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093700-2020 - Planuojamas pirkimas
Skelbimo rodinys
Pavadinimas ir adresai
Oficialus pavadinimas: Department for International Development
Oficialus pavadinimas: Department for International Development
Adresas: Abercrombie House
Miestas: East Kilbride
NUTS kodas: UKM95 South Lanarkshire
Pašto kodas: G75 8EA
Šalis: Jungtinė Karalystė
Asmuo ryšiams: Ben Donnelly
El. paštas: b-donnelly@dfid.gov.uk
Interneto adresas (-ai):
Pagrindinis adresas: https://dfid.proactisportal.com/Account/Login
Pagrindinė veikla
Kita veikla: International development
Kita veikla: International development
PROJ10102 — Climate, Livelihoods and Resilience Programme in Myanmar (CLEAR)
Nuorodos numeris: PROJ10102
Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas
75211200 Paslaugos, susijusios su užsienio ekonomine pagalba
75211200 Paslaugos, susijusios su užsienio ekonomine pagalba
Sutarties tipas
Numatoma bendra vertė
Vertė be PVM: 45 000 000,00 GBP
Vertė be PVM: 45 000 000,00 GBP
Informacija apie pirkimo dalis
Ši sutartis suskaidyta į pirkimo dalis: ne
Ši sutartis suskaidyta į pirkimo dalis: ne
Įgyvendinimo vieta
NUTS kodas: UKM95 South Lanarkshire
Numatoma skelbimo apie pirkimą paskelbimo data
Šio skelbimo išsiuntimo data
Kalbos ir formatai
Dabartinė kalba
93700-2020 - Planuojamas pirkimasSee the notice on TED website 
93700-2020 - Planuojamas pirkimasJungtinė Karalystė, Didžioji Britanija-East Kilbride: Paslaugos, susijusios su užsienio ekonomine pagalba
OJ S 39/2020 25/02/2020
Išankstinis informacinis skelbimas
Teisinis pagrindas:
Direktyva 2014/24/ES
I dalis: Perkančioji organizacija
Pavadinimas ir adresai
Oficialus pavadinimas: Department for International Development
Oficialus pavadinimas: Department for International Development
Adresas: Abercrombie House
Miestas: East Kilbride
NUTS kodas: UKM95 South Lanarkshire
Pašto kodas: G75 8EA
Šalis: Jungtinė Karalystė
Asmuo ryšiams: Ben Donnelly
El. paštas: b-donnelly@dfid.gov.uk
Interneto adresas (-ai):
Pagrindinis adresas: https://dfid.proactisportal.com/Account/Login
Informacija apie pirkimą
Sutartį skiria centrinė perkančioji organizacija
Daugiau informacijos galima gauti pirmiau nurodytu adresu
Perkančiosios organizacijos tipas
Ministerija ar kuri nors kita nacionalinės ar federalinės valdžios institucija, įskaitant jų regioninius ar vietos padalinius
Ministerija ar kuri nors kita nacionalinės ar federalinės valdžios institucija, įskaitant jų regioninius ar vietos padalinius
Pagrindinė veikla
Kita veikla: International development
Kita veikla: International development
II dalis: Objektas
Pirkimo apimtis
PROJ10102 — Climate, Livelihoods and Resilience Programme in Myanmar (CLEAR)
Nuorodos numeris: PROJ10102
Pagrindinis BVPŽ kodas
75211200 Paslaugos, susijusios su užsienio ekonomine pagalba
75211200 Paslaugos, susijusios su užsienio ekonomine pagalba
Sutarties tipas
Trumpas aprašymas
This is a prior information notice (PIN) only: publication and call for competition will be conducted once scope of work is fully defined and approved by DFID.
The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) is preparing a new business case, climate, livelihoods and resilience, which includes LIFT and Climate and Resilience Programme (CLEAR) in Myanmar with a total value of 80 000 000 GBP over a 4-year period (2021-2024) to improve the income, nutrition and resilience of poor people in Myanmar. The BC is under design.
