Službene internetske stranice Europske unije

488006-2019 - Nadmetanje

Prikaz obavijesti


Naziv i adrese
Službeni naziv: Scotland Excel
Poštanska adresa: Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street
Mjesto: Paisley
NUTS kod: UKM83 Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire
Poštanski broj: PA1 1AR
Država: Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Telefon: +44 3003001200
Telefaks: +44 1416187423
Internetska(-e) adresa(-e):
Glavna djelatnost
Opće javne usluge
Supply and Distribution of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Referentni broj: 1019
Glavna CPV oznaka
03220000 Povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi
Vrsta ugovora
Procijenjena ukupna vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 24 000 000,00 GBP
Podaci o grupama
Ovaj ugovor podijeljen je na grupe: da
Supply and Distribution of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Grupa br.: 1
Dodatne šifre CPV-a
03221200 Kultivirano povrće s plodom, 03220000 Povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi, 03200000 Žitarice, krumpir, povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi, 03222230 Limunika (grejp), 03222200 Agrumi, 03222118 Kivi, 03222110 Tropsko voće, 03222100 Tropsko voće i orašasti plodovi, 03222000 Voće i orašasti plodovi, 03212000 Krumpir i sušeno povrće, 03221000 Povrće, 03221110 Korjenasto povrće, 03222112 Ananas, 03222321 Jabuke, 03222331 Marelice , 03222117 Avokado, 03222111 Banane, 03221111 Cikla, 03221430 Brokula, 03221440 Kelj pupčar, 03221112 Mrkva, 03221250 Bučice, 03222116 Smokve, 03222340 Grožđe, 03221212 Zeleni grah, 03221310 Salata, 03222210 Limuni, 03222113 Mango, 15332180 Dinje, 03221260 Gljive, 03222220 Naranče, 03111200 Kikiriki, 03212212 Slanutak, 03221221 Vrtni grašak, 03222320 Jabuke, kruške i dunje, 03222322 Kruške, 03222332 Breskve, 03221230 Paprike, 15331130 Grah, grašak, paprike, rajčice i ostalo povrće, 15872100 Papar, 03222115 Grožđice, 15332170 Rabarbara, 03221240 Rajčice, 03221114 Repa, 03222334 Šljive
Mjesto izvršenja
NUTS kod: UKM Scotland
Procijenjena vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 21 600 000,00 GBP
Trajanje ugovora, okvirnog sporazuma ili dinamičkog sustava nabave
Trajanje u mjesecima: 48
Ovaj ugovor podložan je obnavljanju: da
Opis obnavljanja:
The framework will run for an initial 24 month period, with the option to extend for up to an additional 2 x 12 month periods.
Supply and Distribution of Fresh Organic Fruit and Vegetables
Grupa br.: 2
Dodatne šifre CPV-a
03220000 Povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi, 03221200 Kultivirano povrće s plodom, 03222000 Voće i orašasti plodovi, 03222110 Tropsko voće, 03222118 Kivi, 03222200 Agrumi, 03222230 Limunika (grejp), 03222100 Tropsko voće i orašasti plodovi, 03200000 Žitarice, krumpir, povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi, 03212000 Krumpir i sušeno povrće, 03221000 Povrće, 03221110 Korjenasto povrće, 03222112 Ananas, 03222320 Jabuke, kruške i dunje, 03222321 Jabuke, 03222331 Marelice , 03222117 Avokado, 03222111 Banane, 03221111 Cikla, 03221430 Brokula, 03221440 Kelj pupčar, 03221112 Mrkva, 03221250 Bučice, 03222310 Bobičasto voće, 03222116 Smokve, 03222340 Grožđe, 03221212 Zeleni grah, 03221310 Salata, 03222210 Limuni, 03222113 Mango, 15332180 Dinje, 03221260 Gljive, 03222220 Naranče, 03212212 Slanutak, 03212213 Suhi grašak, 03221220 Grašak, 03221221 Vrtni grašak, 03222322 Kruške, 03222332 Breskve, 03221230 Paprike, 15331130 Grah, grašak, paprike, rajčice i ostalo povrće, 15872100 Papar, 03222115 Grožđice, 15332170 Rabarbara, 03221240 Rajčice, 03221114 Repa, 03222334 Šljive
Mjesto izvršenja
NUTS kod: UKM Scotland
Procijenjena vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 2 400 000,00 GBP
Trajanje ugovora, okvirnog sporazuma ili dinamičkog sustava nabave
Trajanje u mjesecima: 48
Ovaj ugovor podložan je obnavljanju: da
Opis obnavljanja:
The framework will run for an initial 24 month period, with the option to extend for up to an additional 2 x 12 month periods.
Prethodna objava povezana s ovim postupkom
Broj objave u Dodatku SL-u: 2019/S 093-224082
Rok za dostavu ponuda ili zahtjeva za sudjelovanje
Datum: 13/11/2019 Lokalno vrijeme: 12:00
Jezici na kojima se mogu dostaviti ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje
Datum slanja ove obavijesti

