Oficiāla Eiropas Savienības tīmekļa vietne

00770075-2024 - Konkurss



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Framework agreement Steel and metals
Trøndelag (NO060)
Paredzamā vērtība bez PVN5 000 000,00 NOK
Procedūras veidsAtklāta

NorvēģijaTrøndelag (NO060)Trondheim

LOT-0000Framework agreement Steel and metals
Trøndelag (NO060)
Sākuma datums18/02/2025 Ilguma beigu datums17/02/2027
Paredzamā vērtība bez PVN5 000 000,00 NOK
Piedāvājumu saņemšanas termiņš30/01/2025 - 11:00:58 (UTC)

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Pašreizējā valodaPalīdzības ikona
770075-2024 - Konkurss
Norvēģija – Tērauds – Framework agreement Steel and metals
OJ S 245/2024 17/12/2024
Paziņojums par līgumu vai paziņojums par koncesiju — standarta režīms
1. Pircējs
Oficiālais nosaukumsNTNU
Pircēja juridiskais statussPublisks uzņēmums, ko kontrolē centrālās pārvaldes iestāde
Līgumslēdzējas iestādes darbības jomaIzglītība
2. Procedūra
NosaukumsFramework agreement Steel and metals
AprakstsApplies to the purchase of steel and metals for workshops and teaching.
Procedūras identifikators001877c1-cb9b-4aeb-bc29-ca104260fe7a
Iekšējais identifikatorsANSK-24-0323
Procedūras veidsAtklāta
Procedūra ir paātrināta
Līguma veidsPiegādes
Galvenā klasifikācija (cpv): 14622000 Tērauds
Papildu klasifikācija (cpv): 14700000 Parastie metāli, 14721000 Alumīnijs, 44315200 Metināšanas materiāli, 44316400 Dzelzs izstrādājumi
Izpildes vieta
Valsts apakšiedalījums (NUTS)Trøndelag (NO060)
Paredzamā vērtība bez PVN5 000 000,00 NOK
Pamatnolīguma maksimālā vērtība5 000 000,00 NOK
Vispārīga informācija
Juridiskais pamats
Direktīva 2014/24/ES
Izslēgšanas iemesli
Līdzīga situācija kā bankrots saskaņā ar valsts tiesību aktiemIs the supplier in a situation where he has been granted compulsory debt settlement? Explain why, in those circumstances, it is nevertheless possible to perform the contract, taking into account the applicable national rules and measures relating to the continuation of business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if the rejection of suppliers is made mandatory under applicable national law without the possibility of exceptions.
BankrotsIs the supplier in a bankruptcy situation? Explain why, in those circumstances, it is nevertheless possible to perform the contract, taking into account the applicable national rules and measures relating to the continuation of business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if the rejection of suppliers is made mandatory under applicable national law without the possibility of exceptions.
KorupcijaHas the supplier itself or a person, who is a member of the supplier's administrative, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, been convicted of corruption by a judgment handed down not more than five years ago, or a period of rejection stipulated directly in the judgment that is still in force? Corruption as defined in Article 3 of the Convention on combating corruption, involving officials of the European Communities or of Member States of the European Union (OJ C 195, 25.6.1997, p. 1), and in Article 2(1) of Council Framework Decision 2003/568/JHA of 22 July 2003 on combating corruption in the private sector (OJ L 192, 31.7.2003, p. 54). This ground for rejection also includes corruption as defined in national law for the contracting authority or supplier.
Vienošanās ar kreditoriemIs the supplier in a situation where he has been granted compulsory debt settlement? Explain why, in those circumstances, it is nevertheless possible to perform the contract, taking into account the applicable national rules and measures relating to the continuation of business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if the rejection of suppliers is made mandatory under applicable national law without the possibility of exceptions.
Dalība noziedzīgā organizācijāHas the supplier itself or a person, who is a member of the supplier's administrative, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, been convicted of participation in a criminal organisation by a judgment handed down not more than five years ago, or a period of rejection stipulated directly in the judgment that is still in force? Participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA of 24 October 2008 on combating organised crime (OJ L 300, 11.11.2008, p. 42)
Nolīgumi ar citiem ekonomikas dalībniekiem, kuru mērķis ir izkropļot konkurenciHas the supplier entered into agreement(s) with other suppliers with the intention of distorting competition?
Pienākumu neizpilde vides tiesību jomāIs the supplier aware of having committed a breach of environmental provisions as set out in national law, the relevant announcement or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Nelikumīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizēšana vai teroristu finansēšanaHas the supplier itself or a person, who is a member of the supplier's administrative, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, been convicted by a final judgment of money laundering or terrorist financing by a judgment handed down not more than five years ago, or a period of rejection stipulated directly in the judgment that is still in force? Money laundering or terrorist financingAs defined in Article 1 of Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering and terrorist financing (OJ L 309, 25.11.2005, p. 15).
KrāpšanaHas the supplier itself or a person, who is a member of the supplier's administrative, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, been convicted of fraud by a judgment handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period stipulated directly in the judgment that is still in force? Fraud within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention on the Protection of the European Communities' Financial Interests (OJ C 316, 27.11.1995, p. 48).
Bērnu darbs un citi cilvēku tirdzniecības veidiHas the supplier itself or a person, who is a member of the supplier's administrative, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, been convicted of child labour and other forms of human trafficking by a judgment handed down not more than five years ago, or a period of rejection stipulated directly in the judgment that is still in force? Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings as defined in Article 2 of Directive 2011/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2011 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA (OJ L 101, 15.4.2011, p. 1).
