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29235-2024 - Competition

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NorwayMotor vehicles
Framework agreement for leasing vehicles.
NorwayAnywhere in the given country
Estimated value excluding VAT30 000 000,00 NOK
Type of procedureOpen

BuyerNorges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE)

LOT-0000Framework agreement for leasing vehicles.
Motor vehicles
NorwayAnywhere in the given country
Duration24 Months
Estimated value excluding VAT30 000 000,00 NOK
Deadline for receipt of tenders06/03/2024 - 11:00:00 (UTC)

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29235-2024 - Competition
Norway – Motor vehicles – Framework agreement for leasing vehicles.
OJ S 11/2024 16/01/2024
Contract or concession notice – standard regime
1. Buyer
Official nameNorges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE)
Legal type of the buyer: Public undertaking
Activity of the contracting authority: General public services
2. Procedure
TitleFramework agreement for leasing vehicles.
DescriptionThe objective of the procurement is to enter into a contract for leasing vehicles for use in nve's entire activities.
Procedure identifier2186c6d4-d4f7-441b-80a5-2fd887bf5c7b
Internal identifier202317992
Type of procedureOpen
The procedure is acceleratedno
Main features of the procedureThe vehicles shall be used for daily transport of operators and their equipment, for the operation of our safety installations, site inspections and hydrologic measurements in our watercourses in Norway. We have five regions, northern, mid, west, east and south of Norway.
Main nature of the contractSupplies
Main classification (cpv): 34100000 Motor vehicles
Place of performance
Anywhere in the given country
Estimated value excluding VAT30 000 000,00 NOK
General information
Legal basis
Directive 2014/24/EU
Anskaffelsesforskriften -
Grounds for exclusion
CorruptionIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event a enforceable verdict has been convicted of corruption by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies? Corruption as defined in Article 3 of the Convention on Combating Corruption, Involving European Communities or European Union Member States (EUT C 195 of 25.6.1997, s. 1), and in Article 2, point 1, in the Council ́s framework decision 2003/568/RIA of 22 July 2003 on combating corruption in the private sector (EUT L 192 of 31.7.2003, p. 54). This rejection reason also includes corruption as defined in national law for the contracting authority or supplier.
Participation in a criminal organisationIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the time a legally convicted verdict of participation in a criminal organisation by a verdict handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies? Participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 of the Council ́s framework decision 2008/841/RIA of 24 October 2008 on control of organised crime (EUT L 300 of 11.11.2008, p. 42)
Money laundering or terrorist financingIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event a legal verdict has been convicted of money laundering or financing terrorism by a verdict handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies? Money laundering or financing terrorism As defined in Article 1 of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/60/EF of 26 October 2005 on preventive measures against the use of the financial system for money laundering and financing terrorism (EUT L 309 of 25.11.2005, p. 15).
FraudIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the time a legally convicted of fraud has been convicted of fraud by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies? Fraud included in Article 1 of the Convention on protection of the Financial Interests of the European Communities (EFT C 316 of 27.11.1995, p. 48).
Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beingsIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event a legal verdict has been convicted of child labour and other forms of human trafficking by a verdict handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies? Child labour and other forms of human trafficking as defined in Article 2 of the European Parliament and council directive 2011/36/EU of 5. 1 April 2011 on the prevention and control of human trafficking and the protection of its victims and for compensation of the Council ́s framework decision 2002/629/RIA (EUT L 101 of 15.4.2011, p. 1).
Payment of social security contributionsHave tenderers failed to fulfil all their social security obligations in the country where they are established and in their member state, if this is a different country than what he is established in?
Payment of taxesHas the tenderer not fulfilled his tax and duty obligations in the country in which he is established, and in the contracting authority's member state, if this is a different country than what he is established in?
Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activitiesIs the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body, or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event a legal verdict has been convicted of acts of terrorism or criminal acts connected to terrorist activities by a verdict handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies? Acts of terrorism or criminal acts relating to terrorist activity as defined in Article 1 and 3 of the Council ́s framework decision 2002/475/RIA of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism (EFT L 164, af 22.6.2002, p. 3). This rejection reason also includes incitement to, participation or attempts to commit such actions as included in Article 4 in the mentioned framework decision.
5. Lot
Title: Framework agreement for leasing vehicles.
Description: The objective of the procurement is to enter into a contract for leasing vehicles for use in nve's entire activities.
Internal identifier: 202317992
Main nature of the contract: Supplies
Main classification (cpv): 34100000 Motor vehicles
Place of performance
Country: Norway
Anywhere in the given country
Estimated duration
Duration24 Months
Estimated value excluding VAT30 000 000,00 NOK
General information
Reserved participation: Participation is reserved to sheltered workshops and economic operators aiming at the social and professional integration of disabled or disadvantaged persons.
Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)yes
Selection criteria
TypeEconomic and financial standing
Name'Total' annual turnover
DescriptionThe tenderer ́s ("total") annual turnover for the number of financial years requested in the tender notice or in the procurement documents is as follows:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeEconomic and financial standing
NameAverage annual turnover
DescriptionThe tenderer ́s average annual turnover for the number of years requested in the notice or in the procurement documents is as follows:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeEconomic and financial standing
Name"Specific annual turnover"
DescriptionAre the tenderer's ("specific") annual turnover within the area that the contract applies to and specified in the notice or in the procurement documents for the number of accounting years requested is as follows:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeEconomic and financial standing
NameAverage set-up
DescriptionIs the tenderer's average annual turnover within the area requested by the contract and specified in the notice or in the procurement documents for the number of financial years requested:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeEconomic and financial standing
NameThe tenderer's establishment date
DescriptionIf the information about the turnover (combined or specific) is not available for the entire requested period, please state the date the company was established, or the tenderers started their business:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeEconomic and financial standing
NameFinancial key figures
DescriptionFor financial key figures stated in the notice or in the procurement documents, the tenderer declares that the actual value(s) of the requested key figures are as follows:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeEconomic and financial standing
NameLiability insurance
DescriptionThe insured amount in the tenderer ́s liability insurance is the following:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeEconomic and financial standing
NameOther economic and financial requirements
DescriptionRegarding any other economic and financial requirements that have been stated in the notice or in the procurement documents, the tenderer declares that:
Use of this criterionNot used

