1. Koper
Officiële naam: Municipal Company "Dnipro Electrotransport"
Rechtsvorm van de koper: Publiekrechtelijke instelling
Activiteit van de aanbestedende dienst: Algemene overheidsdiensten
2. Procedure
Titel: Supply of new low-floor multi-section articulated Tramways 26-27 metres length, including a set of main, wearing and consumable spare parts, a set of equipment and tools for maintenance and repair, and related services, up to a total budget of € 9,000,000.00 (nine million euros), sales taxes and customs duties excluded
Beschrijving: Supply of city articulated trams, mono-directional, one driving cab, equipped with three bogies taking into consideration the permissible axle load. 100% of the length of the passenger compartment must be low with free access without steps to all passenger doors from the stop platform. Number of sections: no more than three. The Tramway shall have the following outer dimensions: length: 26,000 mm to 27,000 mm; width: nominal 2,500 mm; height: maximum 3,500 mm (3,700 mm with current pantograph in down position); minimum curve radius: 20 meters in main line (maximum speed of 10 km/h); minimum standard curve radius: 18 meters in depot; wheel base: 1,800 mm – 1,900 mm; the distance from the axis of the track to the edge of platforms for passengers, located on the straight line of the track is 1,350 mm. Total number of passengers expected: 250 (± 10%) with 8 passengers/m² (load for AW3); number of seats: not less than 60 ± 10%; number of wheelchair spaces: at least 1. Further information can be obtained in the Tender Documents.
Identificatiecode van de procedure: 1f9ea513-263d-4dc4-9a93-8f1cc0dac9e1
Type procedure: Openbaar
Belangrijkste kenmerken van de procedure: Open
Aard van het contract: Leveringen
Belangrijkste classificatie (cpv): 34600000 Spoor- en tramlocomotieven, rollend materieel en onderdelen
Plaats van uitvoering
Postadres: Tram depot No.3, 67 Mykoly Rudenka St
Stad: Dnipro
Postcode: 49000
Land: Oekraïne
Geraamde waarde exclusief btw: 9 000 000,00 EUR
Algemene informatie
Aanvullende informatie: Supply of new low-floor multi-section articulated Tramways 26-27 metres length, associated goods and related services includes the supply of the following: - New low-floor multi-section articulated Tramways 26-27 metres length; - Documentation; - Maintenance and repair equipment and tools for the new low-floor multi-section articulated Tramways 26-27 metres length; - Main spare parts; - Consumable and wearable spare parts; - Commissioning of the new low-floor multi-section articulated Tramways 26-27 metres length and spare and maintenance parts, and initial maintenance (including starting up, if needed); - Personnel training. The price of the Goods shall be quoted on the basis of the latest in power edition of INCOTERMS delivery terms, published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris (EXW for Goods to be supplied from within the Contracting Authority’s country and CIP for Goods to be supplied from outside the Contracting Authority’s country). The required date of arrival of the first delivery on the Project Site is no later than: 36 weeks from the date of the advance payment receipt by the Supplier. The required completion date is no later than: 52 weeks from the date of the advance payment receipt by the Supplier. • A complete set of Tender Documents may be purchased on the submission of an application at the address below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 200 EUR (two hundred euros), including VAT, or equivalent in Ukrainian hryvnias (UAH) at the National Bank of Ukraine exchange rate on the day of transfer. • Payment of this non-refundable fee is to be made by bank transfer: 1) For participants from Ukraine, payment is made in Ukrainian hryvnias (UAH) at the National Bank of Ukraine exchange rate on the day of transfer to the bank account: Beneficiary: MC “Dnipro electrotransport” EDRPOU code: 32616520 IBAN: UA763052990000026005050293360 Beneficiary bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE 2) For participants outside Ukraine, payment is made in euros to the following bank account: Beneficiary: MC “Dnipro electrotransport” Account type: EUR Account number: UA483052990000026000050024471 Beneficiary bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE Bank address: 119A DMYTRA YAVORNYTSKOHO AVE., DNIPRO, 49038, DNIPROPETROVSK REGION, UKRAINE SWIFT code: PBANUA2X Correspondent banks: Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401 SWIFT code of the correspondent bank: COBADEFF Correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany or Account in the correspondent bank: 6231605145 SWIFT code of the correspondent bank: CHASDEFX Correspondent bank: J.P.MORGAN AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY A register of potential Tenderers who have purchased the Tender Documents may be inspected at the address below. In line with cl. 19 of Section 1 “Instruction to Tenders” and cl. 19 of the “Tender Data Sheet” in the Tender Documents, all tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of EUR 70,000.00 (seventy thousand euros) or the equivalent amount in another freely convertible currency or in the Ukrainian hryvnias, determined at the official rate(s) of the Ukrainian hryvnia against foreign currencies established by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of the tender security issue, and must be submitted at the address indicated below no later than the time and date of the deadline for tender submission. All Tenders must be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention “Supply of new low-floor multi-section articulated Tramways 26-27 metres length, including a set of main, wearing and consumable spare parts, a set of equipment and tools for maintenance and repair, and related services, up to a total budget of € 9,000,000.00 (nine million euros), sales taxes and customs duties excluded” to the office at the address below on or before 17/06/2024 at 11:00 (local time). Tenders will be opened at 13:00 (local time) in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.
