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101557-2021 - Lepingu muutmine
Teate vaade
Nimi ja aadressid
Ametlik nimetus: Efficiency East Midlands Ltd
Ametlik nimetus: Efficiency East Midlands Ltd
Postiaadress: Unit 3 Maisies Way, South Normanton
Linn: Alfreton
NUTS kood: UK United Kingdom
Sihtnumber: DE55 2DS
Riik: Ühendkuningriik
Kontaktisik: Rebecca Dermody-Simmons
Telefon: +44 1246395610
Doors and Windows — Installation Only
Viitenumber: EEM0014
CPV põhikood
50000000 Remondi- ja hooldusteenused
50000000 Remondi- ja hooldusteenused
Lepingu liik
CPV lisakood(id)
45421110 Ukse- ja aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421111 Ukselengide paigaldamine, 45421112 Aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421130 Uste ja akende paigaldamine, 45421131 Uste paigaldamine, 45421132 Akende paigaldamine
45421110 Ukse- ja aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421111 Ukselengide paigaldamine, 45421112 Aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421130 Uste ja akende paigaldamine, 45421131 Uste paigaldamine, 45421132 Akende paigaldamine
Täitmise koht
NUTS kood: UK United Kingdom
Lepingu, raamlepingu, dünaamilise hankesüsteemi või kontsessiooni kestus
Kestus kuudes: 37
Kestus kuudes: 37
Hankelepingu nr: EEM0014
Doors and Windows — Installation Only
CPV põhikood
45421100 Uste ja akende ning nendega seotud osade paigaldamine
45421100 Uste ja akende ning nendega seotud osade paigaldamine
Täitmise koht
NUTS kood: UK United Kingdom
Hanke kirjeldus
EEM Ltd on behalf of its Members has tendered for a place on our external doors and windows installation only framework.
We are looking for a suitably accredited and competent contractor to undertake the safe and compliant installation of new external doors and windows. This will be a sole provider frameworks and the successful contractor will be required to work across our full Members geographical areas.
Installations works may comprise of partial or full works to properties and be on a planned or ad-hoc basis however, there are no guarantees with regards to values and volume of works to be let through our framework.
The EEM Memberships property stock is in excess of 1 250 000 million properties which consist of a mixture of domestic housing stock, bungalows, blocks of flats, and sheltered housing schemes as well as communal buildings, corporate buildings, hospitals, student accommodation, universities, schools and depots.
Please note this framework is solely for installation works, EEM have a separate contract for supply of windows and doors (EMC0015), therefore this framework will not cover the supply of the windows and doors.
Contractors must be aware, that our Members may opt to use this framework in conjunction with EMC0015 or nominate their own supply route. In both instances the supply of the windows and doors will sit outside of the scope of this framework but the successful contractor must be willing and able to work with the nominated supplier to ensure that all works are carried out in an efficient manner.
Lepingu, raamlepingu, dünaamilise hankesüsteemi või kontsessiooni kestus
Kestus kuudes: 12
Kestus kuudes: 12
Teave lepingu/osa/kontsessiooni maksumuse kohta
Lepingu/osa/kontsessiooni lõplik kogumaksumus: 10 000 000,00 GBP
Lepingu/osa/kontsessiooni lõplik kogumaksumus: 10 000 000,00 GBP
Töövõtja/kontsessionääri nimi ja aadress
Ametlik nimetus: Nationwide Windows Ltd
Ametlik nimetus: Nationwide Windows Ltd
Linn: Rugby
NUTS kood: UK United Kingdom
Riik: Ühendkuningriik
Töövõtja/kontsessionäär on VKE: jah
Muutmise põhjused
Muudatuse vajadus tuleneb olukorrast, mida hoolas hankija ei saanud ette näha (direktiivi 2014/23/EL artikli 43 lõike 1 punkt c, direktiivi 2014/24/EL artikli 72 lõike 1 punkt c, direktiivi 2014/25/EL artikli 89 lõike 1 punkt c)
Muudatuse tegemise põhjuseks olevate asjaolude kirjeldus ja nende asjaolude ettenägematu laadi selgitus:
With the imposition of significant business restrictions it is clear that many organisations within this market have been impacted by the current pandemic, as this is a key framework for EEM, we intend to extend the current framework under Regulation 72(1)(c) for a further 11 months. We believe this will help businesses continue to deliver services and goods to our Members and reduce the pressure on the supply chain at this critical time. Requesting businesses to complete lengthy and complex tenders over the coming months may divert resources away from supporting the Public Sector; something we wish to avoid. This is supported by the fact EEM only received one bid following the recent advertisement of the opportunity.