NameCertificates issued by independent bodies for quality assurance standards.
DescriptionCan tenderers submit certificates issued by independent bodies that document that the tenderer fulfils the stated quality assurance standards, including universal design requirements?
Use of this criterionNot used

NameCertificates issued by independent bodies for environmental management standards.
DescriptionIs the tenderer able to submit certificates issued by independent bodies as documentation that the tenderer fulfils the stated environmental management systems or standards? Minimum qualification requirements The tenderer shall have systems and procedures that ensure low environmental impact when performing the delivery. The system must i.a. ensure continual improvement of: - The organisation ́s competence in environment and safety - The performance ́s climate impact Documentation requirement: Tenderers can document the requirement by presenting relevant environmental certificates, such as EMAS, Miljøfyrtårn , ISO 14001 or equivalent, or with a description of their own system and routines for environmental policy, environmental management scheme, training of employees within environmentally friendly cleaning.
Use of this criterionUsed

TypeSuitability to pursue the professional activity
NameRegistered in a trade register
DescriptionTenderers are registered in a professional register in the member state in which the tenderer is established. As described in annex XI of directive 2014/24/EU; suppliers from certain member states may have to fulfil other requirements in the mentioned annex.
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeSuitability to pursue the professional activity
NameRegistered in a trade register or company register.
DescriptionTenderers are registered in a company register or a trade register in the member state in which the tenderer is established. As described in annex XI of directive 2014/24/EU; suppliers from certain member states may have to fulfil other requirements in the mentioned annex.
Use of this criterionUsed

