00714084-2024 - Konkursas

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TED v2 - Viewer
Kvalifikationssystem for BESS (Battery Energy Storage System)

PirkėjasBeGreen A/S
E. paštascontract@begreen.dk
DanijaVest- og Sydsjælland (DK022)Haslev

LOT-0000Kvalifikationssystem for BESS (Battery Energy Storage System)
Akumuliatoriai, galvaniniai elementai ir baterijos
DanijaBet kurioje konkrečios šalies vietoje
Pradžios data06/12/2024 Kitas galiojimasUNLIMITED

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Dabartinė kalbaPagalbos piktograma
714084-2024 - Konkursas
Danija – Baterijos – Kvalifikationssystem for BESS (Battery Energy Storage System)
OJ S 228/2024 22/11/2024
Skelbimas apie kvalifikacijos vertinimo sistemą
1. Pirkėjas
Oficialus pavadinimasBeGreen A/S
E. paštascontract@begreen.dk
Pirkėjo teisinė formaValstybinė įmonė
Perkančiojo subjekto veiklos sritisSu elektros energija susijusi veikla
2. Procedūra
PavadinimasKvalifikationssystem for BESS (Battery Energy Storage System)
AprašymasBeGreen has established a qualification system for future tenders related to projects within the field of BESS (“Battery Energy Storage System”) in relation to the development of solar parks. This qualification system is established according to Council Directive 2014/25/EU of 26 February 2014 (the “Utilities Directive”). The qualification system is unlimited in duration and will only cease when BeGreen decides to terminate it, which will be announced in TED. The qualification system is managed via Comdia.
Procedūros identifikatorius8d28985e-aad1-439a-8874-5a04fb9e3a16
Vidaus identifikatorius373072
Sutarties objektasPrekės
Pagrindinis klasifikacijos kodas (cpv): 31440000 Baterijos
Kiti klasifikacijos kodai (cpv): 31430000 Elektros akumuliatoriai, 31155000 Invertoriai, 31172000 Įtampos transformatoriai, 31170000 Transformatoriai
Bendra informacija
Papildoma informacijaAs part of the application, economic operators must ensure that a duly completed version of the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) is submitted. The ESPD is the economic operator's 'selfdeclaration' serving as preliminary evidence that the economic operator is not subject to the mandatory and, if selected, voluntary grounds for exclusion and meets the requirements for suitability. The grounds for exclusion are stated in the present contract notice. Economic operators covered by the included exclusion grounds may only participate in the tender if documentation of reliability is presented, cf. section 138 of the Public Procurement Act. The Public undertaking will request a “Serviceattest” (https://erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/serviceattestvedudbud) as documentation supporting that economic operators are not subject to the exclusion grounds specified in section 135, paragraph 1, 2, and 3 and section 137, paragraph 1, no. 2 of the Public Procurement Act. If the economic operator originates from another Member State, they must provide equivalent documentation in the version and/or from the authorities relevant in that Member State. The Public undertaking reserves the right at any time to request an applicant or tenderer to submit documentation if necessary to ensure that the procedure is carried out correctly. The EU sanctions against Russia entail that economic operators subject to EU sanctions under EU Regulation no. 833/2014 as amended, article 5k, are excluded from participating in the tender. By submitting an application, the applicant confirms not to be subject to this. Conditions for participation in the form of consortia or through the use of supporting entities are described in the Tender Material. The Public undertaking reserves the right to complement, supplement, or complete applications and tenders. Further information is available in the instruction to the qualification system, which can be found at Comdia.
Teisinis pagrindas
Direktyva 2014/25/ES
Pašalinimo pagrindai
Pareigų darbo teisės srityje pažeidimasPursuant to Section 137(1)(1) of the Public Procurement Act.
BankrotasPursuant to Section 137(1)(2) of the Public Procurement Act.
NemokumasPursuant to Section 137(1)(2) of the Public Procurement Act.
Susitarimas su kreditoriaisPursuant to Section 137(1)(2) of the Public Procurement Act.
Bankrotui prilygstanti situacija pagal nacionalinius įstatymusPursuant to Section 137(1)(2) of the Public Procurement Act.