The contract will be financed by European Investment Bank (EIB) and is the subject to the EIB's Guide to Procurement. -
Gronden voor uitsluiting
Fraude: EIB Anti-Fraud Policy and EIB Exclusion Policy and EIB’s definition of prohibited conduct as per the Covenant of Integrity
Belangenconflict als gevolg van deelneming aan de aanbestedingsprocedure: Exclusion grounds ap per section 1.5 of the EIB GtP
5. Perceel
Perceel: LOT-0001
Titel: Supply of new low-floor multi-section articulated Tramways 26-27 metres length, including a set of main, wearing and consumable spare parts, a set of equipment and tools for maintenance and repair, and related services, up to a total budget of € 9,000,000.00 (nine million euros), sales taxes and customs duties excluded
Beschrijving: Supply of city articulated trams, mono-directional, one driving cab, equipped with three bogies taking into consideration the permissible axle load. 100% of the length of the passenger compartment must be low with free access without steps to all passenger doors from the stop platform. Number of sections: no more than three. The Tramway shall have the following outer dimensions: length: 26,000 mm to 27,000 mm; width: nominal 2,500 mm; height: maximum 3,500 mm (3,700 mm with current pantograph in down position); minimum curve radius: 20 meters in main line (maximum speed of 10 km/h); minimum standard curve radius: 18 meters in depot; wheel base: 1,800 mm – 1,900 mm; the distance from the axis of the track to the edge of platforms for passengers, located on the straight line of the track is 1,350 mm. Total number of passengers expected: 250 (± 10%) with 8 passengers/m² (load for AW3); number of seats: not less than 60 ± 10%; number of wheelchair spaces: at least 1. Further information can be obtained in the Tender Documents.
Interne identificatiecode: GtP/UTD/URBMOB/200190001-08
Aard van het contract: Leveringen
Belangrijkste classificatie (cpv): 34600000 Spoor- en tramlocomotieven, rollend materieel en onderdelen
Beschrijving van de opties: No options and variants allowed
Plaats van uitvoering
Postadres: Tram depot No.3, 67 Mykoly Rudenka St.
Stad: Dnipro
Postcode: 49000
Land: Oekraïne
Geraamde duur
Looptijd: 13 Maanden
Geraamde waarde exclusief btw: 9 000 000,00 EUR
Algemene informatie
Voorbehouden deelname: Deelname is niet voorbehouden.