MaksātnespējaIs the supplier in an insolvency situation? Explain why, in those circumstances, it is nevertheless possible to perform the contract, taking into account the applicable national rules and measures relating to the continuation of business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if the rejection of suppliers is made mandatory under applicable national law without the possibility of exceptions.
Pienākumu neizpilde darba tiesību jomāIs the supplier aware of having committed a breach of employment conditions provisions as set out in national law, the relevant announcement or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Aktīvi, kurus pārvalda likvidatorsExplain why, in those circumstances, it is nevertheless possible to perform the contract, taking into account the applicable national rules and measures relating to the continuation of business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if the rejection of suppliers is made mandatory under applicable national law without the possibility of exceptions.
Kļūdaina nepatiesas informācijas sniegšana, nespēja sniegt pieprasītos dokumentus un iegūta konfidenciāla informācija šajā procedūrāHas the contractor: a) provided grossly incorrect information when providing the information required to verify that there are no grounds for rejection or that the qualification requirements have been met, b) failed to provide such information, c) made a reservation to immediately provide the supporting documents requested by the contracting authority, or d) unduly influenced the contracting authority's decision-making process in order to acquire confidential information that may give it an unfair advantage in connection with competition, or has negligently provided misleading information that may have a significant influence on decisions on rejection, selection or award?
Interešu konflikts saistībā ar tās dalību iepirkuma procedūrāIs the supplier aware of a conflict of interest as set out in national law, the relevant announcement or the procurement documents?
Tieša vai netieša iesaistīšanās šīs iepirkuma procedūras sagatavošanā;Has the supplier or a company associated with the supplier advised the contracting authority or otherwise been involved in the planning of the competition?
Vainīgs smagā pārkāpumā saistībā ar profesionālo darbībuHas the supplier committed serious errors in the practice of their profession? If applicable, refer to definitions in national law, the relevant announcement or the procurement documents.
Pirmstermiņa izbeigšana, zaudējumu atlīdzināšana vai citas līdzīgas sankcijasHas the supplier committed a material breach of contract in connection with the performance of a previous public contract, a previous contract with a public contracting authority or a previous concession contract, where the breach has led to termination of the contract, damages or other similar sanctions?
Pienākumu neizpilde sociālo tiesību jomāIs the supplier aware of having committed a breach of social conditions provisions as set out in national law, the relevant announcement or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Sociālās apdrošināšanas iemaksu veikšanaHas the supplier failed to fulfil all its obligations to pay social security contributions both in the country in which it is established and in the contracting authority's Member State, if this is a country other than the one in which it is established?
Uzņēmējdarbību apturExplain why, in those circumstances, it is nevertheless possible to perform the contract, taking into account the applicable national rules and measures relating to the continuation of business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if the rejection of suppliers is made mandatory under applicable national law without the possibility of exceptions.
Nodokļu maksāšanaHas the contractor failed to fulfil its obligations to pay taxes and duties in the country in which it is established and in the contracting authority's Member State, if this is a country other than the one in which it is established?
Teroristu nodarījumi vai nodarījumi, kas saistīti ar teroristu darbībāmHas the supplier itself or a person who is a member of the supplier's administrative, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, been convicted of terrorist offences or criminal offences related to terrorist activity by a judgment handed down not more than five years ago, or a period of rejection stipulated directly in the judgment that is still in force? Terrorist offences or criminal offences related to terrorist activity as defined in Articles 1 and 3 of Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism (OJ L 164, 22.6.2002, p. 3). That ground of inadmissibility also includes incitement, aiding or abetting the commission of acts within the meaning of Article 4 of that Framework Decision.
5. Daļa
NosaukumsFramework agreement Steel and metals
AprakstsApplies to the purchase of steel and metals for workshops and teaching.
Iekšējais identifikatorsANSK-24-0323
Līguma veidsPiegādes
Galvenā klasifikācija (cpv): 14622000 Tērauds
Papildu klasifikācija (cpv): 14700000 Parastie metāli, 14721000 Alumīnijs, 44315200 Metināšanas materiāli, 44316400 Dzelzs izstrādājumi
Izpildes vieta
Valsts apakšiedalījums (NUTS)Trøndelag (NO060)
Paredzamais ilgums
Sākuma datums18/02/2025
Ilguma beigu datums17/02/2027
Maksimālais pārjaunojumu skaits2
Pircējs patur sev tiesības no darbuzņēmēja iegādāties papildu pirkumus, kā aprakstīts turpmākRenewal lenght is 12 months
Paredzamā vērtība bez PVN5 000 000,00 NOK
Pamatnolīguma maksimālā vērtība5 000 000,00 NOK
Vispārīga informācija
Rezervēta dalībaDalība nav rezervēta.
Iepirkuma projekts, kas netiek finansēts no ES fondiem
Uz iepirkumu attiecas Nolīgums par valsts iepirkumu
Atlases kritēriji
VeidsSaimnieciskais un finansiālais stāvoklis
NosaukumsCredit rating
AprakstsRequirements: The supplier must be creditworthy without any requirement for collateral. Documentation requirements: Credit rating based on the latest known accounting figures. The rating must be carried out by a credit information company that is licensed to operate such activities.
Šī kritērija izmantojumsIzmantots

NosaukumsThe supplier meets the specified qualification requirements:
AprakstsAll necessary selection criteria specified in the notice or in the procurement documents mentioned in the notice are met.
Šī kritērija izmantojumsIzmantots

NosaukumsThis meets the objective and non-discriminatory criteria or rules to be used to select the number of suppliers as follows: If certain certificates or other forms of documentation are requested, indicate for each one whether the supplier is in possession of the documents requested:
AprakstsIf any of these certificates or other forms of documentation are available in electronic form, this is indicated for each:
Šī kritērija izmantojumsIzmantots

VeidsPiemērotība profesionālās darbības veikšanai
NosaukumsSupplier suitability
AprakstsRequirements: The supplier must be registered in a business register, professional register or trade register in the state in which the supplier is established Documentation requirements: Norwegian companies: eBevis or Company Certificate /Foreign companies: Proof that the company is registered in a business register, professional register or trade register in the state in which the supplier is established.
Šī kritērija izmantojumsIzmantots

VeidsTehniskās un profesionālās spējas
NosaukumsEnvironmental management system
AprakstsRequirements: The supplier must have a well-functioning environmental management system. Documentation requirements: Certificate of certification according to national/international environmental management/management system standards. Or a statement of corresponding environmental management/measures in the company.
Šī kritērija izmantojumsIzmantots

VeidsTehniskās un profesionālās spējas
NosaukumsEthical trade
AprakstsRequirements: The supplier shall have methods for managing the supply chain and traceability systems that enable compliance with the requirements for ethical trade - basic requirements for human rights, the environment and the ILO core conventions. Documentation requirements: A description of the traceability systems that the supplier will use to perform the contract. The description shall indicate methods and/or systems that enable traceability of production sites and countries of origin involved in the supply chain for the goods under this contract.
Šī kritērija izmantojumsIzmantots
Piešķiršanas kritēriji
AprakstsCompleted price form
Kategorija piešķiršanas kritērija svarsSvērums (precīza procentuālā attiecība)
Piešķiršanas kritērija skaitlis70
AprakstsAnswers according to the requirements specification
Kategorija piešķiršanas kritērija svarsSvērums (precīza procentuālā attiecība)
Piešķiršanas kritērija skaitlis20
AprakstsReason for lower percentage for the environment. EPD: For climate footprints taken from environmental declarations, there is no agreed standard, and this poses challenges when transitioning between two versions of the standard (EN15804+A1:2013 and EN15804+A2:2019). The change with EN 15804 + A2 means that there are now valid EPDs that follow both the old standard (+A1) and the new standard (+A2), and it is not possible to find a general conversion factor between +A1 and +A2. Therefore, there will be deviations of a few percent in the CO2 emission figures, and it could give rise to uncertainty if we were to evaluate this. Environmental management: It is a qualification requirement that the supplier must have an environmental management system. Transport: NTNU wants to focus on transport locally in accordance with NTNU's development plan for travel/transport, item 8, which states that NTNU will seek to fully electrify our means of transport and equipment. NTNU buys about 8 tonnes a year under this framework agreement, divided into many deliveries/orders. In the big logistics picture for transport to the supplier's warehouse, this only amounts to thousandths of the tonnage. Of the assortment that NTNU orders, we have no opportunity to control the transport into the supplier's warehouse. Instead, we focus on the transport that goes from the warehouse to campus. It will be disproportionate to have 30% emphasis on the environment for this, and the market for trucks that run on electricity is not mature in Trøndelag. Therefore, the evaluation of the environment is set to 10%.
Kategorija piešķiršanas kritērija svarsSvērums (precīza procentuālā attiecība)
Piešķiršanas kritērija skaitlis10
Iepirkuma dokumenti
Termiņš papildu informācijas pieprasīšanai22/01/2025 23:00:00 (UTC)
Adrese, kur pieejami iepirkuma dokumentihttps://tendsign.com/doc.aspx?MeFormsNoticeId=40561
Iepirkuma noteikumi
Iesniegšanas noteikumi
Elektroniskā iesniegšanaPrasīts
Valodas, kurās var iesniegt piedāvājumus vai dalības pieprasījumusnorvēģu valoda
Elektroniskais katalogsAtļauts
Piedāvājumu saņemšanas termiņš30/01/2025 11:00:58 (UTC)
Datums, līdz kuram piedāvājumam jāpaliek spēkā89 Dienas
Informācija par publisko atvēršanu
Atvēršanas datums30/01/2025 11:01:00 (UTC)
Līguma noteikumi
Līguma izpilde jāveic saskaņā ar aizsargātas nodarbinātības programmām
Elektroniskie rēķiniPrasīts
Tiks izmantoti elektroniskie pasūtījumi
Tiks izmantoti elektroniskie maksājumi
PamatnolīgumsPamatnolīgums bez konkursa atsākšanas
Informācija par dinamisko iepirkumu sistēmuNav dinamiskās iepirkumu sistēmas
Elektroniskā izsole
Papildu informācija, mediācija un pārskatīšana
Pārskatīšanas organizācijaTrøndelag Tingett
8. Organizācijas
Oficiālais nosaukumsNTNU
Reģistrācijas numurs974767880
DepartamentsSeksjon for anskaffelser og innkjøp
Pasta adreseHøyskoleringen 1
Pasta indekss7491
Valsts apakšiedalījums (NUTS)Trøndelag (NO060)
KontaktpunktsAnders Stensås
Tālrunis47 73 59 80 80
Interneta adresehttp://www.ntnu.no
Šīs organizācijas lomas
Oficiālais nosaukumsTrøndelag Tingett
Reģistrācijas numurs926 722 794
Pasta adresePostboks 2317 Torgarden
Pasta indekss7004
Valsts apakšiedalījums (NUTS)Trøndelag (NO060)
Tālrunis73 54 24 00
Šīs organizācijas lomas
Pārskatīšanas organizācija
Informācija par paziņojumu
Paziņojuma identifikators/versijac7eb1e8a-1a5e-4860-b38d-cff83039eabf  -  01
Veidlapas tipsKonkurss
Paziņojuma veidsPaziņojums par līgumu vai paziņojums par koncesiju — standarta režīms
Paziņojuma apakšveids16
Paziņojuma nosūtīšanas datums16/12/2024 12:58:43 (UTC)
Paziņojuma nosūtīšanas datums (e- sūtītājs)16/12/2024 12:58:51 (UTC)
Valodas, kurās oficiāli pieejams šis paziņojumsangļu valoda
Paziņojuma publikācijas numurs770075-2024
OV S sērijas izdevuma numurs245/2024
Publicēšanas datums17/12/2024