Likvidatoriaus administruojamas turtasPursuant to Section 137(1)(2) of the Public Procurement Act.
Sustabdyta verslo veiklaPursuant to Section 137(1)(2) of the Public Procurement Act.
Pripažinimas kaltu dėl sunkaus profesinio nusižengimoPursuant to Section 136(4) of the Public Procurement Act.
Interesų konfliktas dėl dalyvavimo pirkimo procedūrojePursuant to Section 136(1) of the Public Procurement Act.
Tiesioginis arba netiesioginis dalyvavimas rengiant šią pirkimo procedūrąPursuant to Section 136(2) of the Public Procurement Act.
Pripažinimas kaltu dėl klaidingos informacijos, negalintis pateikti reikalaujamų dokumentų ir gautas konfidencialios informacijos apie šią procedūrąPursuant to Section 136(3) (and Section 137(1)(5)) of the Public Procurement Act.
Išimtinai nacionaliniai pašalinimo pagrindaiPursuant to Section 134a of the Public Procurement Act.
Teroristiniai nusikaltimai arba su teroristine veikla susiję nusikaltimaiPursuant to Section 135(1)(4) of the Public Procurement Act. Documentation must be provided in accordance with Section 153 of the Public Procurement Act.
Socialinio draudimo įmokų mokėjimas(Automatinis vertimas)Pursuant to Section 135(3) of the Public Procurement Act. Documentation must be provided in accordance with Section 153 of the Public Procurement Act.
Mokesčių mokėjimasPursuant to Section 135(3) of the Public Procurement Act. Documentation must be provided in accordance with Section 153 of the Public Procurement Act.
Dalyvavimas nusikalstamoje organizacijojePursuant to Section 135(1)(1) of the Public Procurement Act. Documentation must be provided in accordance with Section 153 of the Public Procurement Act.
Pinigų plovimas arba teroristų finansavimasPursuant to Section 135(1)(5) of the Public Procurement Act. Documentation must be provided in accordance with Section 153 of the Public Procurement Act.
SukčiavimasPursuant to Section 135(1)(3) of the Public Procurement Act. Documentation must be provided in accordance with Section 153 of the Public Procurement Act.
Vaikų darbas ir kitos prekybos žmonėmis formosPursuant to Section 135(1)(6) of the Public Procurement Act. Documentation must be provided in accordance with Section 153 of the Public Procurement Act.
KorupcijaPursuant to Section 135(1)(2) of the Public Procurement Act. Documentation must be provided in accordance with Section 153 of the Public Procurement Act.
5. Pirkimo dalis
Pirkimo dalisLOT-0000
PavadinimasKvalifikationssystem for BESS (Battery Energy Storage System)
AprašymasBeGreen has established a qualification system for future tenders related to projects within the field of BESS (“Battery Energy Storage System”) in relation to the development of solar parks. This qualification system is established according to Council Directive 2014/25/EU of 26 February 2014 (the “Utilities Directive”). The qualification system is unlimited in duration and will only cease when BeGreen decides to terminate it, which will be announced in TED. An economic operator who applies for the qualification system is considered an “applicant”, whereas a qualified economic operator who is invited to participate in a specific tender is considered a “tenderer”. Only the economic operators qualified to be part of the qualification system at the time of call for tender will be considered in the selection of tenderers. Qualification is therefore a prerequisite for participation in future tenders, but it cannot be regarded as a guarantee of either participation in these tenders or the award of future contracts. The Public undertaking thus reserves the right to conduct tenders independently of this qualification system. The Public undertaking will, when call for tender is made, award contracts or framework agreements above the threshold value according to the procedures defined in articles 46 and 47. For procurements below the threshold value, the Public undertaking will outline the procedure in the Tender Material. The process leading to the selection of tenderers is stated in the Instructions for the qualification system, which can be found in Comdia.