A partners/suppliers early market engagement workshop is planned for 12.3.2020, 3.30 p.m. at the British Embassy 80 Strand Road, Yangon, Myanmar and remotely by Skype/dial in details to follow for partners who may not be able to attend in person in Yangon.
The workshop has 2 objectives:
(i) for DFID to present the design concept of the new programme to potential partners so as to explore possible approaches and increase DFID's knowledge to finalise the BC; and
(ii) for the market to be familiar with pipeline programme and procurement; have a direct dialogue with the DFID programme and procurement team, improve understanding of DFID expectations from partners, the procurement process and forge networks amongst a range of partners.
1) LIFT. Building on the success of the existing LIFT programme DFID Myanmar aims to provide 50 000 000 GBP delivered over 4 years. LIFT is a multi-donor fund established in 2009 with the overall aim of reducing by half the number of people living in poverty that we seek to continue funding with UNOPS;
2) CLEAR. 30 000 000 GBP delivered over 4 years. This component will contribute 100 % of results to the International Climate Fund. It is being designed as a UK mechanism to test novel and innovative approaches which improve household resilience from the impacts of changing climate and environment. It will seek to provide technical assistance, grants, innovative green financing mechanisms, capacity building and systems strengthening in the areas of climate adaptation and mitigation. This will include, but not limited to climate smart agriculture, land, green finance, research and development, along with climate and environmental reforms. The programme will engage global research institutions, private sector, the Government of Myanmar, relevant parliamentary committees and civil society. The programme seeks to also provide assistance to help the Myanmar government achieve the global COP commitments, ease global warming temperatures below 2C and reduce emissions of CO2 to acceptable levels.
Following the EME DFID Myanmar’s design team will finalise and submit the BC for UK ministerial approval in London. Once approved DFID plan to proceed quickly with the procurement process. On CLEAR, DFID will be seeking for interested partners and suppliers from the market to participate in the tender for programme implementation.
The partner/supplier will be expected to deliver directly through a combination of long and short term technical assistance, manage sub-grants with international and national non-governmental organisations and provide a secretariat role for donor coordination in these areas. The partner/supplier will also be required to collaborate with multilateral institutions including collaboration with the LIFT component to maximise value for money.
DFID have provided additional supporting document — a 2-pager — to provide some background of the business case design for information in advance of the workshop.
Partners/suppliers are encouraged to register on the DFID portal by 11 March latest and use the ‘Dialogue/Clarification’ function on the DFID Portal in advance of this meeting to raise initial questions or recommendations.
Numatoma bendra vertė
Vertė be PVM: 45 000 000,00 GBP
Vertė be PVM: 45 000 000,00 GBP
Informacija apie pirkimo dalis
Ši sutartis suskaidyta į pirkimo dalis: ne
Ši sutartis suskaidyta į pirkimo dalis: ne
Įgyvendinimo vieta
NUTS kodas: UKM95 South Lanarkshire
Pirkimo aprašymas
This is a prior information notice (PIN) only: publication and a call for competition will be conducted once the scope of work is fully defined and approved.
Please register on the DFID supplier portal for this opportunity (PROJ10102) to receive all communication and updates: https://dfid.proactisportal.com/Account/Login
There will be an early market engagement event held on 12.3.2020. For all information regarding times and venues please ensure to access these details within the additional information provided for PROJ10102 on the DFID supplier portal. Note, there are 2 elements to registration which must not be confused with each other.
1) Suppliers must register their interest to PROJ10102 on the DFID supplier portal to ensure they receive all communications and updates (this is not registration to attend the event);
2) Within the profile of PROJ10102 on the portal, there are attachments containing additional documents which contain the link to register for the EME event.
Papildoma informacija
Numatoma skelbimo apie pirkimą paskelbimo data
IV dalis: Procedūra
Informacija apie Sutartį dėl viešųjų pirkimų (SVP)
Ar pirkimui taikoma Sutartis dėl viešųjų pirkimų?: taip
Ar pirkimui taikoma Sutartis dėl viešųjų pirkimų?: taip
VI dalis: Papildoma informacija
Papildoma informacija
Šio skelbimo išsiuntimo data

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