1. Cumpărător
Denumire oficială: Lviv Communal Enterprise “Lvivavtodor”
Forma juridică a achizitorului: Organism de drept public
Activitatea autorității contractante: Servicii publice generale
2. Procedură
Titlu: Construction of a motor transport enterprise in the V. Vernadskoho street (near the building n°193 in the Stryiska Str.) in Lviv
Descriere: Within the framework of the “Ukraine Urban Public Transport Project” (hereinafter – UUPTP), sub-project “Construction of a motor transport enterprise in the V. Vernadskoho street (near the building n°193 in the Stryiska Str.) in Lviv” is foreseen a new construction in compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency, industrial processes, provide comfortable working conditions, and fire safety. The purpose of UUPTP is modernize the rolling stock of urban public transport and related infrastructure projects in medium and large cities of the country. The purpose of the sub-project is to successfully carry out the works provided for in this tender documents for construction of the building of motor transport enterprise on the V. Vernadkoho Str. in Lviv. The total amount of Works to be performed by the Contractor shall include: - preparation of Works Execution Design; - earthworks; - performance of the preparatory works; - execution of construction works; - execution of finishing works in premises; - installation works for laying of temporary power lines; - supply and installation of plant, equipment and materials, organization of their storage and security; - complex of measures on insulation of the building and general construction works; - a complex of measures on the arrangement of the water supply and wastewater collection, the construction of gas supply and heat supply networks, the installation of heating and ventilation, electrical networks, lighting and telecommunication; - construction and installation works and precommissioning works; - organisation and carrying out all necessary acceptance and delivery acceptance tests and facility commissioning; - finishing works on site.
Identificatorul procedurii: 32b151df-2ff0-446e-950d-04c0d79a1951
Identificator intern: EIB-GtP/MOB/RTRANS/20150503-36
Tip de procedură: Deschisă
Procedura este accelerată: nu
Natura contractului: Lucrări
Clasificarea principală (cpv): 45213314 Lucrări de construcţii de parcuri de autobuze
Locul de executare
Țara: Ucraina
Oriunde în țara respectivă
Informații suplimentare: The construction object is situated at the territory of the LME: MTE №1 of the motor transport enterprise located at: V. Vernadkyi Str. (near the building №193, located at Stryiska Str.) Lviv, Ukraine
Informații generale
Informații suplimentare: On the site (site area 1.2606 ha) of the motor transport enterprise ATP-1 the project foresees the placement of a number of buildings, structures and sites, namely: (i) Administrative and amenity building with a block for regular maintenance of the buses (for three buses): - Administrative and amenity building (2 floors) with building area of 332.9 m2, and - Block for regular maintenance of buses (1 floor) together with check point with inspection pits with building area of 447.5 m2, (ii) Car wash (for four buses) with building area 4092 m2 (1 floor); (iii) Transformer substation; (iv) Treatment facilities; (v) Parking area for vehicles (buses) for 55 parking spaces; (vi) Parking area for temporary parking of cars for 9 parking spaces. Block for regular maintenance of buses – is a one-story brick building with a pitched roof (on metal trusses) which is connected with the administrative and amenity building. The premises are equipped with three inspection pits and is designed for simultaneous repair of three buses. A shed for storing wheels and parts is adjacent to the bus repair building. The premises are equipped with all necessary technological equipment. To connect with the amenity and industrial premises of the administrative and amenity building, a connection through a fire door is provided. The mentioned premises also have an evacuation exit directly outside, as well as equipped with three gates for bus exit. The car wash building – is a free-standing one-story brick building with pitched roof, located on site in the entrance part along the route of buses to their parking places. According to the technological solution, a drive-through type of automatic car wash designed for simultaneous washing of two buses was adopted. At the entrance to the ATP site, a checkpoint is arranged, which is a canopy on supports with two inspection pits, adjacent to the end of the administrative and amenity building with a service exit and bordering the security room, which has an independent access to the checkpoint. It is provided the finishing of facades and interior finishing the detailed design. All detailed technical descriptions and characteristics together with BoQ, Drawings, and Specifications are available in the tender documentation. • In line with cl. 17.2 of the section II Data Sheet (DS) of the Tender Document, all tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security of EUR 17,500.00 (seventeen thousand five hundred euros) or its equivalent in another freely convertible currency or Ukrainian Hryvnia or Euro at the rate established by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of the tender security issue and must be submitted at the address indicated below no later than the time and date of the deadline for tender submission. • All Tenders must be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention “Construction of a motor transport enterprise in the V. Vernadskoho street (near the building n°193 in the Stryiska Str.) in Lviv” to the office at the address below on or before 23 January 2025 at 12:00 (local time). Tenders will be opened immediately in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.
Temei juridic:
This contract will be financed by European Investment Bank (EIB) and is subject to the EIB's Guide to Procurement. -
Motive de excludere
Sursele motivelor de excludere: Anunț
Conflict de interese care decurge din participarea la procedura de achiziții publice: Exclusion grounds as per section 1.5 of the EIB GtP.
Frauda: EIB AntiFraud Policy and EIB Exclusion Policy and EIB’s definition of prohibited conduct as per the Covenant of Integrity.
5. Lot
Lot: LOT-0001
Titlu: Construction of a motor transport enterprise in the V. Vernadskoho street (near the building n°193 in the Stryiska Str.) in Lviv
Descriere: Within the framework of the “Ukraine Urban Public Transport Project” (hereinafter – UUPTP), sub-project “Construction of a motor transport enterprise in the V. Vernadskoho street (near the building n°193 in the Stryiska Str.) in Lviv” is foreseen a new construction in compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency, industrial processes, provide comfortable working conditions, and fire safety. The purpose of UUPTP is modernize the rolling stock of urban public transport and related infrastructure projects in medium and large cities of the country. The purpose of the sub-project is to successfully carry out the works provided for in this tender documents for construction of the building of motor transport enterprise on the V. Vernadkoho Str. in Lviv. The total amount of Works to be performed by the Contractor shall include: - preparation of Works Execution Design; - earthworks; - performance of the preparatory works; - execution of construction works; - execution of finishing works in premises; - installation works for laying of temporary power lines; - supply and installation of plant, equipment and materials, organization of their storage and security; - complex of measures on insulation of the building and general construction works; - a complex of measures on the arrangement of the water supply and wastewater collection, the construction of gas supply and heat supply networks, the installation of heating and ventilation, electrical networks, lighting and telecommunication; - construction and installation works and precommissioning works; - organisation and carrying out all necessary acceptance and delivery acceptance tests and facility commissioning; - finishing works on site.
Identificator intern: EIB-GtP/MOB/RTRANS/20150503-36
Natura contractului: Lucrări
Clasificarea principală (cpv): 45213314 Lucrări de construcţii de parcuri de autobuze
Descrierea opțiunilor: No options and variants allowed.
Locul de executare
Țara: Ucraina
Oriunde în țara respectivă
Informații suplimentare: The construction object is situated at the territory of the LME: MTE №1 of the motor transport enterprise located at: V. Vernadkyi Str. (near the building №193, located at Stryiska Str.) Lviv, Ukraine.
Durata estimată
Durată: 14 Luni
Informații generale
Participare rezervată: Participarea nu este rezervată.
Proiect de achiziții publice nefinanțat din fonduri UE
Achiziția face obiectul Acordului privind achizițiile publice (AAP): nu
Informații suplimentare: A complete set of Tender Documents may be purchased on the submission of an application at the address below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of € 200 EUR (two hundred euro), including VAT, or equivalent in Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) at the National Bank of Ukraine exchange rate the day of transfer. Payment of this non-refundable fee is to be made by bank transfer: 1) For participants from Ukraine, payment is made in Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) at the National Bank of Ukraine exchange rate the day of transfer to bank account: Beneficiary: Lviv Communal Enterprise ‘Lvivavtodor’; Account number (IBAN): UA 6632 0478 0000 0000 2600 4202 225; Bank: JSB “UKRGASBANK”. 2) For participants outside of Ukraine, payment is made in Euro to the following bank account: Beneficiary: Lviv Communal Enterprise ‘Lvivavtodor’; Account number (IBAN): UA 6632 0478 0000 0000 2600 4202 225 EUR; SWIFT code: UGASUAUK; Intermediary Bank: COMMERZBANK AG; Swift: CABADEFF. On request, against a faxed copy of the evidence of the remittance bearing the name of the project, the Tender Documents may be sent by courier service if the transport is previously ordered by the Tenderer in his country. The Contracting Authority bears no responsibility for the delivery in such a case.
Criterii de selecție
Sursele criteriilor de selecție: Document de achiziție
Criterii de atribuire
Tip: Preț
Descriere: Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
Documentele achiziției
Accesul la anumite documente de achiziție este restricționat.
Condițiile achiziției publice
Condiții de depunere:
Depunere electronică: Nu este permisă
Justificarea faptului că depunerea electronică nu este posibilă: Cumpărătorul ar avea nevoie de echipamente specializate de birou
Descriere: All Tenders must be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention “Construction of a motor transport enterprise in the V. Vernadskoho street (near the building n°193 in the Stryiska Str.) in Lviv” to the office at the address of the Buyer on or before 23 January 2025 at 12:00 (local time).
Limbile în care pot fi depuse ofertele sau cererile de participare: engleză
Catalog electronic: Autorizată
Variante: Nu este permisă
Termenul-limită pentru primirea ofertelor: 23/01/2025 12:00:00 (UTC+2)
Termenul până la care oferta trebuie să rămână valabilă: 5 Luni
Informații privind deschiderea publică:
Data deschiderii: 23/01/2025 12:15:00 (UTC+2)
Locul: 7, Pasiky Halytski str., Lviv, 79035, Ukraine
Informații suplimentare: Tenderers may submit their Tenders by mail or by hand. Tenderers shall not have the option of submitting their tenders electronically but in case of sanitary restrictions, an addendum to this tender document will be sent to the participants having bought the tender documents and will detail the e-procedure for tender submission and tenders opening. However, in case of (i) sanitary restrictions imposed in the country of origin of the Tenderers or by Ukrainian Government and (ii) on-going unlawful war in Ukraine, the participants who have purchased the tender documentation will be sent an addendum to this tender document, which will detail the electronic procedure for submission and opening of tenders.
Clauzele contractuale:
Executarea contractului trebuie efectuată în cadrul unor programe de angajare protejată: Nu
Facturare electronică: Nu este permisă
Se va utiliza comanda electronică: nu
Se va utiliza plata electronică: nu
Aspecte tehnice
Acord-cadru: Niciun acord-cadru
Informații despre sistemul dinamic de achiziții: Nu există un sistem dinamic de achiziție
Licitație electronică: nu
Informații suplimentare, mediere și căi de atac
Organizația responsabilă cu căile de atac: Commercial Court of Lviv region
Organizația care furnizează informații suplimentare cu privire la procedura de achiziții: Lviv Communal Enterprise “Lvivavtodor”
Organizația care oferă acces offline la documentele achiziției: Lviv Communal Enterprise “Lvivavtodor”
Organizația care furnizează mai multe informații cu privire la căile de atac: Commercial Court of Lviv region
Organizația care primește cererile de participare: Lviv Communal Enterprise “Lvivavtodor”
Organizația care prelucrează ofertele: Lviv Communal Enterprise “Lvivavtodor”
8. Organizații
Denumire oficială: Lviv Communal Enterprise “Lvivavtodor”
Număr de înregistrare: 0000000
Adresă poștală: 7, Pasiky Halytski str.
Localitate: Lviv
Cod poștal: 79035
Țara: Ucraina
Punct de contact: Mr. Mykola Kira
Telefon: +38 (032) 270-41-66
Rolurile acestei organizații:
Organizația care furnizează informații suplimentare cu privire la procedura de achiziții
Organizația care oferă acces offline la documentele achiziției
Organizația care primește cererile de participare
Organizația care prelucrează ofertele
Denumire oficială: Commercial Court of Lviv region
Număr de înregistrare: 000000
Adresă poștală: 128 Lychakivska str.
Localitate: Lviv
Cod poștal: 79014
Țara: Ucraina
Rolurile acestei organizații:
Organizația responsabilă cu căile de atac
Organizația care furnizează mai multe informații cu privire la căile de atac
Denumire oficială: Publications Office of the European Union
Număr de înregistrare: PUBL
Localitate: Luxembourg
Cod poștal: 2417
Subdiviziunea țării (NUTS): Luxembourg (LU000)
Țara: Luxemburg
Telefon: +352 29291
Rolurile acestei organizații:
TED eSender
Identificatorul/versiunea anunțului: cf1bcc50-4674-42e3-b2f1-15bae063e54f - 01
Tip de formular: Procedură concurențială
Tip de anunț: Anunț de participare sau de concesionare - regim standard
Subtipul anunțului: 16
Data notificării expedierii: 17/12/2024 08:08:06 (UTC)
Limbile în care acest anunț este disponibil oficial: engleză
Numărul de publicare al anunțului: 774623-2024
Numărul ediției JO S: 246/2024
Data publicării: 18/12/2024