Vidaus identifikatorius373072
Sutarties objektasPrekės
Pagrindinis klasifikacijos kodas (cpv): 31400000 Akumuliatoriai, galvaniniai elementai ir baterijos
Kiti klasifikacijos kodai (cpv): 31430000 Elektros akumuliatoriai, 31155000 Invertoriai, 31172000 Įtampos transformatoriai, 31170000 Transformatoriai
Sutarties vykdymo vieta
Bet kurioje konkrečios šalies vietoje
Papildoma informacijaBESS to be delivered at project specific sites throughout Denmark.
Numatomas galiojimas
Pradžios data06/12/2024
Kitas galiojimasNeribotas
Daugiausiai atnaujinimų0
Bendra informacija
Rezervuota dalyvavimo teisėDalyvavimas nerezervuotas.
Pirkimui taikoma Sutartis dėl viešųjų pirkimų (SVP)taip
Papildoma informacijaAn economic operator participating on its own and which does not rely on the capacities of other entities in order to meet the minimum requirements and the selection criteria, must fill out one ESPD. An economic operator participating on its own but relying on the capacities of one or more other entities must ensure that the Public undertaking receives its own ESPD together with a separate ESPD setting out the relevant information for each of the entities it relies on. Finally, where groups of economic operators, including temporary associations, participate together in the procurement procedure, a separate ESPD setting out the information required under Parts II to V must be given for each of the participating economic operators.
Atrankos kriterijai
RūšisEkonominė ir finansinė būklė
PavadinimasSpecific yearly turnover
AprašymasThe applicant must provide the yearly turnover in accordance with the accounting practices applicable to the applicant from the most recent available annual report in ESPD part IV.B, ‘General yearly turnover'. The most recent available annual report refers to the report available at the time of the application deadline for the establishment of the Qualification system on december 6th 2024 (or the deadlines for reopening for application or submission of updated information, cf. section 2.2 of the Instruction, Qualification System). The applicant’s turnover must be at least EUR 34.000.000. If the applicant relies on the capacity of one or more entities (e.g., a parent company, sister company, or subcontractor) or is a group of economic operators (e.g., a consortium), information regarding ESPD part IV.B must also be provided in a separate ESPD for each of these entities, cf. section 5.1.6 'Additional information'. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the minimum requirement concerning turnover is met collectively through consolidation when the application is based on the capacity of other entities or if the applicant is a group of economic operators (e.g., a consortium). As documentation, BeGreen will request the most recent available annual report(s). Reference is made to the Instruction, Qualification System.
Šio kriterijaus taikymasNaudoti

RūšisEkonominė ir finansinė būklė
PavadinimasOther economic or financial requirements
AprašymasThe applicant must provide their equity (total equity incl. share capital, reserves, revaluation, retained earning etc.) in accordance with the accounting practices applicable to the applicant from the most recent available annual report in ESPD part IV.B, ‘Financial ratio'. The most recent available annual report refers to the report available at the time of the application deadline for the establishment of the Qualification system on december 6th 2024 (or the deadlines for reopening for application or submission of updated information, cf. section 2.2 of the Instruction, Qualification System). The applicant’s equity must be at least EUR 2.700.000. If the applicant relies on the capacity of one or more entities (e.g., a parent company, sister company, or subcontractor) or is a group of economic operators (e.g., a consortium), information regarding ESPD part IV.B must also be provided in a separate ESPD for each of these entities, cf. section 5.1.6 'Additional information'. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the minimum requirement concerning equity is met collectively through consolidation when the application is based on the capacity of other entities or if the applicant is a group of economic operators (e.g., a consortium). As documentation, BeGreen will request the most recent available annual report(s). Reference is made to the Instruction, Qualification System.
Šio kriterijaus taikymasNaudoti

RūšisEkonominė ir finansinė būklė
PavadinimasOther economic or financial requirements
AprašymasThe applicant must provide their solvency ratio (equity divided by total assets multiplied by 100) in accordance with the accounting practices applicable to the applicant from the most recent available annual report in ESPD part IV.B, ‘Financial ratio'. The most recent available annual report refers to the report available at the time of the application deadline for the establishment of the Qualification system on december 6th 2024 (or the deadlines for reopening for application or submission of updated information, cf. section 2.2 of the Instruction, Qualification System). The applicant’s solvency ratio must be at least 20%. If the applicant relies on the capacity of one or more entities (e.g., a parent company, sister company, or subcontractor) or is a group of economic operators (e.g., a consortium), information regarding ESPD part IV.B must also be provided in a separate ESPD for each of these entities, cf. section 5.1.6 'Additional information'. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the minimum requirement concerning solvency ratio is met collectively through consolidation when the application is based on the capacity of other entities or if the applicant is a group of economic operators (e.g., a consortium). As documentation, BeGreen will request the most recent available annual report(s). Reference is made to the Instruction, Qualification System.
