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759403-2023 - Alteração
Visualização de anúncio
Nome e endereços
Nome oficial: Municipality of Aerodrom
Nome oficial: Municipality of Aerodrom
Localidade: Skopje
Código NUTS: MK Северна Македонија / Severna Makedonija
Código postal: 1000
País: Macedónia do Norte
Pessoa de contacto: Ivana Ruzhinovska Denkovikj
Correio eletrónico:
Endereço(s) Internet:
Endereço principal:
Realization of the Smart Aerodrom project on the territory of the Municipality of Aerodrom.
Número de referência: 21858/2023
Código CPV principal
51000000 Serviços de instalação (excepto software)
51000000 Serviços de instalação (excepto software)
Tipo de contrato
Outras informações complementares
The tender documents fee is MKD6000.
The tender documents shall be made available by e-mail / on a magnetic storage medium to any interested economic operators who have sent their tender documents request with anattached/enclosed proof of payment of the tender documents fee, by e-mail or to the archives of the Municipality of Aerodrom at 109B Jane Sandanski Blvd, Skopje.
It is mandatory that the tender documents request containsthe economic operator’scontact details (telephone number and e-mail address).
Account for payment of the fee:
Budget of Republic of North Macedonia
Recipient’s bank: National Bank of Republic of North Macedonia
Account: 100000000063095
Budget user account: 775016011963011
Income account and program: 724125 00
Purpose of payment: Tender documents fee for notice No. 21858/2023
This procedure will be carried out electronically at the Electronic System for Public Procurements(ESJN), managed by the Public Procurement Bureau, whereas the electronic auction will take place at the Electronic System for Electronic Auction (ESEA),managed by the Ministry of Economics.
Additional information on registration and use of the electronic system for electronic auction is available in the manuals at
Línguas e formatos
Língua atual
759403-2023 - AlteraçãoSee the notice on TED website 
759403-2023 - AlteraçãoMacedónia do Norte-Skopje: Serviços de instalação (excepto software)
OJ S 242/2023 15/12/2023
Base jurídica:
Diretiva 2014/24/UE
Secção I: Autoridade/Entidade adjudicante
Nome e endereços
Nome oficial: Municipality of Aerodrom
Nome oficial: Municipality of Aerodrom
Localidade: Skopje
Código NUTS: MK Северна Македонија / Severna Makedonija
Código postal: 1000
País: Macedónia do Norte
Pessoa de contacto: Ivana Ruzhinovska Denkovikj
Correio eletrónico:
Endereço(s) Internet:
Endereço principal:
Secção II: Objeto
Quantidade ou âmbito do concurso
Realization of the Smart Aerodrom project on the territory of the Municipality of Aerodrom.
Número de referência: 21858/2023
Código CPV principal
51000000 Serviços de instalação (excepto software)
51000000 Serviços de instalação (excepto software)
Tipo de contrato
Descrição resumida
Establishment of a Public-Private Partnership for the Implementation of the Smart Aerodrom project on the territory of the Municipality of Aerodrom.
Secção VI: Informação complementar
Data de envio do presente anúncio
Secção VII: Alterações
Informação a alterar ou acrescentar
Texto a alterar no anúncio inicial
Outras informações complementares
The tender documents fee is MKD6000.
The tender documents shall be made available by e-mail / on a magnetic storage medium to any interested economic operators who have sent their tender documents request with anattached/enclosed proof of payment of the tender documents fee, by e-mail or to the archives of the Municipality of Aerodrom at 109B Jane Sandanski Blvd, Skopje.
It is mandatory that the tender documents request containsthe economic operator’scontact details (telephone number and e-mail address).
Account for payment of the fee:
Budget of Republic of North Macedonia
Recipient’s bank: National Bank of Republic of North Macedonia
Account: 100000000063095
Budget user account: 775016011963011
Income account and program: 724125 00
Purpose of payment: Tender documents fee for notice No. 21858/2023
This procedure will be carried out electronically at the Electronic System for Public Procurements(ESJN), managed by the Public Procurement Bureau, whereas the electronic auction will take place at the Electronic System for Electronic Auction (ESEA),managed by the Ministry of Economics.
Additional information on registration and use of the electronic system for electronic auction is available in the manuals at

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