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameOnly for public goods deliveries
DescriptionOnly for public goods deliveries: In the reference period, the tenderer has carried out the following important deliveries of the requested type, or the following important services of the requested type. The contracting authority can require up to three years experience and allow experience from the previous three years to be taken into consideration.
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameTechnical personnel or technical units
DescriptionTenderers can use the following technical personnel or technical units , particularly those who are responsible for quality control: For technical personnel or technical units that do not directly belong to the tenderer ́s business, but if the capacity the tenderer will use, cf. part II, section C, separate ESPD forms shall be supplemented.
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameTechnical facilities and quality assurance measures
DescriptionThe tenderer utilises the following technical facilities and quality assurance measures and the tenderer ́s survey and research facility is as follows:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameInvestigation and research facilities
DescriptionThe tenderer ́s survey and research facilitates are as follows:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameManagement and tracing of the supply chain
DescriptionThe tenderer will be able to use the following management of the supply chain and tracing systems for the execution of the contract:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameControl Permission
DescriptionFor goods or services that are complicated, or that in exceptional cases shall be used for a particular purpose: Will the tenderer allow checks of the tenderer's production capacity or technical capacity and, where necessary, of the survey and research facilities that the tenderer has at its disposal and of quality control measures? The inspections shall be undertaken by the contracting authority or the contracting authority can leave it to a competent public body in the country where the tenderer is established.
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameEducation and professional qualifications
DescriptionThe following education and professional qualifications are possessed by the tenderer and/or (depending on the requirements set in the notice or in the procurement documents) of the leading employees:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameEnvironmental management measures
DescriptionTenderers can employ the following environmental management measures in connection with the execution of the contract:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameNumber of employees in the management
DescriptionThe tenderer ́s number of employees in the management during the last three years was as follows:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameAverage workforce
DescriptionThe tenderer's average annual workforce in the last three years has been as follows:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameTools, materials and technical equipment.
DescriptionTenderers can use the following tools, material and technical equipment to carry out the contract:
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NamePortion of the contract to sub-suppliers.
DescriptionThe tenderer is considering to outsource the following part (as a percentage) of the contract to sub-suppliers. Note that if the tenderer has decided to outsource a part of the contract to sub-suppliers and will use the sub-suppliers ́ capacity to carry out this part, a special ESPD will be supplemented for such sub-suppliers, see part II, section C, above.
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameProcurement of goods: Requested samples, descriptions or photographs that do not need to be accompanied by certificates that they are genuine.
DescriptionProcurement of goods: The tenderer presents supplies that shall be delivered, requested samples, descriptions or photographs, which do not need to be accompanied by certificates that they are genuine.
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameProcurement of goods: Requested samples, descriptions or photographs with certificates.
DescriptionWhen procurement of goods: If requested, the tenderer further declares that they will deliver the requested certificates that they are genuine.
Use of this criterionNot used

TypeTechnical and professional ability
NameWhen procuring goods: Certificates issued by official bodies for quality control
DescriptionCan tenderers submit the requested certificates issued by official bodies for quality control, and who can confirm that the goods, which are clearly identified by reference to technical specifications or standards, as determined in the notice or in the procurement documents, are in accordance with these?
Use of this criterionNot used
Procurement documents
Languages in which the procurement documents are officially availableNorwegian
Deadline for requesting additional information28/02/2024 11:00:00 (UTC)
Address of the procurement documents:
Terms of procurement
Terms of submission:
Electronic submission: Required
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submittedNorwegian
Electronic catalogue: Not allowed
Advanced or qualified electronic signature or seal (as defined in Regulation (EU) No 910/2014) is required
Variants: Not allowed
Deadline for receipt of tenders: 06/03/2024 11:00:00 (UTC)
Information about public opening:
Opening date: 06/03/2024 11:00:00 (UTC)
Terms of contract:
The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmesNo
Electronic invoicingRequired
Electronic ordering will be used: no
Electronic payment will be used: yes
Framework agreement: Framework agreement, without reopening of competition
Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system
Further information, mediation and review
Review organisationOslo Tingrett
8. Organisations
Official name: Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE)
Registration number: 970205039
Postal address: Middelthunsgate 29  
Town: OSLO
Postcode: 0368
Country: Norway
Contact point: Hege Lund
Telephone: +47 22959595
Buyer profile:
Roles of this organisation
Official name: Oslo Tingrett
Registration number: 926725939
Town: Oslo
Country: Norway
Telephone: 22035200
Roles of this organisation
Review organisation
11. Notice information
Notice information
Notice identifier/version: 04ef5657-9e69-4774-a9cd-0578ed323841 - 01
Form type: Competition
Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
Notice subtype16
Notice dispatch date: 15/01/2024 07:19:58 (UTC)
Notice dispatch date (eSender): 15/01/2024 07:19:58 (UTC)
Languages in which this notice is officially available: English
Publication information
Notice publication number: 29235-2024
OJ S issue number: 11/2024
Publication date: 16/01/2024