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155657-2016 - Planning
Notice View
Postal address: 3rd Floor, Olympic House, Manchester Airport
Town: Manchester
Postal code: M90 1QX
Country: United Kingdom
For the attention of: Kristopher Wood
Telephone: +44 1614895846
the abovementioned address
Languages and formats
Directive 2004/17/EC
This notice is a call for competition: no
This notice aims at reducing time limits for receipt of tenders: no
Section I: Contracting entity
Postal address: 3rd Floor, Olympic House, Manchester Airport
Town: Manchester
Postal code: M90 1QX
Country: United Kingdom
For the attention of: Kristopher Wood
Telephone: +44 1614895846
the abovementioned address
Section II: Object of the contract
MAG 1293 — Airport Operational Database (AODB).
Manchester Airport Group (MAG) are seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably experienced suppliers for the development, replacement or enhancement of the Group's Airport Operational Database (AODB). MAG is in the process of developing its long term strategy and to support this will be undertaking a soft market testing exercise.
Those suppliers that are interested in participating in this opportunity should respond to with the following details, ensuring MAG 1293 is referenced in any correspondence.
Company Name,Company Address,
Company Representative,
Expressions of interest should be provided no later than 13:00, Friday 3.6.2016.
No further information will be provided ahead of the stated deadline. Expressions of interest should be based on the information provided.
Section IV: Procedure and administrative information
MAG 1293 - Airport Operational Database (AODB)
Section VI: Complementary information

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