En av Europeiska unionens officiella webbplatser
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Meddelandets publiceringsnummer | Publiceringsdatum | Titel | Officiellt namn | Typ av förfarande | Kontraktet tilldelas inom ett ramavtal | |
3747-2025 | 03/01/2025 | Serbien – Bevaknings- och säkerhetssystem – Supply of equipment for border management | European Union, represented by the European Commission on behalf of and for the account of Serbia | Öppet | Nej | |
3772-2025 | 03/01/2025 | Serbien – Bevaknings- och säkerhetssystem – Supply of equipment for border management | European Union, represented by the European Commission on behalf of and for the account of Serbia | Öppet | Nej | |
4286-2025 | 06/01/2025 | Polen – Undervisning och utbildning – Provision of physical aptitude and swimming testing and reassessment of the annual physical fitness test | European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) | Öppet | Nej | |
4314-2025 | 06/01/2025 | Polen – Undervisning och utbildning – Provision of physical aptitude and swimming testing and reassessment of the annual physical fitness test | European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) | Öppet | Nej | |
5067-2025 | 06/01/2025 | Belgien, Luxemburg, Frankrike, Nederländerna, Tjeckien, Tyskland, Spanien – Kontorsmateriel – Fourniture d’articles de bureau et de la petite enfance, de papier à copier ainsi que de consommables informatiques et pour imprimerie. | Commission européenne, OIB - Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels, Cour des comptes, OMBUDSMAN - European Ombudsman, European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), European Research Executive Agency (REA), EURSC - European Schools, Eurojust, European Banking Authority, European Defence Agency, European Public Prosecutor’s Office, European Securities and Markets Authority, European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, European Union Agency for the Space Programme, European Union Aviation Safety Agency, F4E - Fusion for Energy Joint Undertaking, Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, Committee of the Regions of the European Union, European Economic and Social Committee | Öppet | Nej | |
5377-2025 | 06/01/2025 | Polen – Undervisning och utbildning – Provision of physical aptitude and swimming testing and reassessment of the annual physical fitness test | European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) | Öppet | Nej | |
5953-2025 | 07/01/2025 | Luxemburg – Reparation och underhåll av utrustning i byggnader – Maintenance des installations électriques, de détection et d'extinction incendie. | Commission européenne, OIL - Office Infrastructures et Logistique à Luxembourg | Öppet | Nej | |
6327-2025 | 07/01/2025 | Bangladesh – FoU-tjänster samt tillhörande konsulttjänster – Supporting the National Parliament to kick-start the Bangladesh Institute of Parliamentary Studies (BIPS) - Strengthening the Law-Making Process in the National Parliament | European Commission, INTPA - International Partnerships | Förhandlat förfarande utan föregående meddelande om upphandling | Nej | |
6952-2025 | 07/01/2025 | Belgien – IT-tjänster: konsultverksamhet, programvaruutveckling, Internet och stöd – RecFishing: an electronic system for catch reporting of recreational fisheries | European Commission, DG MARE - Maritime Affairs and Fisheries | Öppet | Nej | |
8288-2025 | 08/01/2025 | Mongoliet – Konsulttjänster för public relations – Strategic Communication of EU Delegation to Mongolia | European Commission, INTPA - International Partnerships | Selektivt | Nej |

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