Šio kriterijaus taikymasNaudoti

RūšisTechninis ir profesinis pajėgumas
PavadinimasReferences on specified deliveries
AprašymasAs part of the application the applicant can submit 5 references in the ESPD Part IV.C: ‘References on specified works’ or in a separate sheet. The applicant must provide a minimum of 3 references which all individually meet the following minimum requirements: i) the supplies must have been delivered within the past three (3) years counted from the application deadline for the establishment of the Qualification system on december 6th 2024 (or the deadlines for reopening for application or submission of updated information, cf. section 2.2 of the Instruction, Qualification System), ii) the reference must include experience with the delivery of a full BESS-solution including batteries, inverters, medium voltage transformers and switchgear with a minimum systems size of 10 MW and which have delivered at least 100 MWh. The delivered battery cells for the reference must be Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4). The applicant should ensure that the following information is provided for all submitted references: a. Recipient of the supplies (including contact information), b. Detailed description of the supplies delivered, specification, volume, role of the applicant etc., c. MW and MWh delivered, d. Whether the supplies delivered was subject to RfG (Requirements for Generators, cf. Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631) or equivalent. Delivery period (start and completion of the delivery, specifying exact dates including date of Energization and final delivery). Framework agreements and ongoing contracts may be included as references, however, only supplies which have been delivered as part of the framework agreement/ongoing contract can be included when describing in detail the content of the supplies. If the applicant relies on the capacities of other entities, the references for these must be provided in the supporting entity’s ESPD or in a separate file (optional). A group of economic operators (e.g., a consortium) must meet the requirement jointly. BeGreen does not expect to request additional documentation for the references but reserves the right to use the contact information provided to verify the submitted information. “References" will be included in the selection of tenderers. Further details are set out in the instructions for the qualification system which is available in Comdia. Reference is made to the Instruction, Qualification System.
Šio kriterijaus taikymasNaudoti
Skyrimo kriterijai
Pagrindimas, kodėl nenurodomas sutarties skyrimo kriterijų lyginamasis svorisThe award criteria for the specific contracts will be set out in the Tender Material when a procurement is conducted.
Pirkimo dokumentai
Kalbos, kuriomis oficialiai skelbiami pirkimo dokumentaianglų kalba
Papildomos informacijos prašymo terminas29/11/2024
Pirkimo sąlygos
Pateikimo sąlygos
Pateikimas elektroninėmis priemonėmisPrivalomos
Kalbos, kuriomis galima pateikti pasiūlymus arba dalyvavimo prašymusanglų kalba
Sutarties sąlygos
Sutartis turi būti vykdoma pagal globojamų darbo grupių užimtumo programasNe
Elektroninės sąskaitos faktūrosPrivalomos
Bus naudojami elektroniniai užsakymaine
Bus naudojami elektroniniai mokėjimaitaip
Finansinės sąlygos_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHANGE_ME_
Išsamesnė informacija, tarpininkavimas ir peržiūra
Peržiūros organizacijaKlagenævnet for Udbud
Informacija apie peržiūros terminus: Pursuant to the Danish Act on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement, etc. (lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud m.v.) (the Act is available (in Danish) at www.retsinformation.dk), the following deadlines apply to the lodging of complaints: Complaints for not having been selected must be submitted to the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of 20 calendar days, see section 7(1) of the Act, from the day after submission of notification to the candidates concerned of the identity of the successful tenderer where the notification is accompanied by an explanation of the grounds for the decision in accordance with section 2(1), para (1) of the Act. In other situations, complaints of award procedures, see section 7(2) of the Act, must be lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before the expiry of: 1) 45 calendar days after the contracting entity has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union that the contracting entity has entered into a contract. The deadline is calculated from the day after the day when the notice was published. 