Maksumuse suurenemine
Lepingu ajakohastatud kogumaksumus enne muudatusi (võttes arvesse võimalikke lepingu varasemaid muudatusi ja hinna muudatusi ning direktiivi 2014/23/EL puhul asjaomase liikmesriigi keskmist inflatsiooni)
Maksumus käibemaksuta: 50 000 000,00 GBP
Lepingu kogumaksumus pärast muudatusi
Maksumus käibemaksuta: 60 000 000,00 GBP
Keeled ja vormingud
Praegune keel![tlt_notice_view_formats_current_tooltip Abi ikoon](/o/ted-v2-1.0.0/static/media/info.361cad657e0a39fc7bd86618d8847514.svg)
101557-2021 - Lepingu muutmineSee the notice on TED website ![External link on TED website](classpath:pdf-rendering/external_link.svg)
101557-2021 - Lepingu muutmineSuurbritannia / Ühendkuningriik-Alfreton: Remondi- ja hooldusteenused
OJ S 40/2021 26/02/2021
Muutmise teade
Õiguslik alus:
Direktiiv 2014/24/EL
I osa: Hankija/võrgustiku sektori hankija
Nimi ja aadressid
Ametlik nimetus: Efficiency East Midlands Ltd
Ametlik nimetus: Efficiency East Midlands Ltd
Postiaadress: Unit 3 Maisies Way, South Normanton
Linn: Alfreton
NUTS kood: UK United Kingdom
Sihtnumber: DE55 2DS
Riik: Ühendkuningriik
Kontaktisik: Rebecca Dermody-Simmons
Telefon: +44 1246395610
II osa: Ese
Hanke kogus või ulatus
Doors and Windows — Installation Only
Viitenumber: EEM0014
CPV põhikood
50000000 Remondi- ja hooldusteenused
50000000 Remondi- ja hooldusteenused
Lepingu liik
CPV lisakood(id)
45421110 Ukse- ja aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421111 Ukselengide paigaldamine, 45421112 Aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421130 Uste ja akende paigaldamine, 45421131 Uste paigaldamine, 45421132 Akende paigaldamine
45421110 Ukse- ja aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421111 Ukselengide paigaldamine, 45421112 Aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421130 Uste ja akende paigaldamine, 45421131 Uste paigaldamine, 45421132 Akende paigaldamine
Täitmise koht
NUTS kood: UK United Kingdom
Hanke kirjeldus lepingu sõlmimise ajal
Efficiency East Midlands Ltd (EEM) is a procurement consortia which establishes and manages a range of framework agreements. Our members include social housing providers, local authorities, Universities, NHS Trusts and regional Police Forces. EEM has procured and entered into a framework agreement with a single contractor, who will be required to install external doors and windows to a wide range of properties including but not limited to domestic, commercial, low and high rise and new build properties.
Please note this framework is solely for installation works, EEM have a separate contract for supply of windows and doors (EMC0015), therefore this framework will not cover the supply of the windows and doors.
The framework agreement will be in place for a period of 37 months.
Lepingu, raamlepingu, dünaamilise hankesüsteemi või kontsessiooni kestus
Kestus kuudes: 37
Kestus kuudes: 37
Teave Euroopa Liidu vahendite kohta
Hange on seotud Euroopa Liidu vahenditest rahastatava projekti ja/või programmiga: ei
Hange on seotud Euroopa Liidu vahenditest rahastatava projekti ja/või programmiga: ei
IV osa: Hankemenetlus
Haldusalane teave
V osa: Lepingu sõlmimine/kontsessiooni andmine
Hankelepingu nr: EEM0014
Doors and Windows — Installation Only
Lepingu sõlmimine/kontsessiooni andmine
Lepingu sõlmimise/kontsessiooni andmise otsuse kuupäev
Teave pakkumuste kohta
Leping/kontsessioonileping on sõlmitud ettevõtjate rühmaga: ei
Leping/kontsessioonileping on sõlmitud ettevõtjate rühmaga: ei
Töövõtja/kontsessionääri nimi ja aadress
Ametlik nimetus: Nationwide Windows Ltd
Ametlik nimetus: Nationwide Windows Ltd
Linn: Rugby
NUTS kood: UK United Kingdom
Riik: Ühendkuningriik
Töövõtja/kontsessionäär on VKE: jahV.2.4.
