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99734-2015 - Planning
Notice View
Postal address: CAA House, 45-59 Kingsway
Town: London
Postal code: WC2B 6TE
Country: United Kingdom
For the attention of: Claire Lefort
Telephone: +44 1293573042
Official name: Civil Aviation Authority
Postal address: Aviation House, Gatwick Airport South
Town: London-Gatwick
Postal code: RH6 0YR
Country: United Kingdom
Contact person: Robyn Hathaway
Telephone: +44 1293573354
Internet address:
Languages and formats
Directive 2004/18/EC
Section I: Contracting authority
Postal address: CAA House, 45-59 Kingsway
Town: London
Postal code: WC2B 6TE
Country: United Kingdom
For the attention of: Claire Lefort
Telephone: +44 1293573042
Official name: Civil Aviation Authority
Postal address: Aviation House, Gatwick Airport South
Town: London-Gatwick
Postal code: RH6 0YR
Country: United Kingdom
Contact person: Robyn Hathaway
Telephone: +44 1293573354
Internet address:
Section II.B: Object of the contract - Supplies or services
Medical Services.
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement: no
Following a public consultation, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has confirmed it is committed to exploring options for the way it currently provides medical services to the aviation industry. One of the options could see the outsourcing of its AeroMedical Centre as well exploring the outsourcing some of the non core functions of our Authority Medical Section (regulatory function) to a suitable provider.
The CAA would like to meet with interested parties, in order to discuss our requirements, we are setting up a series of 1-2-1 sessions in order to discuss matters and explore any potential options in further detail.
We are available all day Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15.4.2015 at our head office in London; CAA House (nearest Tube Horborn or Temple), 45-59 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6TE. Time slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis, therefore if you are interested please contact for further details.
Range: between 1 and 1 500 000 GBP
The CAA is the UK's specialist aviation regulator. Following a public consultation, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has confirmed it is committed to exploring options for the way it currently provides medical services to the aviation industry. One of the options could see the outsourcing of its AeroMedical Centre as well exploring the outsourcing some of the non core functions of the Aviation Medical Service (regulatory function) to a suitable provider.
In the consultation the CAA had set out its goal for its Medical Department to operate more efficiently by focusing on its core duties. The CAA's current view is that best practice would also be improved by separating a service delivery function from the body that regulates that function. The AeroMedical Centre (AeMC), based at the CAA's Gatwick headquarters, provides initial medical examinations for trainee commercial pilots and air traffic controllers. There are currently 3 other approved providers of this type of service. The CAA said it would also consider outsourcing some of the activities of its Authority Medical Section (AMS) and Aviation Health Unit (AHU), although no firm decision had yet been taken. The AHU provides health advice to passengers, the aviation industry and healthcare professionals on all aspects of flying, while the AMS, amongst other things, undertakes assessments of the fitness of pilots and ATCOs to return to flying after illness, and oversees the network of AMEs. Further information regarding the CAA's response to consultation can be found at
The total contract value has been provided as a range between GBP 1 and GBP 1 500 000, to reflect the different options that may be possible ranging from a concession contract through to a services contract.The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is issuing a Prior Information Notice to invite potential providers to take part in a market consultation exercise to explore possible options for the provision of medical services. The purpose of the market consultation is to understand the feasibility of the market delivering the AeroMedical Centre and some of the activities of its Authority Medical Section (AMS) and Aviation Health Unit (AHU), to generate interest from the market, gain industry feedback to help inform any tender documents, establish, where appropriate if such an option is undertaken, the best route to market (procurement process) in order to achieve our outcomes, ensure that any outcomes and contractual arrangements sought could be commercially viable.
This is not an invitation to tender; a separate contract notice will be issued to indicate the start of the procurement process.
The CAA would like to meet with interested parties on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15.4.2015 at our head office in London; CAA House (nearest Tube Holborn or Temple), 45-59 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6TE. Time slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis, therefore if you are interested please contact for further details.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Section VI: Complementary information
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