Aanvullende informatie: Tenderers shall submit their tenders electronically by the deadline for submission of tender proposals via email: 39218@ukr.net. More detailed information is in the Tender Documents. Tenderers shall submit their tenders by submitting their tenders electronically by the deadline for submission of tender proposals via email: 39218@ukr.net. The tender proposal should be in .pdf format in the form of an archived Zip file or any other protected file format that cannot be overwritten, locked with a password (so the Contracting Authority cannot open it) and submitted in a proper manner before the deadline for submission of tenders. The Tenderer shall provide to the Contracting Authority the password to the tender in .pdf format in the Zip file or any other protected file of the tender proposal file, which cannot be overwritten, by sending it via e-mail 39218@ukr.net no later than 2 hours after but not earlier than the deadline for submission of tenders. The tender in digital format shall be submitted before the deadline for submission of the tenders. The password to the tender in secured format shall be submitted no later than 2 hours after but not earlier than the deadline for submission of tenders. Non-provision of the password by the means stated above will make tender opening impossible and such tender will not be considered. Despite the submission of tenders in electronic form, the tenderers should submit the same tender proposal in the printed (hard) copy by courier (Meest Express, Nova Poshta, DHL, UPS, etc.) no later than 10 calendar days after the deadline for submission of tenders. The printed (hard) copy of the tender shall be the same as the electronic version, as well as the structure of the electronic version of the tender shall correspond to the structure of the printed (hard) copy of the tender. In case of discrepancies between the printed (hard) copy and the electronic version of the tender, the printed (hard) copy of the tender shall prevail. Additional hard copy documents that were not submitted electronically, i.e. in .pdf or Zip format or in any other protected file that cannot be overwritten, blocked by a password before the deadline for submission of the tender proposals, will not be accepted and considered by the Contracting Authority. The Contracting Authority will review the tenders from the tenderers after opening of the tenders, however, the Contract will not be awarded without the availability of the printed copy of the tender. The Contracting Authority shall arrange for an online tender proposal opening procedure on the date and time specified in the Tender Documents (cl. 25.1) using ZOOM platform, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, YouTube or any other online media available to the tenderers. The tender opening will be recorded in the Tender Opening Protocol and the recorded document shall be kept for the official use of the Contracting Authority and the Bank. A record of the Tender opening will be sent to all tenderers who submitted tenders in time. A link to ZOOM, Google Meets, Microsoft Teams, YouTube or any other online link available will be sent to all parties interested in the tender opening procedure several days, but not later than 48 hours before the tender opening.
Type: Economische en financiële draagkracht
Naam: Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Type: Technische en beroepsbekwaamheid
Naam: Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Type: Prijs
Beschrijving: Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Voorwaarden van de aanbesteding
Voorwaarden voor indiening:
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelname kunnen worden ingediend: Engels
Varianten: Niet toegestaan
Uiterste datum voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen: 17/06/2024 11:00:00 (UTC+3)
Uiterste datum tot wanneer de inschrijving geldig moet blijven: 4 Maanden
Informatie over de openbare opening:
Openingsdatum: 17/06/2024 13:00:00 (UTC+3)
Plaats: 49 Serhiia Nihoiana Ave., 1st floor, room 10, 49064 Dnipro, Ukraine
Nadere inlichtingen, bemiddeling en evaluatie
Organisatie voor beroepsprocedures: Commercial Court of Dnipropetrovsk region
8. Organisaties
Officiële naam: Municipal Company "Dnipro Electrotransport"
Registratienummer: 0000
Registratienummer: 00000000000000000000000000000
Postadres: 49 Serhiia Nihoiana Ave.
Stad: Dnipro
Postcode: 49064
Land: Oekraïne
Contactpunt: Serhii Dorofieiev
Telefoon: +380990272901
Fax: +380563739218
Rollen van deze organisatie:
Officiële naam: Commercial Court of Dnipropetrovsk region
Registratienummer: 000000000000
Postadres: Postal address: 1A Volodymyra Vynnychenka Str.
Stad: Dnipro
Postcode: 49600
Land: Oekraïne
Telefoon: 0000000000
Rollen van deze organisatie:
Organisatie voor beroepsprocedures
10. Wijziging van een aankondiging
Identificatiecode/versie van de aankondiging: e8edd597-bc44-475f-875c-890288a9ce97 - 01
Type formulier: Mededinging
Type aankondiging: Aankondiging van een opdracht – lichte regeling
Subtype aankondiging: 20
Verzenddatum van de aankondiging: 03/06/2024 14:14:13 (UTC)
Talen waarin deze aankondiging officieel beschikbaar is: Engels
Publicatienummer aankondiging: 333083-2024
Nummer uitgave PB S: 108/2024
Datum van bekendmaking: 05/06/2024