An official website of the European Union
About TED
Features of the TED website
Main features of Tenders Electronic Daily (TED):
Browse by:
- Business opportunity
- business sector (using the common procurement vocabulary) (CPV)
- place of performance (using the nomenclature of territorial units for place of performance (using the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) or countries, or other relevant countries).
Search - to find specific notices (includes quick, advanced and expert search).
Search results - lists all notices that meet your search criteria. In addition, it is possible to:
- refine your search results
- create a Search alert
- download the search results
- share the search results
Notice View – allows you to:
- download notices
- share notices
- create an alert
- request a translation
- check the related notices
- use the machine translation service
My Dashboard – your personal space on TED where you can:
- save up to 25 search profiles
- create RSS feeds for the saved profiles
- view and modify the search alerts
- view and modify the notices
Customise the preferences of your TED account to:
- manage the number of items per search result page
- manage the number of items for custom RSS
- manage the displayed notices and other aspects
- create a personal address book
Bulk download of notices in XML format
- Bulk download notices in monthly or daily packages
Release Calendar
- Instantly check the latest OJ S issue
- Download previous releases per specific day or
- Download an annual release
Search API to:
- Search for and retrieve data published on the TED website
Select a language
Select the language you want to use for browsing from the ‘Language Selector’ in the upper-right corner of any TED page.
You can choose from the EU’s 24 official languages and change the language at any time.
This page facilitates navigation in the TED website by providing links to all the main content.
Legal notice
This page contains the disclaimer, copyright notice and privacy statement.
This page helps you browse other EU websites.
Through this page, you can contact the TED helpdesk team for additional information.
After you submit a message, you will receive a verification email in your registered email. You must verify your email address in this email, to have your message submitted to the TED helpdesk team.