Teave lepingu/osa/kontsessiooni maksumuse kohta
Hanke lõplik kogumaksumus: 50 000 000,00 GBP
Hanke lõplik kogumaksumus: 50 000 000,00 GBP
VI osa: Lisateave
Läbivaatamise kord
Läbivaatamise eest vastutav organ
Ametlik nimetus: Royal Courts of Justice
Ametlik nimetus: Royal Courts of Justice
Postiaadress: The Strand
Linn: London
Sihtnumber: WC2A 2LL
Riik: Ühendkuningriik
Vahendusmenetluse eest vastutav organ
Ametlik nimetus: Royal Courts of Justice
Ametlik nimetus: Royal Courts of Justice
Postiaadress: The Strand
Linn: London
Sihtnumber: WC2A 2LL
Riik: Ühendkuningriik
Läbivaatamise korra kohta teavet pakkuv asutus
Ametlik nimetus: The Cabinet Office
Ametlik nimetus: The Cabinet Office
Postiaadress: Whitehall
Linn: London
Sihtnumber: SW1A 2AS
Riik: Ühendkuningriik
Käesoleva teate lähetamise kuupäev
VII osa: Lepingu/kontsessiooni muudatused
Hanke kirjeldus pärast muudatusi
CPV põhikood
45421100 Uste ja akende ning nendega seotud osade paigaldamine
45421100 Uste ja akende ning nendega seotud osade paigaldamine
CPV lisakood(id)
45421110 Ukse- ja aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421111 Ukselengide paigaldamine, 45421112 Aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421130 Uste ja akende paigaldamine, 45421131 Uste paigaldamine, 45421132 Akende paigaldamine
45421110 Ukse- ja aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421111 Ukselengide paigaldamine, 45421112 Aknalengide paigaldamine, 45421130 Uste ja akende paigaldamine, 45421131 Uste paigaldamine, 45421132 Akende paigaldamine
Täitmise koht
NUTS kood: UK United Kingdom
Hanke kirjeldus
EEM Ltd on behalf of its Members has tendered for a place on our external doors and windows installation only framework.
We are looking for a suitably accredited and competent contractor to undertake the safe and compliant installation of new external doors and windows. This will be a sole provider frameworks and the successful contractor will be required to work across our full Members geographical areas.
Installations works may comprise of partial or full works to properties and be on a planned or ad-hoc basis however, there are no guarantees with regards to values and volume of works to be let through our framework.
The EEM Memberships property stock is in excess of 1 250 000 million properties which consist of a mixture of domestic housing stock, bungalows, blocks of flats, and sheltered housing schemes as well as communal buildings, corporate buildings, hospitals, student accommodation, universities, schools and depots.
Please note this framework is solely for installation works, EEM have a separate contract for supply of windows and doors (EMC0015), therefore this framework will not cover the supply of the windows and doors.
Contractors must be aware, that our Members may opt to use this framework in conjunction with EMC0015 or nominate their own supply route. In both instances the supply of the windows and doors will sit outside of the scope of this framework but the successful contractor must be willing and able to work with the nominated supplier to ensure that all works are carried out in an efficient manner.
Lepingu, raamlepingu, dünaamilise hankesüsteemi või kontsessiooni kestus
Kestus kuudes: 12
Kestus kuudes: 12
Teave lepingu/osa/kontsessiooni maksumuse kohta
Lepingu/osa/kontsessiooni lõplik kogumaksumus: 10 000 000,00 GBP
Lepingu/osa/kontsessiooni lõplik kogumaksumus: 10 000 000,00 GBP
Töövõtja/kontsessionääri nimi ja aadress
Ametlik nimetus: Nationwide Windows Ltd
Ametlik nimetus: Nationwide Windows Ltd
Linn: Rugby
NUTS kood: UK United Kingdom
Riik: Ühendkuningriik
Töövõtja/kontsessionäär on VKE: jahVII.2.