2) 30 calendar days calculated from the day after the day when the contracting entity has notified the candidates concerned that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into where the notification has included an explanation of the relevant grounds for the decision. 3) 6 months after the contracting entity entered into a framework agreement calculated from the day after the day when the contracting entity notified the candidates and tenderers concerned, see section 2(2) of the Act. Not later than at the time of lodging a complaint with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the complainant must notify the contracting entity in writing that a complaint has been lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement and whether the appeal was lodged during the stand-still period, see section 6(4) of the Act. In cases where the complaint was not lodged within the standstill period, the complainant must furthermore indicate whether a suspensory effect of the complaint has been requested, see section 12(1) of the Act. The e-mail address of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement is set out in section VI.4.1). The Complaints Board’s own complaints procedure is available at https://naevneneshus.dk/start-din-klage/klagenaevnet-for-udbud/vejledning/
Organizacija, teikianti papildomą informaciją apie pirkimo procedūrąBeGreen A/S
Organizacija, teikianti neinternetinę prieigą prie pirkimo dokumentųBeGreen A/S
Organizacija, teikianti daugiau informacijos apie peržiūros procedūrasKonkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Organizacija, tvarkanti pasiūlymusBeGreen A/S
TED eSenderComdia ApS
8. Organizacijos
Oficialus pavadinimasBeGreen A/S
Registracijos numeris43692836
Pašto adresasKoldinghus Alle 1 C
Pašto kodas4690
Šalies administracinis vienetas (NUTS)Vest- og Sydsjælland (DK022)
Ryšių centrasMalene Jørgensen; Frederik Heintz
E. paštascontract@begreen.dk
Telefono numeris+4544454645
Interneto adresashttps://begreen.dk/
Šios organizacijos vaidmenys
Organizacija, teikianti papildomą informaciją apie pirkimo procedūrą
Organizacija, teikianti neinternetinę prieigą prie pirkimo dokumentų
Organizacija, tvarkanti pasiūlymus
Oficialus pavadinimasComdia ApS
Registracijos numeris33501404
Pašto adresasLindvedvej 73
MiestasOdense S
Pašto kodas5260
Šalies administracinis vienetas (NUTS)Fyn (DK031)
E. paštassupport@comdia.com
Telefono numeris+45 7199 3672
Interneto adresashttps://www.comdia.com/
Šios organizacijos vaidmenys
TED eSender
Oficialus pavadinimasKlagenævnet for Udbud
Registracijos numeris37795526
Pašto adresasNævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2
Pašto kodas8800
Šalies administracinis vienetas (NUTS)Vestjylland (DK041)
E. paštasklfu@naevneneshus.dk
Telefono numeris+45 7240 5600
Interneto adresashttp://www.klfu.dk
Šios organizacijos vaidmenys
Peržiūros organizacija
Oficialus pavadinimasKonkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Registracijos numeris10294819
Pašto adresasCarl Jacobsens Vej 35
Pašto kodas2500
Šalies administracinis vienetas (NUTS)Københavns omegn (DK012)
E. paštaskfst@kfst.dk
Telefono numeris+45 4171 5000
Interneto adresashttps://www.kfst.dk/
Šios organizacijos vaidmenys
Organizacija, teikianti daugiau informacijos apie peržiūros procedūras
Skelbimo informacija
Skelbimo identifikatorius / versija37906fa7-6b12-4b0c-9b1e-11bc3c9c9129  -  01
Formos tipasKonkursas
Skelbimo rūšisSkelbimas apie kvalifikacijos vertinimo sistemą
Skelbimo porūšis15
Skelbimo išsiuntimo data20/11/2024 21:20:43 (UTC+1)
Kalbos, kuriomis šis skelbimas oficialiai skelbiamasdanų kalba
Skelbimo paskelbimo numeris714084-2024
OL S numeris228/2024
Paskelbimo data22/11/2024