1. Buyer
Official name: European Travel Commission
Legal type of the buyer: Body governed by public law
Activity of the contracting authority: Recreation, culture and religion
2. Procedure
Title: Creative Cities of Central Europe OTA Campaign
Description: This procedure aims to conclude an agreement with an experienced contractor for the development and execution of an Online Travel Agent (OTA) campaign targeted towards the US market. The project subject of this procurement is implemented by ETC in partnership with four National Tourism Organisations. The contractor is expected to deliver the following interconnected assignments: CREATION OF A LANDING PAGE/ MICROSITE The contractor is required to create a dedicated landing page/microsite featuring information about and products of the Central Europe region on an OTA platform. The landing page/ microsite will feature at least the following: - Information about the region with a special focus on the Creative Cities topic of the campaign in the form of text, pictures and videos; - Branding of the region and V4 countries as well as other publicity graphics (see below); - Products (including but not limited to travel packages, airplane tickets, hotels etc.). Products involving at least two of the four countries of the V4 region will be preferred and will be given better score during the procurement process – the more countries involved in one product the better. Products involving at least two of the four countries must be given priority placement within the microsite; - A maximum possible balance of visibility of products from all V4 countries must be kept. PROMOTION OF THE LANDING PAGE/ MICROSITE The contractor is required to run online promotional campaigns partly image focused and partly conversion focused using the contractor’s owned as well as external channels. For the promotion of the landing page/microsite, the contractor can use both owned channels and external channels (paid media). More visible formats with higher CTR or platforms which are not over-delivered by advertising are preferred. There is no required split between own channels and external channels, it is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure the best performance in order to reach the set KPIs. OUTPUT AND KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIs) On the level of awareness, the output of the project is heightened awareness of potential US travellers about the character of the Central Europe destination as a whole with a special focus on Central Europe being not only historical heritage destination, but also modern and vibrant destination for city life enthusiasts, and about the specific destinations and products in each country of the V4. On the technical level, the dedicated microsite of the Central Europe will be created on an OTA website that will serve as a source of information for potential travellers from the USA. The website must be kept alive at least 6 months after the completion of the project
Procedure identifier: d36c1db8-71d3-4894-914d-73ccc8ecccd0
Previous notice: 232383-2024
Internal identifier: JPP5-1- Creative Cities Central Europe
Type of procedure: Open
Main nature of the contract: Services
Main classification (cpv): 79342000 Marketing services
Estimated value excluding VAT: 215 000,00 EUR
General information
Legal basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
5. Lot
Lot: LOT-0001
Title: Creative Cities of Central Europe OTA Campaign
Description: This procedure aims to conclude an agreement with an experienced contractor for the development and execution of an Online Travel Agent (OTA) campaign targeted towards the US market. The project subject of this procurement is implemented by ETC in partnership with four National Tourism Organisations. The contractor is expected to deliver the following interconnected assignments: CREATION OF A LANDING PAGE/ MICROSITE The contractor is required to create a dedicated landing page/microsite featuring information about and products of the Central Europe region on an OTA platform. The landing page/ microsite will feature at least the following: - Information about the region with a special focus on the Creative Cities topic of the campaign in the form of text, pictures and videos; - Branding of the region and V4 countries as well as other publicity graphics (see below); - Products (including but not limited to travel packages, airplane tickets, hotels etc.). Products involving at least two of the four countries of the V4 region will be preferred and will be given better score during the procurement process – the more countries involved in one product the better. Products involving at least two of the four countries must be given priority placement within the microsite; - A maximum possible balance of visibility of products from all V4 countries must be kept. PROMOTION OF THE LANDING PAGE/ MICROSITE The contractor is required to run online promotional campaigns partly image focused and partly conversion focused using the contractor’s owned as well as external channels. For the promotion of the landing page/microsite, the contractor can use both owned channels and external channels (paid media). More visible formats with higher CTR or platforms which are not over-delivered by advertising are preferred. There is no required split between own channels and external channels, it is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure the best performance in order to reach the set KPIs. OUTPUT AND KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIs) On the level of awareness, the output of the project is heightened awareness of potential US travellers about the character of the Central Europe destination as a whole with a special focus on Central Europe being not only historical heritage destination, but also modern and vibrant destination for city life enthusiasts, and about the specific destinations and products in each country of the V4. On the technical level, the dedicated microsite of the Central Europe will be created on an OTA website that will serve as a source of information for potential travellers from the USA. The website must be kept alive at least 6 months after the completion of the project
Internal identifier: JPP5 - 1 - Creative Cities Central Europe
Main nature of the contract: Services
Main classification (cpv): 79342000 Marketing services
Estimated value excluding VAT: 215 000,00 EUR
General information
Procurement Project fully or partially financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no
Information about previous notices:
Identifier of the previous notice: 232383-2024
Award criteria
Type: Price
Description: Weighting: 40
Type: Quality
Description: Name: Number of impressions; Conversion; Quality and relevance of the products offer; Other metrics in reporting; The landing page / microsite "keep-alive" period / Weighting: 60
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria: Please refer to the Tender Specifications
Terms of procurement
Information about review deadlines: see Law of 17 June 2013 regarding legal protection in Public Procurement (NL: “Wet betreffende de motivering, de informatie en de rechtsmiddelen inzake [overheidsopdrachten, bepaalde opdrachten voor werken, leveringen en diensten en concessies”; Fr: “ Loi relative à la motivation, à l'information et aux voies de recours en matière de marchés [publics, de certains marchés de travaux, de fournitures et de services et de concessions”)
Framework agreement: No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system
Electronic auction: no
Further information, mediation and review
Review organisation: European Travel Commission
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure: European Travel Commission
6. Results
Value of all contracts awarded in this notice: 215 000,00 EUR
Result lot ldentifier: LOT-0001
Winner selection status: At least one winner was chosen.
Information about winners
Official name: Travelscape, LLC (doing business as Expedia Group Media Solutions)
Tender identifier: Travelscape, LLC (doing business as Expedia Group Media Solutions)
Identifier of lot or group of lots: LOT-0001
Value of the tender: 215 000,00 EUR
The tender was ranked: yes
Contract information:
Identifier of the contract: Agreement Creative cities of Central Europe OTA Campaign
Title: Agreement Creative Cities of Central Europe OTA Campaign
Date on which the winner was chosen: 09/07/2024
Date of the conclusion of the contract: 31/07/2024
Information about European Union funds
Identifier of EU funds: Contract SI2.914756 grant number GRO/SME/23/13182
Statistical information:
Received tenders or requests to participate:
Type of received submissions: Tenders
Number of tenders or requests to participate received: 2
8. Organisations
Official name: European Travel Commission
Registration number: BE0408138386
Postal address: rue du Marché Aux Herbes 61
Town: Brussels
Postcode: 1000
Country subdivision (NUTS): Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad (BE100)
Country: Belgium
Telephone: +3225489000
Roles of this organisation:
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure
Review organisation
Official name: Travelscape, LLC (doing business as Expedia Group Media Solutions)
Registration number: 88-0392667
Postal address: 5000 W. Kearney Street
Town: Springfield
Postcode: 65803
Country: United States
Roles of this organisation:
Winner of these lots: LOT-0001
11. Notice information
Notice information
Notice identifier/version: 5e37366a-393c-4c64-a4b0-a70664688590 - 01
Form type: Result
Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
Notice subtype: 29
Notice dispatch date: 30/08/2024 15:16:36 (UTC)
Languages in which this notice is officially available: English
Publication information
Notice publication number: 528403-2024
OJ S issue number: 171/2024
Publication date: 03/09/2024