Επίσημος ιστότοπος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης

510428-2023 - Αλλαγή

Προβολή προκήρυξης

Συνοπτική παρουσίαση

This contract will be financed by European Investment Bank (EIB) and is subject to the EIB's Guide to Procurement.
Επωνυμία και διευθύνσεις
Επίσημη επωνυμία: Communal Enterprise “Kharkivsky metropoliten”
Ταχ. διεύθυνση: 29, Rizdviana Str.
Πόλη: Kharkiv
Κωδικός NUTS: UA Ukraine
Ταχ. κωδικός: 61052
Χώρα: Ουκρανία
Αρμόδιος για πληροφορίες: Mr. Andriy Garmash
Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο: kharkiv.metro2017@gmail.com
Τηλέφωνο: +38 0675400317
Φαξ: +38 0577315983
Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 sections each, including spare parts and consumables, equipment and tools for maintenance, repair and related service
Αριθμός αναφοράς: EIB-GtP/2015-0503-28
Κωδικός κύριου λεξιλογίου CPV
34622300 Τρόλεϊ
Είδος σύμβασης
Αναφορά αρχικής προκήρυξης
Αριθ. προκήρυξης στην ΕΕ S: 2023/S 090-276822
Κείμενο προς διόρθωση στην αρχική προκήρυξη

Αριθμός τμήματος: II.2.4
Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 sections each, associated goods and related services includes the supply of the following: * Metro trainsets, 5 sections each, * Main spare parts, * Trainsets maintenance and repair equipment and tools, * Consumable and wearable spare parts, * Documentation in paper form and on electronic media, * Commissioning of metro train sets and ancillary equipment (including installation, if needed), * Personnel training. INCOTERMS Delivery conditions: The price of the Goods shall be quoted on the basis of the edition 2020 of INCOTERMS delivery terms, (published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris) EXW for Goods to be supplied from within the Contracting Authority’s country and CIP for Goods to be supplied from outside the Contracting Authority’s country excluding VAT. All detailed technical and functional specifications, descriptions, characteristics, Drawings are available in the tender documentation. Tender Document is available for free and is provided to the tenderers in format .pdf electronically via Tenderer’s request by means of provision to the stage to the cloud storage or by e-mail. Tenderer’s request shall be issued on the letterhead of the Tenderer and obligatory contain the name of Tenderer, name of the project, name of the tender, and identification number of tender, country of origin of the tenderer, e-mail address, phone number, and name of the responsible person(s). • In line with cl. 19.1 of the section II Tender Data Sheet (TDS) of the Tender Document, the amount and currency of the tender security shall be EUR 1,000,000.00 (one million euros) or the equivalent amount in another freely convertible currency or in the Ukrainian Hryvnia, determined at the official rate(s) of the Ukrainian Hryvnia against foreign currencies established by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of the tender security is issued and must be submitted at the address indicated below no later than the time and date of the deadline for tender submission. • All Tenders must be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention “Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 sections each, including spare parts and consumables, equipment and tools for maintenance, repair and related services, up to a total budget of euro 45 (forty five) million, sales taxes and customs duties excluded” to the office at the address below on or before on 26 June 2023 at 13:00 (local time). Tenders will be opened immediately in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.
Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 coaches each, associated goods and related services includes the supply of the following:
- Metro trainsets, 5 coaches each,
- Main spare parts,
- Trainsets maintenance and repair equipment and tools,
- Consumable and wearable spare parts,
- Documentation in paper form and on electronic media,
- Commissioning of metro train sets and ancillary equipment (including installation, if needed),
- Personnel training.
INCOTERMS Delivery conditions: The price of the Goods shall be quoted on the basis of the edition 2020 of INCOTERMS delivery terms, (published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris) EXW for Goods to be supplied from within the Contracting Authority’s country and CIP for Goods to be supplied from outside the Contracting Authority’s country excluding VAT.
All detailed technical and functional specifications, descriptions, characteristics, Drawings are available in the tender documentation.
Tender Document is available for free and is provided to the tenderers in format .pdf electronically via Tenderer’s request by means of provision to the stage to the cloud storage or by e-mail. Tenderer’s request shall be issued on the letterhead of the Tenderer and obligatory contain the name of Tenderer, name of the project, name of the tender, and identification number of tender, country of origin of the tenderer, e-mail address, phone number, and name of the responsible person(s).
• In line with cl. 19.1 of the section II Tender Data Sheet (TDS) of the Tender Document, the amount and currency of the tender security shall be EUR 1,000,000.00 (one million euros) or the equivalent amount in another freely convertible currency or in the Ukrainian Hryvnia, determined at the official rate(s) of the Ukrainian Hryvnia against foreign currencies established by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of the tender security is issued and must be submitted at the address indicated below no later than the time and date of the deadline for tender submission.
• All Tenders must be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention “Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 coaches each, including spare parts and consumables, equipment and tools for maintenance, repair and related services, up to a total budget of euro 45 (forty five) million, sales taxes and customs duties excluded” to the office at the address below on or before on 10 October 2023 at 13:00 (local time). Tenders will be opened immediately in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.

