Suíomh gréasáin oifigiúil de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh
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028140-2022 - Mionathrú conartha
Amharc ar an bhfógra
Ainm agus seoltaí
Ainm oifigiúil: Western Health and Social Care Trust
Ainm oifigiúil: Western Health and Social Care Trust
Seoladh poist: MDEC Building, Altnagelvin Area Hospital Site, Glenshane Road
Baile: Derry
Cód NUTS: UK United Kingdom
Cód poist: BT47 6SB
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2871345171
Seoladh/seoltaí idirlín:
Seoladh phróifíl an cheannaitheora:
Provision of Domiciliary Care Services in the Western Health and Social Care Trust Area
Príomhchód CPV
98000000 Other community, social and personal services
98000000 Other community, social and personal services
An cineál conartha
Cód(Cóid) CPV breise
98000000 Other community, social and personal services, 85000000 Health and social work services
98000000 Other community, social and personal services, 85000000 Health and social work services
Láthair feidhmíochta
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Tréimhse an chonartha, comhaontú creatlaí, córas dinimiciúil ceannaigh nó lamháltas
Fad ina mhíonna: 60
Fad ina mhíonna: 60
Uimhir an chonartha: 12279
Provision of Domiciliary Care Services in the Western Health and Social Care Trust Area - Lot 8 Castlederg
Príomhchód CPV
98000000 Other community, social and personal services
98000000 Other community, social and personal services
Láthair feidhmíochta
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cur síos ar an soláthar
Provision of Domiciliary Care Services in the Western Health and Social Care Trust Area
Lot 8 Castlederg
The Department of Health Northern Ireland (“DoH NI”) direction referred to at VII.2.1 and VII.2.2. states the following:
The overarching principles of this additional funding is to ensure that Independent Sector providers deliver significant improvements in the pay, and terms and conditions for staff across the sector. This has been emphasised to the sector representatives who have committed to ensuring that the uplift in funding will be utilised to stabilise and increase capacity across the sector. It is also the
Department’s expectation that Trusts will work proactively with the sector to maximise capacity within areas of greatest need in terms of step-down and discharge from hospitals, waiting lists and unmet need. The Department will also continue to engage with the sector to drive these changes.
Tréimhse an chonartha, comhaontú creatlaí, córas dinimiciúil ceannaigh nó lamháltas
Fad ina mhíonna: 60
Fad ina mhíonna: 60
Faisnéis faoi luach an chonartha/an bhirt/an lamháltais
Luach iomlán an chonartha/an bhirt/an lamháltais: 12 344 932,00 GBP
Luach iomlán an chonartha/an bhirt/an lamháltais: 12 344 932,00 GBP
Ainm agus seoladh an chonraitheora/an lamháltóra
Ainm oifigiúil: North West Care and Support Ltd
Ainm oifigiúil: North West Care and Support Ltd
Seoladh poist: Roe Business Centre, Room F2 and F3, 4-6 Killane Road
Baile: Limavady
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cód poist: BT49 0DN
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2877723514
Seoladh idirlín:
FBM atá sa chonraitheoir/lamháltóir: níl
Ainm agus seoladh an chonraitheora/an lamháltóra
Ainm oifigiúil: Care Plus
Ainm oifigiúil: Care Plus
Seoladh poist: Enniskillen Business Centre, 21 Lackaboy Road
Baile: Enniskillen
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cód poist: BT74 4RL
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2866325688
Seoladh idirlín:
FBM atá sa chonraitheoir/lamháltóir: tá
Ainm agus seoladh an chonraitheora/an lamháltóra
Ainm oifigiúil: Glen Caring Services: “official name” Hillview Lodge Limited t/a Glen Caring Services
Ainm oifigiúil: Glen Caring Services: “official name” Hillview Lodge Limited t/a Glen Caring Services
Seoladh poist: 14 Mountjoy Road
Baile: Omagh
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cód poist: BT89 7EL
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2882251936
Seoladh idirlín:
FBM atá sa chonraitheoir/lamháltóir: níl
Cúiseanna le haghaidh mionathraithe
Athrú is gá mar thoradh ar imthosca nach mbeadh coinne ag údarás conarthachta dícheallach leo (Airt. 43(1)(c) de Threoir 2014/23/AE, Airt. 72(1)(c) de Threoir 2014/24/AE, Airt. 89(1)(c) de Threoir 2014/25/AE)
Cur síos ar na himthosca a d'éiligh an mionathrú agus míniú faoin gcaoi go raibh na himthosca sin gan coinne:
The Trust refers to its response at VII.2.1 above.
The first condition of this ground under Regulation 72(1)(c)(i) PCR 2015 is that the need for modification has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen.