Teave muudatuste kohta
Muudatuste kirjeldus
Muudatuste laad ja ulatus (viidates lepingu võimalikele varasematele muudatustele):
Muudatuste laad ja ulatus (viidates lepingu võimalikele varasematele muudatustele):
The current EEM framework for the provision of the installation of doors and windows was awarded in in April 2018 for an initial 37-month term with an expiry date of the 30 April 2021. Due to the circumstances described in this notice, it will now continue until 1 April 2022.
In December 2020, EEM advertised the re-tender of this provision under contract notice 2020/S 241-595163. Unfortunately, following the tender period only one submission was received before the deadline, we believe that the lack of tenders was caused by the current impact of Covid and the national lockdowns pre and post Christmas. Organisations are facing the continuing imposition of significant business restrictions and uncertainty and it is clear that many organisations within this market are not be in a position to commit and respond to lengthy tender processes or commit to new opportunities.
Due to the current ongoing situation with the Covid-19 outbreak and the fact that our attempt to renew our current arrangement has failed we have called on Regulation 72 (1) (c) to extend this framework for 11 months. We believe this will help businesses continue to recover and deliver services and goods to our Members and reduce the pressure on the supply chain at this critical time. Requesting businesses to complete lengthy and complex tenders over the coming months may divert resources away from supporting the Public Sector; particularly for such an important compliance service; something we wish to avoid. In addition staff capacity and availability have been impacted by the current pandemic and we expect a continuation of disruption over the coming months due to the likely ongoing local lockdowns/restrictions well in to the Spring.
In addition to the above, EEM seek to generate high levels of competition within the market to ensure the very best value for money for our Members. This is not something we have been able to achieve with the attempted re-tender and believe that this cannot be achieved in the short term as businesses continue to make the difficult decisions in their operations, pricing and staffing levels. EEM intends to deliver a replacement framework agreement for this current framework agreement as quickly as possible. EEM confirm that the modification does not change the overall nature of the framework and the modification will not exceed 50 % of the original contract value.
Muutmise põhjused
Muudatuse vajadus tuleneb olukorrast, mida hoolas hankija ei saanud ette näha (direktiivi 2014/23/EL artikli 43 lõike 1 punkt c, direktiivi 2014/24/EL artikli 72 lõike 1 punkt c, direktiivi 2014/25/EL artikli 89 lõike 1 punkt c)
Muudatuse tegemise põhjuseks olevate asjaolude kirjeldus ja nende asjaolude ettenägematu laadi selgitus:
With the imposition of significant business restrictions it is clear that many organisations within this market have been impacted by the current pandemic, as this is a key framework for EEM, we intend to extend the current framework under Regulation 72(1)(c) for a further 11 months. We believe this will help businesses continue to deliver services and goods to our Members and reduce the pressure on the supply chain at this critical time. Requesting businesses to complete lengthy and complex tenders over the coming months may divert resources away from supporting the Public Sector; something we wish to avoid. This is supported by the fact EEM only received one bid following the recent advertisement of the opportunity.
Maksumuse suurenemine
Lepingu ajakohastatud kogumaksumus enne muudatusi (võttes arvesse võimalikke lepingu varasemaid muudatusi ja hinna muudatusi ning direktiivi 2014/23/EL puhul asjaomase liikmesriigi keskmist inflatsiooni)
Maksumus käibemaksuta: 50 000 000,00 GBP
Lepingu kogumaksumus pärast muudatusi
Maksumus käibemaksuta: 60 000 000,00 GBP
![Euroopa Liidu ametlik lipp](/documents/43503/849041/EU_flag.png/678b0073-8cb1-2e7d-25fa-bb4ee6b7b1dc?t=1701443345364)
Lisateavet leiate veebisaidilt
ELi institutsioonid ja asutused
ELi institutsioonid ja asutused