Αριθμός τμήματος: IV.2.2
Ημερομηνία: 26/06/2023 Τοπική ώρα: 13:00
Ημερομηνία: 10/10/2023 Τοπική ώρα: 13:00

Αριθμός τμήματος: IV.2.7
Ημερομηνία: 26/06/2023 Τοπική ώρα: 13:15
Ημερομηνία: 10/10/2023 Τοπική ώρα: 13:15

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Τρέχουσα γλώσσαΕικονίδιο βοήθειας
510428-2023 - ΑλλαγήΟυκρανία-Kharkiv: Τρόλεϊ
OJ S 161/2023 23/08/2023
Νομική βάση:
This contract will be financed by European Investment Bank (EIB) and is subject to the EIB's Guide to Procurement.

Τμήμα I: Αναθέτουσα αρχή/αναθέτων φορέας

Επωνυμία και διευθύνσεις
Επίσημη επωνυμία: Communal Enterprise “Kharkivsky metropoliten”
Ταχ. διεύθυνση: 29, Rizdviana Str.
Πόλη: Kharkiv
Κωδικός NUTS: UA Ukraine
Ταχ. κωδικός: 61052
Χώρα: Ουκρανία
Αρμόδιος για πληροφορίες: Mr. Andriy Garmash
Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο: kharkiv.metro2017@gmail.com
Τηλέφωνο: +38 0675400317
Φαξ: +38 0577315983

Τμήμα II: Αντικείμενο

Εύρος της σύμβασης
Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 sections each, including spare parts and consumables, equipment and tools for maintenance, repair and related service
Αριθμός αναφοράς: EIB-GtP/2015-0503-28
Κωδικός κύριου λεξιλογίου CPV
34622300 Τρόλεϊ
Είδος σύμβασης
Σύντομη περιγραφή
New five-car metro trainset with open inter-car passenger gangways with bellows.

Τμήμα VI: Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες

Ημερομηνία αποστολής της παρούσας προκήρυξης
Αναφορά αρχικής προκήρυξης
Αριθ. προκήρυξης στην ΕΕ S: 2023/S 090-276822