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Trenutačno odabrani jezikPomoć
488006-2019 - NadmetanjeUjedinjena Kraljevina-Paisley: Povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi
OJ S 201/2019 17/10/2019
Obavijest o nadmetanju
Pravna osnova:
Direktiva 2014/24/EU

Odjeljak I: Javni naručitelj

Naziv i adrese
Službeni naziv: Scotland Excel
Poštanska adresa: Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street
Mjesto: Paisley
NUTS kod: UKM83 Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire
Poštanski broj: PA1 1AR
Država: Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Telefon: +44 3003001200
Telefaks: +44 1416187423
Internetska(-e) adresa(-e):
Podaci o zajedničkoj nabavi
Ugovor dodjeljuje središnje tijelo za nabavu
Dokumentacija o nabavi dostupna je besplatno i može joj se u potpunosti pristupiti izravno i neograničeno na:
Dodatne informacije dostupne su na prethodno navedenoj adresi
Ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje moraju se podnijeti elektronički na:
Vrsta javnog naručitelja
Ministarstvo ili drugo državno ili federalno tijelo, uključujući njihove regionalne ili lokalne jedinice
Glavna djelatnost
Opće javne usluge

Odjeljak II: Predmet

Opseg nabave
Supply and Distribution of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Referentni broj: 1019
Glavna CPV oznaka
03220000 Povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi
Vrsta ugovora
Kratak opis
This contract notice is in relation to a new framework opportunity for the supply and distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables.
It is anticipated that the scope of the products covered under the framework will include, but is not limited to, fresh apples, bananas, grapes, pears, strawberries, carrots, turnip, cabbage, corn and other associated products.
Procijenjena ukupna vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 24 000 000,00 GBP
Podaci o grupama
Ovaj ugovor podijeljen je na grupe: da
Ponude se mogu podnijeti za sve grupe
Supply and Distribution of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Grupa br.: 1
Dodatne šifre CPV-a
03221200 Kultivirano povrće s plodom, 03220000 Povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi, 03200000 Žitarice, krumpir, povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi, 03222230 Limunika (grejp), 03222200 Agrumi, 03222118 Kivi, 03222110 Tropsko voće, 03222100 Tropsko voće i orašasti plodovi, 03222000 Voće i orašasti plodovi, 03212000 Krumpir i sušeno povrće, 03221000 Povrće, 03221110 Korjenasto povrće, 03222112 Ananas, 03222321 Jabuke, 03222331 Marelice , 03222117 Avokado, 03222111 Banane, 03221111 Cikla, 03221430 Brokula, 03221440 Kelj pupčar, 03221112 Mrkva, 03221250 Bučice, 03222116 Smokve, 03222340 Grožđe, 03221212 Zeleni grah, 03221310 Salata, 03222210 Limuni, 03222113 Mango, 15332180 Dinje, 03221260 Gljive, 03222220 Naranče, 03111200 Kikiriki, 03212212 Slanutak, 03221221 Vrtni grašak, 03222320 Jabuke, kruške i dunje, 03222322 Kruške, 03222332 Breskve, 03221230 Paprike, 15331130 Grah, grašak, paprike, rajčice i ostalo povrće, 15872100 Papar, 03222115 Grožđice, 15332170 Rabarbara, 03221240 Rajčice, 03221114 Repa, 03222334 Šljive
Mjesto izvršenja
NUTS kod: UKM Scotland
Glavna lokacija ili mjesto izvršenja: Various locations throughout the geographical boundaries of participating Councils and associate members within Scotland.
Opis nabave
This contract notice is in relation to a new framework opportunity for the supply and distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables.
It will provide a mechanism for Scottish local authorities to procure a range of fresh fruit and vegetables and organic fruit and vegetables that includes, but is not limited to, fresh apples, bananas, grapes, pears, strawberries, carrots, turnip, cabbage, corn and other associated products.
Tenderers will be able to bid for one, any, or all local authority areas.
Kriteriji za dodjelu
Niže navedeni kriteriji
