1. Buyer
Official name: Consejero Delegado de Limpieza Municipal de Lorca S.A.
Legal type of the buyer: Public undertaking, controlled by a local authority
Activity of the contracting authority: General public services
2. Procedure
Title: Servicio de retirada, transporte y tratamiento de lixiviados generados en el Centro de Gestión de Residuos de Lorca.
Description: Como consecuencia de la explotación del Centro de Gestión de Residuos de Lorca (C.G.R.) se producen lixiviados que hay que retirar y someterlos al tratamiento que corresponda.
Procedure identifier: 347b8487-a57b-4f27-8b11-8de2487139f9
Internal identifier: Exp 02/2024
Type of procedure: Open
The procedure is accelerated: no
Main nature of the contract: Services
Main classification (cpv): 90513000 Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
Additional classification (cpv): 90000000 Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services, 90500000 Refuse and waste related services, 90510000 Refuse disposal and treatment, 90511000 Refuse collection services, 90512000 Refuse transport services
Place of performance
Country subdivision (NUTS): Murcia (ES620)
Country: Spain
Estimated value excluding VAT: 255 800,00 EUR
General information
Legal basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU
Grounds for exclusion
Payment of social security contributions: Conforme a los pliegos que rigen la licitación.
5. Lot
Lot: LOT-0000
Title: Servicio de retirada, transporte y tratamiento de lixiviados generados en el Centro de Gestión de Residuos de Lorca.
Description: Como consecuencia de la explotación del Centro de Gestión de Residuos de Lorca (C.G.R.) se producen lixiviados que hay que retirar y someterlos al tratamiento que corresponda.
Internal identifier: Exp 02/2024
Main nature of the contract: Services
Main classification (cpv): 90513000 Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
Additional classification (cpv): 90000000 Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services, 90500000 Refuse and waste related services, 90510000 Refuse disposal and treatment, 90511000 Refuse collection services, 90512000 Refuse transport services
Description of the options: El PCAP contempla una prórroga de un año adicional en la forma que Limusa considere oportuna.
The buyer reserves the right for additional purchases from the contractor, as described here: El PCAP contempla una prórroga de un año adicional en la forma que Limusa considere oportuna.
General information
Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved.
Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no
Selection criteria
Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity
Description: Capacidad de obrar
Use of this criterion: Used
Type: Technical and professional ability
Description: Maquinaria, material y equipo técnico para la ejecución del contrato
Use of this criterion: Used
Type: Technical and professional ability
Description: Otros
Use of this criterion: Used
Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity
Description: Habilitación empresarial o profesional - Autorización para el transporte y tratamiento de residuos con el código LER: 19 07 03.
Use of this criterion: Used
Award criteria
Type: Price
Description: Proposición económica.
Weight (points, exact): 100
Procurement documents
Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: Spanish
Terms of procurement
Terms of submission:
Electronic submission: Required
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Spanish
Electronic catalogue: Not allowed
Deadline for receipt of tenders: 15/03/2024 13:00:00 (UTC+1)
Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 4 Months
Information about public opening:
Opening date: 27/03/2024 09:00:00 (UTC+1)
Place: Oficinas de Limusa
Terms of contract:
The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No
Conditions relating to the performance of the contract: La empresa adjudicataria deberá adoptar medidas para el mantenimiento o mejora de los valores medioambientales que puedan verse afectados, en su caso, por la ejecución del contrato..
Electronic invoicing: Required
Electronic ordering will be used: no
Electronic payment will be used: yes
Framework agreement: No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system
Further information, mediation and review
Review organisation: Consejero Delegado de Limpieza Municipal de Lorca S.A.
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures: Consejero Delegado de Limpieza Municipal de Lorca S.A.
8. Organisations
Official name: Consejero Delegado de Limpieza Municipal de Lorca S.A.
Registration number: 51056090149369
Registration number: A30114318
Town: Lorca
Postcode: 30800
Country: Spain
Contact point: Consejero Delegado de Limpieza Municipal de Lorca S.A.
Telephone: 968467858
Other contact points:
Official name: Limpieza Municipal de Lorca S.A.
Town: Lorca (Murcia)
Postcode: 30800
Country: Spain
Telephone: +34 968467858
Other contact points:
Official name: Tribunal Administrativo Central de Recursos Contractuales - TACRC
Town: Madrid
Postcode: 28020
Country: Spain
Telephone: +34 913491446
Fax: +34 913491441
Roles of this organisation:
Review organisation
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures
11. Notice information
Notice information
Notice identifier/version: 94b57513-245a-4a00-94a8-f4988ec64fb4 - 01
Form type: Competition
Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
Notice subtype: 16
Notice dispatch date: 13/02/2024 13:27:14 (UTC+1)
Languages in which this notice is officially available: Spanish
Publication information
Notice publication number: 92944-2024
OJ S issue number: 32/2024
Publication date: 14/02/2024