Τμήμα VII: Αλλαγές

Πληροφορίες προς αλλαγή ή προσθήκη
Κείμενο προς διόρθωση στην αρχική προκήρυξη

Αριθμός τμήματος: II.2.4
Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 sections each, associated goods and related services includes the supply of the following: * Metro trainsets, 5 sections each, * Main spare parts, * Trainsets maintenance and repair equipment and tools, * Consumable and wearable spare parts, * Documentation in paper form and on electronic media, * Commissioning of metro train sets and ancillary equipment (including installation, if needed), * Personnel training. INCOTERMS Delivery conditions: The price of the Goods shall be quoted on the basis of the edition 2020 of INCOTERMS delivery terms, (published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris) EXW for Goods to be supplied from within the Contracting Authority’s country and CIP for Goods to be supplied from outside the Contracting Authority’s country excluding VAT. All detailed technical and functional specifications, descriptions, characteristics, Drawings are available in the tender documentation. Tender Document is available for free and is provided to the tenderers in format .pdf electronically via Tenderer’s request by means of provision to the stage to the cloud storage or by e-mail. Tenderer’s request shall be issued on the letterhead of the Tenderer and obligatory contain the name of Tenderer, name of the project, name of the tender, and identification number of tender, country of origin of the tenderer, e-mail address, phone number, and name of the responsible person(s). • In line with cl. 19.1 of the section II Tender Data Sheet (TDS) of the Tender Document, the amount and currency of the tender security shall be EUR 1,000,000.00 (one million euros) or the equivalent amount in another freely convertible currency or in the Ukrainian Hryvnia, determined at the official rate(s) of the Ukrainian Hryvnia against foreign currencies established by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of the tender security is issued and must be submitted at the address indicated below no later than the time and date of the deadline for tender submission. • All Tenders must be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention “Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 sections each, including spare parts and consumables, equipment and tools for maintenance, repair and related services, up to a total budget of euro 45 (forty five) million, sales taxes and customs duties excluded” to the office at the address below on or before on 26 June 2023 at 13:00 (local time). Tenders will be opened immediately in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.
Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 coaches each, associated goods and related services includes the supply of the following:
- Metro trainsets, 5 coaches each,
- Main spare parts,
- Trainsets maintenance and repair equipment and tools,
- Consumable and wearable spare parts,
- Documentation in paper form and on electronic media,
- Commissioning of metro train sets and ancillary equipment (including installation, if needed),
- Personnel training.
INCOTERMS Delivery conditions: The price of the Goods shall be quoted on the basis of the edition 2020 of INCOTERMS delivery terms, (published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris) EXW for Goods to be supplied from within the Contracting Authority’s country and CIP for Goods to be supplied from outside the Contracting Authority’s country excluding VAT.
All detailed technical and functional specifications, descriptions, characteristics, Drawings are available in the tender documentation.
Tender Document is available for free and is provided to the tenderers in format .pdf electronically via Tenderer’s request by means of provision to the stage to the cloud storage or by e-mail. Tenderer’s request shall be issued on the letterhead of the Tenderer and obligatory contain the name of Tenderer, name of the project, name of the tender, and identification number of tender, country of origin of the tenderer, e-mail address, phone number, and name of the responsible person(s).
• In line with cl. 19.1 of the section II Tender Data Sheet (TDS) of the Tender Document, the amount and currency of the tender security shall be EUR 1,000,000.00 (one million euros) or the equivalent amount in another freely convertible currency or in the Ukrainian Hryvnia, determined at the official rate(s) of the Ukrainian Hryvnia against foreign currencies established by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of the tender security is issued and must be submitted at the address indicated below no later than the time and date of the deadline for tender submission.
• All Tenders must be delivered in closed envelopes bearing the mention “Supply of new Metro trainsets, 5 coaches each, including spare parts and consumables, equipment and tools for maintenance, repair and related services, up to a total budget of euro 45 (forty five) million, sales taxes and customs duties excluded” to the office at the address below on or before on 10 October 2023 at 13:00 (local time). Tenders will be opened immediately in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.

Αριθμός τμήματος: IV.2.2
Ημερομηνία: 26/06/2023 Τοπική ώρα: 13:00
Ημερομηνία: 10/10/2023 Τοπική ώρα: 13:00

Αριθμός τμήματος: IV.2.7
Ημερομηνία: 26/06/2023 Τοπική ώρα: 13:15
Ημερομηνία: 10/10/2023 Τοπική ώρα: 13:15
Λοιπές συμπληρωματικές πληροφορίες