Kriterij kvalitete - Naziv: Technical / Ponder: 35
Cijena - Ponder: 65
Procijenjena vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 21 600 000,00 GBP
Trajanje ugovora, okvirnog sporazuma ili dinamičkog sustava nabave
Trajanje u mjesecima: 48
Ovaj ugovor podložan je obnavljanju: da
Opis obnavljanja:
The framework will run for an initial 24 month period, with the option to extend for up to an additional 2 x 12 month periods.
Podaci o varijantama
Varijante su dopuštene.: ne
Podaci o opcijama
Opcije: ne
Podaci o elektroničkim katalozima
Ponude moraju biti predstavljene u obliku elektroničkog kataloga ili sadržavati elektronički katalog
Podaci o fondovima Europske unije
Nabava je povezana s projektom i/ili programom koji se financira iz fondova Europske unije: ne
Dodatni podaci
Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Please see the invitation to tender contained on the PCS-Tender project relevant to this procurement and the other tender documents for further information.
Supply and Distribution of Fresh Organic Fruit and Vegetables
Grupa br.: 2
Dodatne šifre CPV-a
03220000 Povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi, 03221200 Kultivirano povrće s plodom, 03222000 Voće i orašasti plodovi, 03222110 Tropsko voće, 03222118 Kivi, 03222200 Agrumi, 03222230 Limunika (grejp), 03222100 Tropsko voće i orašasti plodovi, 03200000 Žitarice, krumpir, povrće, voće i orašasti plodovi, 03212000 Krumpir i sušeno povrće, 03221000 Povrće, 03221110 Korjenasto povrće, 03222112 Ananas, 03222320 Jabuke, kruške i dunje, 03222321 Jabuke, 03222331 Marelice , 03222117 Avokado, 03222111 Banane, 03221111 Cikla, 03221430 Brokula, 03221440 Kelj pupčar, 03221112 Mrkva, 03221250 Bučice, 03222310 Bobičasto voće, 03222116 Smokve, 03222340 Grožđe, 03221212 Zeleni grah, 03221310 Salata, 03222210 Limuni, 03222113 Mango, 15332180 Dinje, 03221260 Gljive, 03222220 Naranče, 03212212 Slanutak, 03212213 Suhi grašak, 03221220 Grašak, 03221221 Vrtni grašak, 03222322 Kruške, 03222332 Breskve, 03221230 Paprike, 15331130 Grah, grašak, paprike, rajčice i ostalo povrće, 15872100 Papar, 03222115 Grožđice, 15332170 Rabarbara, 03221240 Rajčice, 03221114 Repa, 03222334 Šljive
Mjesto izvršenja
NUTS kod: UKM Scotland
Glavna lokacija ili mjesto izvršenja: Various locations throughout the geographical boundaries of participating Councils and associate members within Scotland.
Opis nabave
This contract notice is in relation to a new framework opportunity for the supply and distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables.
It will provide a mechanism for Scottish local authorities to procure a range of fresh organic fruit and vegetables and organic fruit and vegetables that includes, but is not limited to, fresh apples, bananas, grapes, pears, strawberries, carrots, turnip, cabbage, corn and other associated products.
Tenderers will be able to bid for one, any, or all local authority areas.
Kriteriji za dodjelu
Niže navedeni kriteriji
Kriterij kvalitete - Naziv: Technical / Ponder: 35
Cijena - Ponder: 65
Procijenjena vrijednost
Vrijednost bez PDV-a: 2 400 000,00 GBP
Trajanje ugovora, okvirnog sporazuma ili dinamičkog sustava nabave
Trajanje u mjesecima: 48
Ovaj ugovor podložan je obnavljanju: da
Opis obnavljanja:
The framework will run for an initial 24 month period, with the option to extend for up to an additional 2 x 12 month periods.
Podaci o varijantama
Varijante su dopuštene.: ne
Podaci o opcijama
Opcije: ne
Podaci o elektroničkim katalozima
Ponude moraju biti predstavljene u obliku elektroničkog kataloga ili sadržavati elektronički katalog
Podaci o fondovima Europske unije
Nabava je povezana s projektom i/ili programom koji se financira iz fondova Europske unije: ne
Dodatni podaci
Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Please see the invitation to tender contained on the PCS-Tender project relevant to this procurement and the other tender documents for further information.

