Main nature of the contract: Services
Main classification (cpv): 90911200 Building-cleaning services
Additional classification (cpv): 90911300 Window-cleaning services
Place of performance
Postal address: Beelitzer Str. 35
Town: Brück
Postcode: 14822
Country subdivision (NUTS): Potsdam-Mittelmark (DE40E)
Country: Germany
Grounds for exclusion
Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law: Mit Unterzeichnung der Eigenerklärung (Nichtvorliegen von Ausschlussgründen nach §§ 123, 124 GWB) bestätigen Sie, dass keine der genannten Ausschlussgründe vorliegen
Bankruptcy: ---
Corruption: ---
Arrangement with creditors: ---
Participation in a criminal organisation: ---
Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition: ---
Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law: ---
Money laundering or terrorist financing: ---
Fraud: ---
Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings: ---
Insolvency: ---
Breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law: ---
Assets being administered by liquidator: ---
Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure: ---
Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure: ---
Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure: ---
Guilty of grave professional misconduct: ---
Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions: ---
Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law: ---
Payment of social security contributions: ---
Business activities are suspended: ---
Payment of taxes: ---
Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities: ---