Regulation 72(1)(c)(i) PCR 2015 is satisfied in respect of this modification as the need for modification has been brought about by external circumstances, being the referred DoH NI direction, which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen when the Trust awarded these contracts back in 2016.
The DoH NI direction has been brought about by exceptional circumstances; the need identified by the DoH NI to provide the Additional Funding to the independent domiciliary care sector is as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the exceptional and unforeseen pressures on the domiciliary care sector and this critical frontline service.
The second condition of this ground under Regulation 72(1)(c)(ii) is that the modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract.
Here the service, being a domiciliary care service, is unchanged. As such, the modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract and therefore satisfies Regulation 72(1)(c)(ii).
The final condition of this ground under Regulation 72(c)(iii) is met in that the increase in price does not exceed 50% of the value of the original contract. The increase in price for lot 8 is £275,386 and the value of the original contract for Lot 8 is £12,000,000.
Méadú ar an bpraghas
Luach iomlán nuashonraithe an chonartha roimh na mionathruithe (agus mionathruithe féideartha níos luaithe ar an gconradh á dtabhairt san áireamh mar aon le hathruithe i dtaobh an phraghais agus, i gcás Threoir 2014/23/AE, meánmhéid an bhoilscithe sa Bhallstát lena mbaineann)
Luach gan CBL san áireamh: 12 069 547,00 GBP
Luach an chonartha iomláin tar éis na mionathruithe
Luach gan CBL san áireamh: 12 344 932,00 GBP
Teangacha agus formáidí
An teanga reatha
28140-2022 - Mionathrú conarthaSee the notice on TED website 
28140-2022 - Mionathrú conarthaRíocht Aontaithe, an-Derry: Other community, social and personal services
OJ S 12/2022 18/01/2022
Fógra um mhionathrú
Bunús dlí:
Treoir 2014/24/AE
Alt I: Aonán/údarás conarthachta
Ainm agus seoltaí
Ainm oifigiúil: Western Health and Social Care Trust
Ainm oifigiúil: Western Health and Social Care Trust
Seoladh poist: MDEC Building, Altnagelvin Area Hospital Site, Glenshane Road
Baile: Derry
Cód NUTS: UK United Kingdom
Cód poist: BT47 6SB
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2871345171
Seoladh/seoltaí idirlín:
Seoladh phróifíl an cheannaitheora:
Alt II: Cuspóir
Raon feidhme an tsoláthair
Provision of Domiciliary Care Services in the Western Health and Social Care Trust Area
Príomhchód CPV
98000000 Other community, social and personal services
98000000 Other community, social and personal services
An cineál conartha
Cur síos
Cód(Cóid) CPV breise
98000000 Other community, social and personal services, 85000000 Health and social work services
98000000 Other community, social and personal services, 85000000 Health and social work services
Láthair feidhmíochta
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cur síos ar an soláthar ag am chur i gcrích an chonartha
Provision of Domiciliary Care Services in the Western Health and Social Care Trust Area
Lot 8 Castlederg
Guaranteed Hours 2,784 hours per week;
Estimated Time Specific Hours 1,314 hours per week
Tréimhse an chonartha, comhaontú creatlaí, córas dinimiciúil ceannaigh nó lamháltas
Fad ina mhíonna: 60
Fad ina mhíonna: 60
Faisnéis faoi Chistí an Aontais Eorpaigh
Baineann an soláthar le tionscadal agus/nó clár arna mhaoiniú ag cistí an Aontais Eorpaigh: níl
Baineann an soláthar le tionscadal agus/nó clár arna mhaoiniú ag cistí an Aontais Eorpaigh: níl
Alt IV: Nós imeachta
Faisnéis riaracháin
Alt V: Dámhachtain an chonartha/lamháltais
Uimhir an chonartha: 12279
Provision of Domiciliary Care Services in the Western Health and Social Care Trust Area - Lot 8 Castlederg
Dámhachtain an chonartha/lamháltais
Dáta chur i gcrích an chonartha/chinneadh na dámhachtana lamháltais
Faisnéis faoi thairiscintí
Dámhadh an conradh/lamháltas do ghrúpa oibreoirí eacnamaíocha: tá
Dámhadh an conradh/lamháltas do ghrúpa oibreoirí eacnamaíocha: tá
Ainm agus seoladh an chonraitheora/an lamháltóra
Ainm oifigiúil: North West Care and Support Ltd
Ainm oifigiúil: North West Care and Support Ltd
Seoladh poist: Roe Business Centre, Room F2 and F3, 4-6 Killane Road
Baile: Limavady
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cód poist: BT49 0DN
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2877723514
Seoladh idirlín:
FBM atá sa chonraitheoir/lamháltóir: nílV.2.3.
