1. Kupac
Službeno ime: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Pravni oblik kupca: Javno poduzeće koje nadzire središnje tijelo državne uprave
Djelatnost javnog naručitelja: Opće javne usluge
2. Postupak
Naslov: 81309658-Structuring the Financing Line for a Renewable Hydrogen Project (RH2) in Chile
Opis: The "Promotion of Renewable Hydrogen (RH2) in Chile" is an EU-German initiative to advance RH2 development in Chile, crucial for climate and economic goals. This program is key to the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on Green Hydrogen (GH2) in Chile, fostering EU-Chile cooperation. It supports an investment-friendly environment, offers concessional financing, promotes R&D collaboration, and encourages business and technology transfer. The initiative aims to decarbonize Chile's economy, create green jobs, and generate business opportunities for Chilean and European companies while meeting Europe's green hydrogen import needs. Financing will be through the Team Europe RH2 Fund, involving KfW, EIB, and the EU. To meet the EU's 2030 climate and energy targets and the European Green Deal objectives, investments must focus on sustainable projects. The EU taxonomy defines environmentally sustainable economic activities, offering clarity to investors and promoting climate-friendly business practices. Europe"s hydrogen demand will require global markets for RH2 imports, with Chile positioned as a leading producer due to its renewable energy resources and ambitious strategy. Chile aims to produce the world"s cheapest RH2 at $1.3 per kg by 2030, targeting 25 GW electrolysis capacity and a $2.5 billion export value, with substantial investments in hydrogen infrastructure. Chile"s National Green Hydrogen Strategy outlines production, storage, and export goals, positioning it among the top RH2 exporters. Chile is active in international initiatives, hosting the Innovating to Net Zero Summit and supporting RH2 projects through financial assistance and strategic partnerships. European companies are involved in Chile"s RH2 development, with MoUs signed with ports like Antwerp, Rotterdam, Singapore, and Hamburg for RH2 imports. Key challenges for RH2 in Chile include certification schemes for sustainable hydrogen production, tailored policies for low-carbon hydrogen adoption, mobilizing financing, and supporting R&D for market readiness. Addressing financing barriers is crucial, as many projects struggle to secure investment due to mismatches between funding needs and available resources. Since 2014, GIZ"s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (4e) program has supported RH2 development in Chile through studies, business analyses, and workshops, contributing to the National Green Hydrogen Strategy. This joint action strategy emphasizes market development, business cooperation, and financing, promoting experience sharing among stakeholders to advance the RH2 sector. The initiative aims to bridge financing gaps and accelerate investment to achieve climate and development goals.
Identifikacijska oznaka postupka: 2a9ccb87-543f-4ea9-953a-2ffc675f9266
Interna identifikacijska oznaka: 81309658
Vrsta postupka: Pregovarački s prethodnom objavom poziva na nadmetanje / natjecateljski uz pregovore
Postupak je ubrzan: ne
Priroda ugovora: Usluge
Glavna klasifikacija (cpv): 75211200 Usluge povezane s vanjskom ekonomskom pomoći
Dodatna klasifikacija (cpv): 79411100 Usluge savjetovanja na području razvoja poslovanja
Mjesto izvršenja
Zemlja: Čile
Procijenjena vrijednost bez PDV-a: 410 640,00 EUR
Opće informacije
Dodatne informacije: Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXTRYY6Y18CSGU76 All communication takes place in English via communication tool in the project area of the procurement portal.
Pravna osnova:
Direktiva 2014/24/EU
vgv -
Razlozi za isključenje
Situacije istovrsne stečaju prema nacionalnim zakonima: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Stečaj: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Korupcija: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Nagodba s vjerovnicima: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Sudjelovanje u zločinačkoj organizaciji: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Sporazumi s drugim gospodarskim subjektima u cilju narušavanja tržišnog natjecanja: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Kršenje obveza u području prava o okolišu: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Pranje novca ili financiranje terorizma: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Prijevara: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Dječji rad i drugi oblici trgovanja ljudima: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Nesolventnost: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Kršenje obveza u području radnog prava: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Imovinom subjekta upravlja stečajni upravitelj: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Kriv za pogrešno prikazivanje, uskraćene informacije, nemogućnost dostavljanja traženih dokumenata i dobivanje povjerljivih informacija za taj postupak: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Sukob interesa koji proizlazi iz sudjelovanja u postupku javne nabave: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Izravno ili neizravno sudjelovanje u pripremi ovog postupka javne nabave: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Teška povreda poslovanja: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Prijevremeni raskid, naknada štete ili druge usporedive sankcije: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Kršenje obveza u području socijalnog prava: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Plaćanje doprinosa za socijalno osiguranje: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Suspendirane poslovne aktivnosti: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Plaćanje poreza: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
Kaznena djela terorizma ili kaznena djela povezana s terorističkim aktivnostima: Zwingende bzw. fakultative Ausschlussgründe nach §§ 123 bis 126 GWB
5. Grupa
Grupa: LOT-0001
Naslov: 81309658-Structuring the Financing Line for a Renewable Hydrogen Project (RH2) in Chile
Opis: Description of works and services to be provided: The contract focuses on market- and project development, business cooperation and finance for renewable hydrogen (RH2), fostering market development and closing business gaps through shared experiences and best practices. The general objective is to transfer know-how to RH2 project developers and owners on using smart financial instruments within the Chilean financial market regulations. Specifically, this includes to the implementation of new smart financial instruments (SFI) for mobilizing financing for RH2 projects in Chile, considering local financial market rules, and the design of a compensation mechanism for hydrogen projects to promote industrial-scale clean technologies like hydrogen. These objectives aim to mobilize investment for RH2 projects through the "umbrella funding line" model, with cooperation through the following work packages. Task 1 focuses on incorporating new forms of financing and financial instruments for RH2 projects: addressing insufficient financing and lack of experience in the green hydrogen industry by incorporating new financial instruments suitable for the Chilean market, based on successful models from Europe. Activities include international benchmarking, adapting instruments for the local market, and industry meetings. This work package involves specialized consultancy and knowledge transfer and involves the following key institutions: - CMF (Financial Market Commission): Supervision, regulation, enforcement, and market development. - CNE (National Energy Commission): Analysis of prices, tariffs, and technical norms for energy services. - Ministries of Energy, Economy, and Treasury. - ABIF (Association of Banks and Financial Institutions): Improving banking procedures and representing banks. - AACH (Association of Chilean Insurance Companies): Promoting the insurance industry's growth and development. Task 2 aims at incorporating a structure for the H2Global - CHILE mechanism, by designing a financial instrument to adjust price differences between supply and demand (contract for difference). This promotes the market creation for clean hydrogen and low-emission technologies globally. The task focuses on establishing international partnerships, particularly with H2Global, to replicate the support mechanism in Chile. Activities include establishing international alliances, designing the funding mechanism, developing the business model and ensuring international cooperation. Required project and knowledge management includes selecting, training, and steering experts, providing necessary equipment and covering costs, managing costs, accounting, and invoicing per GIZ requirements. Required monitoring and reporting requirements include regular monitoring of activity implementation, achievement of objectives, and risk management, reporting to GIZ according to applicable General Terms and Conditions. Company-wide learning, knowledge, and innovation requirements include contributing to conferences and workshops, participating in GIZ"s sector networks-, supporting project evaluation and knowledge management and conducting debriefing sessions and submitting developed materials and reports.
Interna identifikacijska oznaka: 81309658
Priroda ugovora: Usluge
Glavna klasifikacija (cpv): 75211200 Usluge povezane s vanjskom ekonomskom pomoći
Dodatna klasifikacija (cpv): 79411100 Usluge savjetovanja na području razvoja poslovanja
Opis opcija: GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.
Mjesto izvršenja
Zemlja: Čile
Očekivano trajanje
Trajanje: 8 Mjeseci
Maksimalan broj obnavljanja: 2
Kupac zadržava pravo na dodatnu kupnju od ugovaratelja kako je ovdje opisano: GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.
Opće informacije
Moraju se navesti imena i stručne kvalifikacije osoblja angažiranog za izvršenje ugovora: Nije obvezno
Projekt javne nabave u cijelosti se ili djelomično financira sredstvima EU-a
Javna nabava obuhvaćena je Sporazumom o javnoj nabavi (GPA): da
Ova javna nabava prikladna je i za mala i srednja poduzeća (MSP-ovi): ne
Dodatne informacije: This contract is suited for SME's. The contrary indication above is only due to technical problems of the e-tendering platform.
Strateška nabava
Cilj strateške nabave: Nema strateške nabave
Kriteriji za odabir
Vrsta: Ekonomska i financijska sposobnost
Naziv: Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
Opis: 1. Average annual turnover for the last three years (last-but-four financial year can be included in case of tenders held within 6 months of end of last financial year), at least: 500,000.00 EUR 2. Average number of employees and managers in the last three calendar years, at least 5 persons
Vrsta: Ostalo
Naziv: Sonstiges
Opis: If more than 5 requests to participate are received, a selection will be made on the basis of the following criteria: Technical experience: 1. in supporting the implementation of Renewable Hydrogen (RH2) projects 2. in developing of smart financial instruments for renewable energy 3. in designing and executing competition-based incentive mechanisms to promote the adoption of clean technologies 4. in conduction road shows for potential investors Regional experience: in South America
Na kriterijima će se temeljiti odabir natjecatelja koji će biti pozvani u drugu fazu postupka
Vrsta: Sposobnost za obavljanje stručne djelatnosti
Naziv: Eignung zur Berufsausübung
Opis: 1. Self-declaration: name of company and address, tax ID, registration and commercial register number or equivalent register in accordance with the legal provisions of the country of origin. 2. No grounds for exclusion pursuant to § 123, § 124 GWB, § 22 LkSG 3. Declaration of bidding consortium and/or declaration of subcontractors (if applicable)
Vrsta: Tehnička i stručna sposobnost
Naziv: Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit
Opis: 1. The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of 120,000.00 EUR. 2. At least 2 reference projects in the technical field "Financing of green hydrogen" and at least 1 reference project in the region "Europe" in the last 3 years
Informacije o drugoj fazi postupka u dvije faze:
Minimalan broj natjecatelja koji će biti pozvani u drugu fazu postupka: 3
Maksimalan broj natjecatelja koji će biti pozvani u drugu fazu postupka: 5
Kupac zadržava pravo dodjele ugovora na temelju početnih ponuda bez daljnjih pregovora
Dokumentacija o nabavi
Jezici na kojima je dokumentacija o nabavi službeno dostupna: engleski
Rok za podnošenje zahtjeva za dodatne informacije: 18/09/2024 23:59:00 (UTC+2)
Ad hoc komunikacijski kanal:
Uvjeti nabave
Uvjeti podnošenja:
Elektroničko podnošenje: Obvezno
Jezici na kojima se mogu podnijeti ponude ili zahtjevi za sudjelovanje: engleski
Elektronički katalog: Nije dopušteno
Varijante: Nije dopušteno
Ponuditelji mogu podnijeti više od jedne ponude: Nije dopušteno
Rok za primitak zahtjeva za sudjelovanje: 26/09/2024 12:00:00 (UTC+2)
Rok do kojeg ponuda mora ostati valjana: 186 Dani
Informacije koje se mogu dopuniti nakon roka za podnošenje:
Ovisno o volji kupca, neki nedostajući dokumenti povezani s ponuditeljem mogu se dostaviti kasnije.
Dodatne informacije: GIZ asks the applicant or bidder to submit, complete or correct documents, within the framework laid down by law.
Uvjeti ugovora:
Ugovor se mora izvršiti u okviru programa zaštićenih radnih mjesta: Ne
Uvjeti koji se odnose na izvršenje ugovora: The execution conditions result from the information given in the contract notice and the tender documents. Please note: contrary to the indication below there is no obligation to submit details on persons other than those requested in the tender documents.
Elektroničko izdavanje računa: Obvezno
Naručivanje će biti elektroničko: da
Plaćanje će biti elektroničko: da
Okvirni sporazum: Nema okvirnog sporazuma
Informacije o dinamičkom sustavu nabave: Nema dinamičkog sustava nabave
Elektronička dražba: ne
Dodatne informacije, posredovanje i pravna zaštita (preispitivanje)
Organizacija za preispitivanje (pravnu zaštitu): Vergabekammern des Bundes
Informacije o rokovima za preispitivanje: According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as 1. the applicant has identified the claimed infringement of the procurement rules before submitting the application for review and has not submitted a complaint to the contracting authority within a period of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the period pursuant to Article 134, Section 2 remains unaffected, 2. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that are evident in the tender notice are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for the application or by the deadline for the submission of bids, specified in the tender notice. 3. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that first become evident in the tender documents are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for application or by the deadline for the submission of bids, 4. more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting authority that it is unwilling to redress the complaint. Sentence 1 does not apply in the case of an application to determine the invalidity of the contract in accordance with Article 135, Section 1 (2). Article 134, Section 1, Sentence 2 remains unaffected.
Organizacija koja pruža dodatne informacije o postupku javne nabave: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Organizacija koja prima zahtjeve za sudjelovanje: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
TED eSender: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI)
8. Organizacije
Službeno ime: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Registracijski broj: 993-80072-52
Poštanska adresa: Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1 - 5
Grad: Eschborn
Poštanski broj: 65760
Zemlja – podregija (NUTS): Main-Taunus-Kreis (DE71A)
Zemlja: Njemačka
Tel.: +49 619679
Faks: +49 6196791115
Uloge ove organizacije:
Službeno ime: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Registracijski broj: 993-80072-52
Poštanska adresa: Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1 - 5
Grad: Eschborn
Poštanski broj: 65760
Zemlja – podregija (NUTS): Main-Taunus-Kreis (DE71A)
Zemlja: Njemačka
Tel.: +49 619679
Faks: +49 6196791115
Uloge ove organizacije:
Organizacija koja pruža dodatne informacije o postupku javne nabave
Službeno ime: Vergabekammern des Bundes
Registracijski broj: 022894990
Poštanska adresa: Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 16
Grad: Bonn
Poštanski broj: 53113
Zemlja – podregija (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22)
Zemlja: Njemačka
Tel.: +49 2289499-0
Faks: +49 2289499-163
Uloge ove organizacije:
Organizacija za preispitivanje (pravnu zaštitu)
Službeno ime: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Registracijski broj: 993-80072-52
Poštanska adresa: Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1 - 5
Grad: Eschborn
Poštanski broj: 65760
Zemlja – podregija (NUTS): Main-Taunus-Kreis (DE71A)
Zemlja: Njemačka
Tel.: +49 619679
Faks: +49 6196791115
Uloge ove organizacije:
Organizacija koja prima zahtjeve za sudjelovanje
Službeno ime: Datenservice Öffentlicher Einkauf (in Verantwortung des Beschaffungsamts des BMI)
Registracijski broj: 0204:994-DOEVD-83
Grad: Bonn
Poštanski broj: 53119
Zemlja – podregija (NUTS): Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt (DEA22)
Zemlja: Njemačka
Tel.: +49228996100
Uloge ove organizacije:
TED eSender
Identifikacijska oznaka / verzija obavijesti: 43c52303-b40f-407e-aa2e-52fea7077f69 - 01
Vrsta obrasca: Nadmetanje
Vrsta obavijesti: Obavijest o nadmetanju ili koncesiji – standardni režim
Podvrsta obavijesti: 16
Datum slanja obavijesti: 26/08/2024 14:53:57 (UTC+2)
Jezici na kojima je ova obavijest službeno dostupna: engleski
Broj objave obavijesti: 513476-2024
Broj izdanja SL S-a: 166/2024
Datum objave: 27/08/2024