An official website of the European Union

Notice view

Notice display

The 'Notice view' page displays a notice in your current browsing language. To visualise a notice in another language, you can select a different one from the ‘Language selector’ in the upper-right corner of the page.

For every notice, you can find a Summary at the top of the page with the key information for the notice, as well as the section ‘Languages and formats’ right below. Through this section you can download the signed PDF of the notice in the official language, or download one of the available translations in PDF format.

Additionally, you can download a notice in HTML format through the 'Machine translation' section. If the icon is missing for a language, it means that the HTML translation is not yet available. In this case, you may request a translation first (this functionality is available for signed in users).

On the left side of the page, there is the table of contents, which is collapsed by default. You can expand and directly navigate to a specific section. Above the table of contents you can find all the available actions.

Download XML

By selecting this option, you can download the notice in XML format.

Create an alert (signed in users only)

By creating an alert, every time a related notice is published, you will receive an email notification. You can view and change them at any time in the ‘My Dashboard’ section.

Send by email (signed in users only)

You can send a notice via the email you have used to sign in to TED. You can make entries in the following fields:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Type a message
  • Define the recipient’s email, or select it from your ‘Personal address book’

Request a translation (signed in users only)

You can request an automated translation in a specific language in the following formats: PDF, HTML

When the translation is ready, you will receive it via email. Furthermore, it will become available in the section ‘Machine translation HTML.

Change notices

When the buyer needs to make corrections to a previously published notice, a “change notice” is published. Such a change notice contains the updated information and is therefore the most recent version of the notice. If you are interested in the concrete changes brought by a change notice, they are available in the section 10. The change notice has a new publication number. The old versions of the notice with their own publication numbers are still on TED and retrievable via search and browse options.

Back to to results list

At any time, you can navigate back to the ‘Search results’ page, to view again the list of the notices which met your search criteria.


You can use these options to navigate to the next/previous notices based on your search result list. These options are available to any user who has made a search.