Ainm agus seoladh an chonraitheora/an lamháltóra
Ainm oifigiúil: Care Plus
Ainm oifigiúil: Care Plus
Baile: Enniskillen
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cód poist: BT74 4RL
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2866325688
Seoladh idirlín:
FBM atá sa chonraitheoir/lamháltóir: táV.2.3.
Ainm agus seoladh an chonraitheora/an lamháltóra
Ainm oifigiúil: Glen Caring Services: “official name” Hillview Lodge Limited t/a Glen Caring Services
Ainm oifigiúil: Glen Caring Services: “official name” Hillview Lodge Limited t/a Glen Caring Services
Baile: Omagh
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cód poist: BT89 7EL
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2882251936
Seoladh idirlín:
FBM atá sa chonraitheoir/lamháltóir: nílV.2.4.
Faisnéis faoi luach an chonartha/an bhirt/an lamháltais
Luach iomlán an tsoláthair: 12 000 000,00 GBP
Luach iomlán an tsoláthair: 12 000 000,00 GBP
Alt VI: Faisnéis chomhlántach
Faisnéis bhreise
Nósanna imeachta athbhreithniúcháin
Comhlacht athbhreithniúcháin
Ainm oifigiúil: The High Court of Justice In Northern Ireland
Ainm oifigiúil: The High Court of Justice In Northern Ireland
Seoladh poist: Royal Courts of Justice, Chichester Street
Baile: Belfast
Cód poist: BT1 3JF
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +00 03002007812
Facs: +44 2890724799
Seoladh idirlín:
Nós imeachta athbhreithniúcháin
Faisnéis chruinn faoi spriocdháta(í) le haghaidh nósanna imeachta athbhreithniúcháin:
An economic operator that suffers, or risks suffering, loss or damage.. attributable to a breach of duty under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/102) (as amended) may bring proceedings to the.. High Court (Northern Ireland). Any such proceedings are subject to the time limits as detailed in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (SI.. 2015/102) (as amended).
Dáta seolta an fhógra seo
Alt VII: Mionathruithe ar an gconradh/lamháltas
Cur síos ar an soláthar tar éis na mionathruithe
Príomhchód CPV
98000000 Other community, social and personal services
98000000 Other community, social and personal services
Cód(Cóid) CPV breise
98000000 Other community, social and personal services, 85000000 Health and social work services
98000000 Other community, social and personal services, 85000000 Health and social work services
Láthair feidhmíochta
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cur síos ar an soláthar
Provision of Domiciliary Care Services in the Western Health and Social Care Trust Area
Lot 8 Castlederg
The Department of Health Northern Ireland (“DoH NI”) direction referred to at VII.2.1 and VII.2.2. states the following:
The overarching principles of this additional funding is to ensure that Independent Sector providers deliver significant improvements in the pay, and terms and conditions for staff across the sector. This has been emphasised to the sector representatives who have committed to ensuring that the uplift in funding will be utilised to stabilise and increase capacity across the sector. It is also the
Department’s expectation that Trusts will work proactively with the sector to maximise capacity within areas of greatest need in terms of step-down and discharge from hospitals, waiting lists and unmet need. The Department will also continue to engage with the sector to drive these changes.
Tréimhse an chonartha, comhaontú creatlaí, córas dinimiciúil ceannaigh nó lamháltas
Fad ina mhíonna: 60
Fad ina mhíonna: 60
Faisnéis faoi luach an chonartha/an bhirt/an lamháltais
Luach iomlán an chonartha/an bhirt/an lamháltais: 12 344 932,00 GBP
Luach iomlán an chonartha/an bhirt/an lamháltais: 12 344 932,00 GBP
Ainm agus seoladh an chonraitheora/an lamháltóra
Ainm oifigiúil: North West Care and Support Ltd
Ainm oifigiúil: North West Care and Support Ltd
Seoladh poist: Roe Business Centre, Room F2 and F3, 4-6 Killane Road
Baile: Limavady
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cód poist: BT49 0DN
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2877723514
Seoladh idirlín:
FBM atá sa chonraitheoir/lamháltóir: nílVII.1.7.
Ainm agus seoladh an chonraitheora/an lamháltóra
Ainm oifigiúil: Care Plus
Ainm oifigiúil: Care Plus
Seoladh poist: Enniskillen Business Centre, 21 Lackaboy Road
Baile: Enniskillen
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cód poist: BT74 4RL
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2866325688
Seoladh idirlín:
FBM atá sa chonraitheoir/lamháltóir: táVII.1.7.
