Kontraktens hovedformål: Varer
Primær klassifikation (cpv): 38293000 Seismisk udstyr
En situation, der svarer til konkurs i henhold til national ret: The economic operator is in any analogous situation like bankruptcy arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations.
Konkurs: The economic operator is bankrupt.
Korruption: The economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for corruption, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable.
Tvangsakkord uden for konkurs: The economic operator is in arrangement with creditors.
Deltagelse i en kriminel organisation: The economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for participation in a criminal organisation, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable.
Aftaler med andre økonomiske aktører med henblik på konkurrencefordrejning: The economic operator has entered into agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition.
Tilsidesættelse af forpligtelser på miljølovgivningsområdet: The economic operator has breached its obligations in the field of environmental law.
Hvidvaskning af penge eller finansiering af terrorisme: The economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for money laundering or terrorist financing, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable.
Svig: The economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for fraud, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable.
Børnearbejde og andre former for menneskehandel: The economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable.
Insolvens: The economic operator is the subject of insolvency or winding-up.
Tilsidesættelse af forpligtelser på det arbejdsretlige område: The economic operator has breached its obligations in the field of labour law.
Aktiver, der administreres af en kurator: The assets of the economic operator are being administered by a liquidator or by the court.
Har afgivet urigtige oplysninger eller tilbageholdt oplysninger, som ikke var i stand til at fremlægge de krævede dokumenter og indhentet fortrolige oplysninger i forbindelse med denne procedure: The economic operator can confirm that: a) It has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required for the verification of the absence of grounds for exclusion or the fulfilment of the selection criteria, b) It has withheld such information, c) It has not been able, without delay, to submit the supporting documents required by a contracting authority or contracting entity, and d) It has undertaken to unduly influence the decision making process of the contracting authority or contracting entity, to obtain confidential information that may confer upon it undue advantages in the procurement procedure or to negligently provide misleading information that may have a material influence on decisions concerning exclusion, selection or award.
Rent nationale udelukkelsesgrunde: Any person who is a member of the economic operator’s administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for work safety offence, working hours offence, work discrimination, extortionate work discrimination, violation of the right to organise or unauthorised use of foreign labour.
Interessekonflikt som følge af deltagelse i udbudsproceduren: The economic operator is aware of any conflict of interest, as indicated in national law, the relevant notice or the procurement documents due to its participation in the procurement procedure.
Direkte eller indirekte involvering i forberedelsen af denne udbudsprocedure: The economic operator or an undertaking related to it has advised the contracting authority or contracting entity or otherwise been involved in the preparation of the procurement procedure.
Skyldig i alvorlige forsømmelser i forbindelse med udøvelsen af erhvervet: The economic operator is guilty of grave professional misconduct.
Ophævelse eller en lignende sanktion: The economic operator has experienced that a prior public contract, a prior contract with a contracting entity or a prior concession contract was terminated early, or that damages or other comparable sanctions were imposed in connection with that prior contract.
Tilsidesættelse af forpligtelser på sociallovgivningsområdet: The economic operator has breached its obligations in the field of social law.
Betaling af socialsikringsbidrag: The economic operator has breached its obligations relating to the payment social security contributions, both in the country in which it is established and in Member State of the contracting authority or contracting entity if other than the country of establishment.
Erhvervsvirksomheden er indstillet: The business activities of the economic operator are suspended.
Betaling af skatter og afgifter: The economic operator has breached its obligations relating to the payment of taxes, both in the country in which it is established and in Member State of the contracting authority or contracting entity if other than the country of establishment.
Terrorhandlinger eller strafbare handlinger med forbindelse til terroraktivitet: The economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable.