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462645-2017 - Планиране
Изглед на обявлението
Национален регистрационен номер: 14124959
Пощенски адрес: P. Debyelaan 25
Град: Maastricht
Пощенски код: 6229 HX
Държава: Нидерландия
Лице за контакт: Purchase Department
На вниманието на: J.W. Koekkoek
Електронна поща: jos.koekkoek@mumc.nl
Телефон: +31 433872144
Горепосоченото/ите място/места за контакт
Езици и формати
Директива 2004/18/ЕО
Раздел І: Възлагащ орган
Национален регистрационен номер: 14124959
Пощенски адрес: P. Debyelaan 25
Град: Maastricht
Пощенски код: 6229 HX
Държава: Нидерландия
Лице за контакт: Purchase Department
На вниманието на: J.W. Koekkoek
Електронна поща: jos.koekkoek@mumc.nl
Телефон: +31 433872144
Горепосоченото/ите място/места за контакт
Пощенски адрес: Via Santa Margherita 5
Град: Ancona
Държава: Италия
Пощенски адрес: P.Debyelaan 25
Град: Maastricht
Пощенски код: 6229 HX
Държава: Нидерландия
Пощенски адрес: Avenida de la Constitucion 18
Град: Sevilla
Пощенски код: 41071
Държава: Испания
Пощенски адрес: Passeo Sant Joan de Deu 2
Град: Esplugues de Llobregat
Пощенски код: 08950
Държава: Испания
Пощенски адрес: Parc Tauli 1
Град: Sabadell
Пощенски код: 08208
Държава: Испания
Раздел ІІ.Б: Обект на поръчката - Доставки или услуги
STARS — empowering patients by professional STress Avoidance and Recovery Services. Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D services. Reference number: EC Grant number 727585.
Тази обществена поръчка обхваща сключването на рамково споразумение : да
The aim of this procurement is to trigger new solutions to be developed and tested to address the following common challenge.
The STARS pre-commercial procurement aims to design, develop, prototype and test a resilient support tool, to be applied in the field of surgical patients with the aim of reducing the stress and the anxiety and improving the health condition during the care path. This prior information notice announces an open market consultation and provides information at an early stage on the expected starting date and purchase volume for the STARS PCP pre-commercial procurement.
The contract involves joint procurement involving different countries. State applicable national procurement law: The Netherlands.
Specific requirements for innovation procurement (PCP/PPI) supported by Horizon 2020 grants; Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement.
This procurement receives funding from the European Commission Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (H2020 PCP Call — SC1-PM-12-2016 — eHealth innovation in empowering the patient) Grant Agreement No. 727585. The EU is however not participating as a contracting authority in this procurement.
The procurement will be carried out jointly by the organisations of the buyers' group and the Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht will act as lead procurer and will award the contracts on behalf of the buyers group.
The aim of the STARS project is to design and develop a resilient support tool, to be applied in the field of surgical patients with the aim of reducing the stress and the anxiety and improving the health condition during the care path.
As the stress generated by the situation (and subsequently the potentially larger administration of sedative drugs during surgery) may impair the positive results (fast recovery) of the medical treatment the STARS platform will target the adoption of non-drug stress-countering and improving measures.
However, as the primary target will be the interventional medicine (including operations, cardiologic interventions and others — due to the high stress load of these procedures), the platform should be implemented with the aim of being adapted also in other fields.
In particular, the STARS platform will help optimizing the patients' mental and psychical condition, beginning already in the preclinical phase, prior to entering the hospital;
The innovation challenge posed by the STARS project should lay in:
— the opportunity of supporting the patients and their families in different moments of the care path, intending the health support as a continuum;
— the advanced capability of the system in giving appropriate support to the users, in terms of strategies to be adopted in the different phases, in order to empower the self-management and the health literacy of the patients;
— the high interoperability among different technological devices, aimed at the collection of the relevant clinical parameters to assess the stress and fitness of the patients in an unobtrusive way, allowing also the modularity of the system;
— the high degree of user-friendliness and usability of the system, to allow the acceptance and the usage behavior, as well as the high degree of personalization of the overall platform, in relation to the specific users wishes and preferences (adopting a user-centred perspective);
The main goal of the PCP project is to increase the quality and cost-effectiveness of the healthcare system. To do so, we want to empower patients through ICT Health to take as much control as possible by giving him/her an active role in the preclinical and clinical phase of treatment.
The aim of this procurement is to trigger new solutions to be developed and tested to address the described common challenge faced by all buyers' group organizations.
The procurement will take the form of an open PCP under which R&D service contracts will be awarded to a number of R&D providers in parallel in a three-phase approach.
According to the Annex E. Specific requirements for innovation procurement (PCP/PPI) supported by Horizon 2020 grants of the Horizon 2020 — Work Programme 2014-2015:
‘The PCP contract that will be concluded with each selected tenderer shall take the form of one single framework agreement covering all PCP phases, which does not involve contract renegotiations after contract award. This framework agreement shall contain information on the future procedure for implementing the different phases (through specific contracts), including the format of the intermediate evaluations (incl. evaluation criteria and weightings) after the solution design and prototype development phases. ’
The three phases are:
1 Feasibility study and solution design
2 Prototyping
3 Original development and validation & testing of a limited set of first products or services in operational contexts.
After each phase, intermediate evaluations will be carried out to progressively select the best of the competing solutions. The contractors with the best-value-for-money solutions will be offered a specific contract for the next phase.
The procurement is expected to start by Mid-2018 and end by 2020.
According to the Annex E. Specific requirements for innovation procurement (PCP/PPI) supported by Horizon 2020 grants of the Horizon 2020 — Work Programme 2014-2015:
‘The PCP only covers the procurement of R&D services, in a way that is clearly separated from any potential subsequent purchases of commercial volumes of end-products. Procurers undertaking a PCP can if they so desire, but are not obliged to, after the PCP procure at market price R&D results generated during a PCP.’
The total estimated budget of the PCP will be of 3 260 000 EUR (including VAT).
In preparation for this PCP, all interested operators will be invited to take part in an open market consultation.
The open market consultation will involve the proactive analysis of technology offer, provides a pre-information to the market and crucial input to the procurement plan. The market consultation is aimed to these following goals:
— find out whether technologies are commercially available and acquire information about the (eventual) shortcomings and the level of coverage of the desired functionalities, in order to confirm the assumption for PCP;
— identify market risks potentially able to endanger business goals and supplier performance;
— enable and increase the opportunities for industry to form fit-for-purpose consortia.
The open market consultation will be organized in the form of open public events and will provide an overview on the procurement objectives, the PCP process and main clauses of the contract. It will be also an opportunity to pose questions to the procuring authorities.
Participants in the open market consultations will be requested to provide information regarding commercialized product that can address the technical challenges described in section II.4 above.
STARS will organize five (5) open market consultation sessions — in Ancona, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Maastricht, Cordoba and Barcelona to complement and integrate the analysis of the State-of-the art at EU level.
The open market consultation will be held at least in English in the following countries:
Country / City, Date
Italy — Ancona, 18.1.2018
Germany — Mülheim an der Ruhr, 24.1.2018
The Netherlands — Maastricht, 25.1.2018
Spain — Cordoba, 31.1.2018
Spain — Barcelona, 2.2.2018
All information regarding the open market consultation including the events and the information that will be provided during the consultations as well as other background information will be published — at least in English — on the project website (https://stars-pcp.eu/open-market-consultation). Information about the locations, dates and how to participate is already available on the project website.
The market consultation sessions are conceived and organized with due regard to the principles of openness, transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment, in line with European procurement law.Participants are not expected to submit tenders or proposals at this preliminary stage.
The competitive phase of the STARS joint and cross-border public procurement procedure will be conducted separately with an open and advertised procurement procedure.
The market consultation does not lead to any obligations on the part of the contracting authorities involved in the STARS project or to any rights or privileges for the participants. The contracting authorities involved in the STARS project are not legally bound in any way by the outcome of the market consultation. It also is not part of any pre-qualification or selection process.
No advantage or disadvantage will be given to any supplier / group of suppliers to the detriment of others during the market consultation and sub-sequent competitive procedure for the award of contracts procurement.
During and for the purpose of the early market engagement processes, legal assurances is put in place that suppliers' intellectual property rights (IPRs), communicated in written form, will be protected. Furthermore the ownership of the generated through the PCP IPRs will be kept by the suppliers.
For more information, please see:
— the project website (https://stars-pcp.eu/ )
— the section on PCP on the EC website (https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/innovation-procurement )
All the information about the project and about organization and participation of these events will be made available in due time on the project website (https://stars-pcp.eu/) and onto main local institutional websites:
Germany: http://www.zenit.de/aktuelle-projekte/weitere-projekte/stars/
Spain / Barcelona: www.tauli.cat.
Spain / Cordoba: www.imibic.org
Italy: http://inrca.it
Netherlands: http://www.mumc.nl
Раздел ІІІ: Правна, икономическа, финансова и техническа информация
Раздел VІ: Допълнителна информация
This PIN is published to announce an open market consultation on potential future procurement activity and is not a commitment to procure. It doesn't oblige the contracting authority to set limits to the content of the invitation to tender.
The PCP procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the EU public procurement directives and the national laws that implement them. This is because it concerns the procurement of R&D services where the benefits do not accrue exclusively to the contracting authorities for its use in the conduct of their own affairs.

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