv): 30000000 Máquinas, equipo y artículos de oficina y de informática, excepto mobiliario y paquetes de software, 31000000 Máquinas, aparatos, equipo y productos consumibles eléctricos; iluminación
Lugar de ejecución
Subdivisión del país (NUTS): Västra Götalands län (SE232)
País: Suecia
Valor estimado, IVA excluido: 10 000 000,00 SEK
Motivos de exclusión
Corrupción: Chapter 13, Section 1, of the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) sets out mandatory grounds for exclusion, while Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU sets out grounds that enable the buyer to exclude a tenderer from participation in the procurement. The grounds for exclusion apply even if the offences are committed by a representative of the tenderer. Furthermore, according to Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU, a tenderer may be excluded from participating in a procurement if the buyer can show that the tenderer is subject to one of the points mentioned in this section and has not taken sufficient measures to demonstrate its reliability (referred to as self-cleaning) or has not been able to provide an explanation that makes it likely that a contract can be performed despite the circumstances.
Participación en una organización delictiva: Chapter 13, Section 1, of the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) sets out mandatory grounds for exclusion, while Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU sets out grounds that enable the buyer to exclude a tenderer from participation in the procurement. The grounds for exclusion apply even if the offences are committed by a representative of the tenderer. Furthermore, according to Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU, a tenderer may be excluded from participating in a procurement if the buyer can show that the tenderer is subject to one of the points mentioned in this section and has not taken sufficient measures to demonstrate its reliability (referred to as self-cleaning) or has not been able to provide an explanation that makes it likely that a contract can be performed despite the circumstances.
Blanqueo de capitales o financiación del terrorismo: Chapter 13, Section 1, of the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) sets out mandatory grounds for exclusion, while Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU sets out grounds that enable the buyer to exclude a tenderer from participation in the procurement. The grounds for exclusion apply even if the offences are committed by a representative of the tenderer. Furthermore, according to Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU, a tenderer may be excluded from participating in a procurement if the buyer can show that the tenderer is subject to one of the points mentioned in this section and has not taken sufficient measures to demonstrate its reliability (referred to as self-cleaning) or has not been able to provide an explanation that makes it likely that a contract can be performed despite the circumstances.
Fraude: Chapter 13, Section 1, of the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) sets out mandatory grounds for exclusion, while Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU sets out grounds that enable the buyer to exclude a tenderer from participation in the procurement. The grounds for exclusion apply even if the offences are committed by a representative of the tenderer. Furthermore, according to Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU, a tenderer may be excluded from participating in a procurement if the buyer can show that the tenderer is subject to one of the points mentioned in this section and has not taken sufficient measures to demonstrate its reliability (referred to as self-cleaning) or has not been able to provide an explanation that makes it likely that a contract can be performed despite the circumstances.
Trabajo infantil y otras formas de trata de seres humanos: Chapter 13, Section 1, of the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) sets out mandatory grounds for exclusion, while Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU sets out grounds that enable the buyer to exclude a tenderer from participation in the procurement. The grounds for exclusion apply even if the offences are committed by a representative of the tenderer. Furthermore, according to Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU, a tenderer may be excluded from participating in a procurement if the buyer can show that the tenderer is subject to one of the points mentioned in this section and has not taken sufficient measures to demonstrate its reliability (referred to as self-cleaning) or has not been able to provide an explanation that makes it likely that a contract can be performed despite the circumstances.
Pago de cotizaciones a la seguridad social: Chapter 13, Section 1, of the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) sets out mandatory grounds for exclusion, while Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU sets out grounds that enable the buyer to exclude a tenderer from participation in the procurement. The grounds for exclusion apply even if the offences are committed by a representative of the tenderer. Furthermore, according to Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU, a tenderer may be excluded from participating in a procurement if the buyer can show that the tenderer is subject to one of the points mentioned in this section and has not taken sufficient measures to demonstrate its reliability (referred to as self-cleaning) or has not been able to provide an explanation that makes it likely that a contract can be performed despite the circumstances.
Pago de impuestos: Chapter 13, Section 1, of the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) sets out mandatory grounds for exclusion, while Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU sets out grounds that enable the buyer to exclude a tenderer from participation in the procurement. The grounds for exclusion apply even if the offences are committed by a representative of the tenderer. Furthermore, according to Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU, a tenderer may be excluded from participating in a procurement if the buyer can show that the tenderer is subject to one of the points mentioned in this section and has not taken sufficient measures to demonstrate its reliability (referred to as self-cleaning) or has not been able to provide an explanation that makes it likely that a contract can be performed despite the circumstances.
Delitos de terrorismo o delitos ligados a las actividades terroristas: Chapter 13, Section 1, of the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) sets out mandatory grounds for exclusion, while Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU sets out grounds that enable the buyer to exclude a tenderer from participation in the procurement. The grounds for exclusion apply even if the offences are committed by a representative of the tenderer. Furthermore, according to Chapter 13, Section 3, of LOU, a tenderer may be excluded from participating in a procurement if the buyer can show that the tenderer is subject to one of the points mentioned in this section and has not taken sufficient measures to demonstrate its reliability (referred to as self-cleaning) or has not been able to provide an explanation that makes it likely that a contract can be performed despite the circumstances.