Odjeljak III: Pravni, gospodarski, financijski i tehnički podaci

Uvjeti sudjelovanja
Ekonomska i financijska sposobnost
Popis i kratki opis kriterija za odabir:
1) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4B.5: insurance requirements;
2) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4B.6: other economic and financial requirements.
In accordance with Regulation 59 (12), as this proposed framework agreement is divided into lots, these economic and financial standing selection criteria apply separately in relation to each individual lot.
Najniža(-e) razina(-e) sposobnosti koja se zahtijeva (koje se zahtijevaju):
1) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4B.5:
It is a requirement of this contract that bidders hold, or can commit to obtain prior to the commencement of any subsequently awarded contract, the types and levels of insurance indicated below:
— ESPD (Scotland) Question 4B.5.1 employers' (compulsory) liability insurance — maintain a minimum indemnity limit of 10 000 000 GBP in respect of each and every claim and without limit to the number of claims,
— ESPD (Scotland) Question 4B.5.2 public/products liability insurance 10 000 000 GBP each and every claim and in the aggregate in respect of products,
— motor vehicle insurance — maintain a minimum indemnity limit of 5 000 000 GBP for property damage, and unlimited in respect of third party injury.
For bidders who will subcontract parts of the business, the bidder should provide a letter signed by a person of appropriate authority confirming that the bidder has ongoing arrangements in place to ensure that subcontractors' vehicles are appropriately insured and maintained.
All goods to be supplied must be provided in accordance with the applicable Law and contract requirements.
Other economic and financial requirements:
A search of the bidder against Equifax's Protect must not return a 'Warning' or 'Caution' returnable code or any neutral code, unless the bidder confirms that it can provide any other document which Scotland Excel considers appropriate to prove to Scotland Excel (acting within its permitted discretion under the applicable public procurement rules) that the bidder does/would not represent an unmanageable risk should it be appointed on to the proposed framework agreement.
Tehnička i stručna sposobnost
Popis i kratki opis kriterija za odabir:
1) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4C.1: supply and services contracts;
2) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4C.10: subcontracting;
3) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4D.1: quality assurance scheme;
4) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4D.1: health and safety procedures;
5) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4D.2: environmental management standards.
Najniža(-e) razina(-e) sposobnosti koja se zahtijeva (koje se zahtijevaju):
1) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4C.1: supply and services contracts:
Requirement: please provide Three recent examples of relevant work undertaken.
2) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4C.10: subcontracting:
Bidders will be required to confirm whether they intend to subcontract and, if so, for what proportion of the contracts to be called-off under the proposed framework agreement.
3) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4D.1: quality assurance scheme:
The bidder must have the following:
The bidder must hold a UKAS (or equivalent) accredited independent third party certificate of compliance in accordance with BS EN ISO 9001 (or equivalent) or a documented policy regarding quality management. The policy must set out responsibilities for quality management demonstrating that the bidder has and continues to implement a quality management policy, or equivalent, and is periodically reviewed at a senior management level. The policy must be relevant to the nature and scale of the work to be undertaken and set out responsibilities for quality management throughout the organisation.
4) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4D.1: health and safety procedures:
The bidder must have the following:
The bidder must hold a UKAS (or equivalent), accredited independent third party certificate of compliance in accordance with BS OHSAS 18001 (or equivalent) or have, within the last 12 months, successfully met the assessment requirements of a construction-related scheme in registered membership of the Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) forum.
Whilst it is a criteria for suppliers to hold an accredited independent third party certificate of compliance in accordance with BS OHSAS 18001 (or equivalent), it is important to note that due to the recent release of ISO 45001, this will now be withdrawn. Therefore, bidders are also required as part of their submission to specify that they will commit to migrate to the new standard by March 2021 or:
(a) a regularly reviewed and documented policy for Health and Safety (H&S) management. The policy must be relevant to the nature and scale of your operations and set out your company's responsibilities for H&S
management and compliance with legislation (not applicable to organisations with fewer than 5 employees);
(b) documented arrangements for providing the bidder's workforce with training and information appropriate to the type of work which the organisation is likely to bid. This must provide evidence that the bidder has in place and implements, training arrangements to ensure that its workforce has sufficient skills and understanding to discharge the various duties. This will provide details of staff health and safety training arrangements and how relevant information is communicated to staff. This must also include a description of arrangements for keeping the workforce updated on legislation and good H&S practice applicable throughout the organisation.
5) ESPD (Scotland) Question 4D.2: environmental management standards:
The bidder must have the following:
The bidder must hold a UKAS (or equivalent) accredited independent third party certificate of compliance with BS EN ISO14001 (or equivalent) or a valid EMAS (or equivalent) certificate or a regularly reviewed documented policy regarding environmental management. This policy must include and describe the bidder's environmental emergency response procedures including the preparedness and response procedures for potential accidents and emergency response situations that give rise to significant environmental impacts (for example hazardous substance spill control).
Further to the description of the selection criteria outlined for points 3-5 above, guidance and the minimum level of standards required are outlined in the ‘1019 III.1.3 Technical and Professional Ability’ attachment which can be found in the ‘Information and Instructions’ folder of the buyer attachments area, within ITT 31645 of project 14300, the tender for fresh fruit and vegetables 10-19. Documents must be authorised by the Chief Executive or equivalent.
Uvjeti povezani s ugovorom
Uvjeti izvršenja ugovora
For full details of the conditions relevant to the proposed framework agreement and contracts to be called-off thereunder (to the extent known or settled at this stage), please see the procurement documents (details of how to access these being set out in Section ‘1.3 Communication’ of this contract notice).
Scotland Excel will require the members of any tendering group of entities (including, but not limited to consortium members, members of a group of economic operators and/or subcontractors) to be jointly and severally liable for the performance of the contract (no matter the legal form taken by those entities in order to enter into the contract).

Odjeljak IV: Postupak

Vrsta postupka
Otvoreni postupak
Podaci o okvirnom sporazumu ili dinamičkom sustavu nabave
Nabava uključuje uspostavu okvirnog sporazuma
Okvirni sporazum s nekoliko gospodarskih subjekataPredviđeni najveći broj sudionika u okvirnom sporazumu: 10
Podaci o elektroničkoj dražbi
Provodit će se elektronička dražbaDodatni podaci o elektroničkoj dražbi:
Whilst an electronic auction wont be used in the procurement process to award onto this framework agreement, tenderers should be aware that the contracting authorities permitted to call-off under this framework agreement may do so via an electronic auction. Information pursuant to Regulation 36(7) of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 will be provided by the contracting authorities.
Podaci o Sporazumu o javnoj nabavi (GPA)
Nabava je obuhvaćena Sporazumom o javnoj nabavi: da
Administrativni podaci
Prethodna objava povezana s ovim postupkom
Broj objave u Dodatku SL-u: 2019/S 093-224082
Rok za dostavu ponuda ili zahtjeva za sudjelovanje
Datum: 13/11/2019 Lokalno vrijeme: 12:00
Procijenjeni datum slanja poziva na dostavu ponuda ili na sudjelovanje odabranim natjecateljima
Jezici na kojima se mogu dostaviti ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje
Minimalni rok valjanosti ponude
Trajanje u mjesecima: 6 (od isteka roka za dostavu ponuda)
Uvjeti za otvaranje ponuda
Datum: 13/11/2019 Lokalno vrijeme: 12:00
Scotland Excel, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley, PA1 1AR.
Podaci o ovlaštenim osobama i postupku otvaranja: Scotland Excel Officers and Members.

Odjeljak VI: Dopunski podaci

Podaci o obnavljanjima
Ova nabava će se ponavljati.: ne
Podaci o elektroničkim tijekovima rada
Upotrebljavat će se elektroničko naručivanje
Prihvaćaju se elektronički računi
Upotrebljavat će se elektroničko plaćanje
Dodatni podaci
Scotland Excel as a central purchasing body, may procure this framework on behalf of the following contracting authorities (and successor bodies):
— Scotland Excel associate members listed as at the date of publication of this Notice
— Tayside contracts,
— Scottish Prison Service and all establishments owned and managed by the Scottish Ministers through the Scottish Prison Service, and
— any integration authority, or other body, established pursuant to the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.
The above is subject to each contracting authority entering into and maintaining a relevant membership agreement or other access agreement with Scotland Excel.
Tenderers are advised that the envisaged maximum number of participants that might be appointed to the proposed framework agreement set out in Section IV.1.3) of this contract notice is purely indicative. Scotland Excel reserves the right to appoint more or less bidders than the envisaged number to the proposed framework agreement.
Tenderers are advised that whether electronic ordering, invoicing and payment will be used or accepted is at the discretion of each contracting authority entitled to use this proposed framework agreement. This will be settled by them during call-off of a contract under this proposed framework agreement. Further Information on this can be found within the ‘1019 Logistics Information’ document located within the ‘Information and Instructions’ folder within the ‘Buyer Attachment’ area.
Further information regarding the operation of the framework can be found within the tender documentation which is available in the relevant PCS-T project for this procurement exercise.
Scotland Excel have provided a webinar link providing tendering guidance for suppliers in relation to all Scotland Excel Frameworks that are advertised on the PCS-T portal. The below link will highlight features of the system in order to assist in your navigation of the tendering portal. This webinar will support the SXL 1019 Supply and Distribution of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables framework (ITT: 31645 Project Code: 14300). Link: (
In line with Regulation 72 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, contract and framework agreements may be modified without a new procurement procedure in accordance with this Part in some cases. Further details of the cases this is permitted can be found in the document ‘1019 Regulation 72’, within the ‘Information and Instructions’ folder in the ‘Buyer Attachments’ area of the PCS-T project for this procurement.
The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The project code is 14300
A subcontract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see:
Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see:
A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows:
In accordance with Section 25(3) of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 note that, Scotland Excel intends to include community benefit requirements. As part of your response within the technical envelope, bidders will be requested to commit to delivery of community benefits in accordance with the methodology outlined in the tender documents.
As part of your response within the technical envelope, bidders will be requested to commit to delivery of community benefits in accordance with the methodology outlined in the tender documents.
(SC Ref:594641)
Postupci pravne zaštite
Tijelo nadležno za postupak pravne zaštite
Službeni naziv: Please refer to VI.4.3) below
Mjesto: Please refer to VI.4.3) below
Država: Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Postupak pravne zaštite
Detaljnji podaci o roku(-ovima) za postupke pravne zaštite:
An economic operator that suffers, or risks suffering, loss or damage attributable to a breach of duty under the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI2015/446) (as amended) may bring proceedings in the Sheriff Court or the Court of Session.
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