Ainm agus seoladh an chonraitheora/an lamháltóra
Ainm oifigiúil: Glen Caring Services: “official name” Hillview Lodge Limited t/a Glen Caring Services
Ainm oifigiúil: Glen Caring Services: “official name” Hillview Lodge Limited t/a Glen Caring Services
Seoladh poist: 14 Mountjoy Road
Baile: Omagh
Cód NUTS: UKN0 Northern Ireland
Cód poist: BT89 7EL
Tír: An Ríocht Aontaithe
Guthán: +44 2882251936
Seoladh idirlín:
FBM atá sa chonraitheoir/lamháltóir: nílVII.2.
Faisnéis maidir le mionathruithe
Cur síos ar na mionathruithe
Cineál agus méid na mionathruithe (mar aon le tásc maidir le hathruithe féideartha níos luaithe ar an gconradh):
Cineál agus méid na mionathruithe (mar aon le tásc maidir le hathruithe féideartha níos luaithe ar an gconradh):
The Health Minister made an announcement on 24th November 2021 that additional funding for pressures on service provision within the Independent Domiciliary Care sector (“Additional Funding”) would be available for the current financial year for the domiciliary care sector.
Following this announcement, the DoH NI made a direction in respect of this Additional Funding.
The Western Health and Social Care Trust (“the Trust”) is bound by statute to comply with directions of the DoH NI and as such to make payment as directed of an increased Hourly Rate of £18.00 to its current domiciliary care providers for the period from 1 November 2021 until 31 March 2022.
The direction from the DoH NI states:-
“The overarching principles of this additional funding is to ensure that Independent Sector providers deliver significant improvements in the pay, and terms and conditions for staff across the sector. This has been emphasised to the sector representatives who have committed to ensuring that the uplift in funding will be utilised to stabilise and increase capacity across the sector. It is also the Department’s expectation that Trusts will work proactively with the sector to maximise capacity within areas of greatest need in terms of step-down and discharge from hospitals, waiting lists and unmet need. The Department will also continue to engage with the sector to drive these changes.”
In compliance with this statutory obligation to comply with the DoH NI direction, the Trust therefore issued a letter dated 22 December 2021 to all current Providers to vary the Contract in respect of this direction.
The Trust refers also to its responses below at VII.2.2 and VII.2.3.
Cúiseanna le haghaidh mionathraithe
Athrú is gá mar thoradh ar imthosca nach mbeadh coinne ag údarás conarthachta dícheallach leo (Airt. 43(1)(c) de Threoir 2014/23/AE, Airt. 72(1)(c) de Threoir 2014/24/AE, Airt. 89(1)(c) de Threoir 2014/25/AE)
Cur síos ar na himthosca a d'éiligh an mionathrú agus míniú faoin gcaoi go raibh na himthosca sin gan coinne:
The Trust refers to its response at VII.2.1 above.
The first condition of this ground under Regulation 72(1)(c)(i) PCR 2015 is that the need for modification has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen.
Regulation 72(1)(c)(i) PCR 2015 is satisfied in respect of this modification as the need for modification has been brought about by external circumstances, being the referred DoH NI direction, which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen when the Trust awarded these contracts back in 2016.
The DoH NI direction has been brought about by exceptional circumstances; the need identified by the DoH NI to provide the Additional Funding to the independent domiciliary care sector is as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the exceptional and unforeseen pressures on the domiciliary care sector and this critical frontline service.
The second condition of this ground under Regulation 72(1)(c)(ii) is that the modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract.
Here the service, being a domiciliary care service, is unchanged. As such, the modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract and therefore satisfies Regulation 72(1)(c)(ii).
The final condition of this ground under Regulation 72(c)(iii) is met in that the increase in price does not exceed 50% of the value of the original contract. The increase in price for lot 8 is £275,386 and the value of the original contract for Lot 8 is £12,000,000.
Méadú ar an bpraghas
Luach iomlán nuashonraithe an chonartha roimh na mionathruithe (agus mionathruithe féideartha níos luaithe ar an gconradh á dtabhairt san áireamh mar aon le hathruithe i dtaobh an phraghais agus, i gcás Threoir 2014/23/AE, meánmhéid an bhoilscithe sa Bhallstát lena mbaineann)
Luach gan CBL san áireamh: 12 069 547,00 GBP
Luach an chonartha iomláin tar éis na mionathruithe
Luach gan CBL san áireamh: 12 344 932,00 GBP

Tá an suíomh seo á bhainistiú ag: Oifig Foilseachán an Aontais Eorpaigh
Cabhair uait?
Maidir linne
Seirbhísí eile

Faigh tuilleadh eolais ar
Teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an Aontas Eorpach
Na meáin shóisialta
Na meáin shóisialta
Na meáin shóisialta
Institiúidí agus comhlachtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh
Institiúidí agus comhlachtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh